The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 622 A Different Old Man From His Previous Life

Chapter 622 A Different Old Man From His Previous Life

When Li Jianhong heard the news that Su Nian was pregnant, he was stunned.

After being stunned for three seconds, he came back to his senses.

"What are you talking about, Niannian is pregnant, aren't you really lying to me?" Li Jianhong still didn't believe it.

No wonder Li Jianhong is like this.

It was because of what Li Beichen had done over the years that he had long since given up hope for his grandson.

Now unexpectedly came to tell him that Su Nian was pregnant and had a child.

Li Beichen and Su Nian felt indescribable when they saw the old man like this.

The reason for this is that they all thought of how the old man knew about Su Nian's pregnancy in his previous life, and they were basically two people from now.

"It's true, Dad." Su Nian said with a smile.

Li Jianhong walked up to Su Nian, and couldn't help but want to touch Su Nian's belly, but when he reached out his hand, he realized that it was impossible, and immediately withdrew his hand: "Good pregnancy, good pregnancy, Nian Nian, from now on you What you want to eat and what you want to use in the future, you can tell Dad directly. I can put the words here directly, even if you want the moon in the sky now, as long as you tell, then I will definitely get it for you. "

Su Nian looked at the old man with a smile on his face.

Although the old man in his previous life was happy, his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of sadness, but the old man now is different.

She could feel that the old man was really happy.

It's the kind of joy that comes from the heart.

Under the sight of the old man, Su Nian nodded.

Li Beichen also felt his father's happiness, but he, as a husband, should say something: "Dad, you can rest assured that I am by her side."

But he didn't expect Li Jianhong to shift his gaze from Su Nian to him as soon as Li Beichen finished speaking.

At the same time, the tenderness in the old man's eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by disgust.

He snorted coldly: "I don't worry, what can I worry about, what can I worry about, how long will you take care of Niannian, how long will I take care of Niannian, Niannian you say, I am reliable, or this brat is reliable."

Su Nian tried her best to hold back her laughter, but said nothing.

But Su Nian can't stop the old man's lesson if he doesn't speak: "Li Beichen, now your wife is pregnant and your mother is gone. Some things can only be said by my father. You will be a father soon, so You have to be steady.

Taking care of your own wife and children is the right way, don't be as messy as before. "

Huanli Beichen nodded obediently.

"It's a very important period for women to be pregnant. They don't know how much suffering and sins they will suffer. At this time, we husbands should take good care of her and love her." Li Jianhong stopped when he said this After a moment, he turned his head to look at Su Nian: "That Nian Nian, don't stand up, you should sit down first, I told Bei Chen to do something, you are a person with two bodies, you need to pay attention to your body at all times , have a good rest."

Su Nian sat down obediently after hearing this.

When Su Nian sat down safely, Li Jianhong ordered the servant to bring blankets and juice.

After everything was arranged, Li Jianhong continued to teach Li Beichen a lesson.

Li Beichen didn't say anything this time, but just listened quietly.

This surprised Li Jianhong a little.

You must know that Li Beichen has his own ideas since he grew up, but he hasn't listened to himself so quietly for many years, and he always dislikes his old bones and is a bit nagging.

Hey, being a father is really different.

(End of this chapter)

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