Chapter 602 No.11 Dreaming

But Mo Bao continued to say very seriously: "By the way, there is another important matter. I want you to talk about it first, Uncle Yingliu. My family has a little bit more property. I don't mean to let your future children Don’t mean to touch my family’s property. It’s just that my grandfather is a little old-fashioned. If you feel sorry for your little son or little girl and want to hand over all the property to him to inherit, I have no objection. I just hope that the child can be named Li. "

At this moment, Su Nian gritted his teeth and said, "Li Mochen!"

Li Beichen followed the voice and saw Su Nian who was furious.

Su Nian came directly to Mo Bao's side.

As if he didn't see Su Nian's anger, Mo Bao said to Su Nian with a smile on his face, "Mom, you're finally here. Uncle Liu and I really chatted for a long time, and we got along very well. Mom, your vision is really good." Not bad."

"Shut up," Su Nian snapped.

What else can Mo Bao do, but shut up obediently.

Su Nian adjusted her emotions slightly, and then looked at Teacher Liu: "I'm sorry, my son is a little rude, please don't mind, Teacher Liu."

"How come, and I don't think your son is rude, I think he has taste."

When Li Beichen heard what Teacher Liu said, he immediately became angry.

What is taste.

If you think you are good, then it is called tasteful! ! !

"Miss Liu, you were joking. By the way, I suddenly remembered that something happened to my family, so I took my child back first."

Teacher Liu nodded.

Immediately, Mo Bao was dragged away.

After bringing Mo Bao home, Su Nian immediately said, "What are you doing, is it true that this family can't accommodate my mother? Are you happy if you have to marry me?"

"My dear mother, don't be angry, if you are angry, then you will not look good."

"I've pulled you to such an extent that you've really started to despise me!"

Mo Bao hurriedly explained: "How come, dear mother, no matter what happens, you are my dearest and most beloved person in this world, so how could I despise you, and I am stupid, I despise you I have the best mother in the world, if that's the case, then I'm not the stupidest person in the world. I, Li Chenmo, have been smart since childhood, how could I be so stupid. "

When Mo Bao finished saying this, Su Nian still had a temper, so he just laughed out loud: "You, you are really eloquent, I really think that in a few years, then you don't know how many girls you will deceive child."

"Mom, what do you mean? How can I be eloquent? I just tell the truth honestly."

In the following time, Mo Bao said some nice things again.

Su Nian was successfully coaxed.

When he saw Su Nian's face getting better, Mo Bao suddenly changed the subject: "My dear mother, can you tell me the truth, do you really like that Teacher Liu?"

The moment Mo Bao said this.

Su Nian's expression successfully changed.

When Mo Bao saw his dear mother's complexion changed, he directly held her hand: "Mom, I am your son, the person you are closest to in this world, and I do this for your happiness. "

Su Nian was silent.

Li Beichen, who was beside him, had his heart raised in his throat.

He also wanted to know if Su Nian was tempted or not.

If he is tempted...then after he wakes up from the dream, he will definitely check up on this Teacher Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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