Chapter 626
"Bei Chen, you are really kind. Lan Ni didn't choose you, so he was blind. Okay, okay, since you regard me as your sister, then you can take care of your sister and mine a little bit." Mood, don't show your affection here, if you continue to show like this, then how could I not be able to bear it."

Sun Yinger protested helplessly.

But unexpectedly, when Li Beichen heard this, he shook his head: "Sister, you may have misunderstood. I am not showing affection, I am answering your doubts."

Sun Yinger now feels that the next time she comes here, she must call Su Nian first.

If Li Beichen had been at home, then he wouldn't have come!Absolutely not coming!

But Li Beichen also knew that there must be a lot of things to say between women, so he asked Su Nian to say a few words and left.

After Li Beichen left, Sun Yinger couldn't help pulling Su Nian to complain: "What does Li Beichen mean? Why do I feel that he doesn't trust my sister at all? With my sister by your side, what can you do?" The problem. I will definitely take good care of you, and I still don't believe that he can be more careful than me, a woman."

When Su Nian heard this, he burst out laughing.

You must know that Sun Yinger is talking about this issue very seriously now, and now that Su Nian is actually laughing like this, it is obvious that she does not respect her sister. As a sister, Sun Yinger feels that she must do something, otherwise, Su Nian, this sister He definitely wouldn't take his sister seriously!

After finishing speaking, he immediately started to scratch Su Nian's itch.

All of a sudden, the whole room was filled with all kinds of laughter.

However, Sun Yinger still had some ideas in her heart, and she stopped playing with Su Nian for a while.

"Hey, in fact, watching you and Li Beichen talking passionately every day, I want to find someone to have a vigorous love."

Su Nian looked at Sun Yinger.

She now feels that the woman in front of her is much more cheerful than when she first talked about cooperation with her.

When thinking of this, Su Nian regretted it.

If I had been in contact with Sun Yinger in my previous life...

After all, paving the way for the happiness of those two so-called male and female protagonists is really not worth it, very not worth it.

"This is not easy. With your appearance, sister, it is easy for you to want a man. If you go to the city center and just grab someone casually, you can fall in love."

"What if a man like Lu Jing is caught..."

Su Nian was speechless for a moment.

But when it came to Lu Jing, Sun Yinger remembered that it was time for Lu Jing to fill his teeth these days.

Thinking of this, Sun Yinger's eyes lit up: "Nian Nian, are you a little bored at home these days? You are so boring, do you want to do something interesting?"

Sun Yinger's enthusiastic appearance really made Su Nian a little curious.

On the other side, Lu Jing started to sneeze inexplicably.

Seeing Lu Jing like this, the servants around him were flattered and concerned: "Young Master Lu, what's the matter, is there something wrong?"

When Lu Jing heard this, he subconsciously wanted to start scolding, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered that now... speaking was a bit leaky... he couldn't speak, so he could only give the speaker a hard look.

After being stared at, the servant silently shut up.

The follower felt that Lu Jing's mood was a little moody and unpredictable in the past few days, so he cared, but he didn't expect such a result.
(End of this chapter)

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