Chapter 629

Lu Jing also went all out.

After all, he has believed in a famous saying since he was a child.

——If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are cheap, they will be invincible!

Immediately, Lu Jing deliberately said in a pretentious voice: "Hey, aunt, I'm going to be better, what on earth did I offend you, you just tell me, I promise, if you tell me, I will definitely Change it immediately, absolutely!"

Sun Yinger:! ! ! !
This guy is so dumb.

Sun Yinger really couldn't bear it now: "Shut up."

Lu Jing sneered in his heart.

Hmph, fight him.

"Hey, aunt, why are you so fierce, you elder, why are you so fierce to me, a junior, you really scared the baby to death."

Sun Yinger really wants to smoke this guy now.

Even though she was educated since she was a child, as a daughter of the Sun family, she must remain dignified and elegant outside, and she has become a business card of the Sun family when she walks outside these years.

But now!She really couldn't bear it.

What kind of lady, what kind of noble lady needs to pay attention to.

After seeing Sun Yinger's anger, Lu Jing took a few steps back: "Aunt Sun, why do you look so ugly? You get angry when you say you are angry, you know? The more angry a woman is, the faster she will age , and at your current age, if you are often angry like this, then you may really be in early middle age."

"It's early menopause."

When Lu Jing heard this, he suddenly realized: "Yes, yes, menopause, so you know, Aunt Sun? Then if you know, why don't you pay attention, why do you still like to be so inexplicably angry. If I didn't remember If I'm wrong, Aunt Sun, you are a well-known celebrity in the celebrity circle, if your image really spreads, ah." Lu Jing pretended to be surprised.

Just when Sun Yinger was going to let Lu Jing know what the dangers of society are.

Suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Lanya, why are you here?"

But after Lu Jing heard this, he became more and more arrogant.

Maybe it's because seeing Sun Yinger deflated, after all, who is unhappy to fight back on such a thing: "My good aunt, even if you can't say it, why do you say such childish things. Is Er coming? Then I will come have a look."

One must know that Lu Jing Chiti came here secretly.

How could his son be here.

She still wanted to fool him with such childish words.

Just when Lu Jing was stunned, Lan Ni's voice sounded faintly: "Lu Jing, what happened?"

After hearing this, Lu Jing looked back subconsciously.

I didn't expect to see Lan Ni for real!
He opened his mouth in surprise.

Wait, open your mouth in surprise...

Lu Jing:! ! !
When he reacted, he immediately covered his mouth.

But obviously too late.

"Lu Jing, what's the matter with your teeth?"

You must know that losing face to a beloved woman is really more uncomfortable than killing him.

What else can Lu Jing do, but now he can only shake his head frantically.

In such a situation, as an aunt, how could Sun Yinger not do something: "It's nothing, it's just Lu Jing. When I was walking a few days ago, I accidentally fell and broke my front tooth, and replaced it with a golden one." Front tooth, Lan Ya, you came at a good time, you just happened to see how our young master Lu's Xinya is doing."

"Look at whether it's cool or not, whether it's handsome!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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