The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 677 Sun Yinger understands that this Lu Jing is here to take revenge on her

Chapter 677 Sun Yinger understands that this Lu Jing is here to take revenge on her

Evening banquet.

As soon as you walk into the banquet hall.

Sun Yinger really felt that there were countless eyes staring at her.

She really felt that she had become a joke in everyone's eyes.

If it wasn't for Uncle Zheng who treated her very well since childhood and couldn't bear to let her elders down, then Sun Yinger would never appear here.

Unlike Sun Yinger who wanted to be a man with her tail between her legs, Lu Jing came in swaggeringly.

"Aunt Sun, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you at today's banquet. Whoever is going to toast, then I will definitely block the wine for you."

"Thank you." Sun Yinger said with a cold face.

"You're welcome, really you're welcome, as your junior, these things are what juniors should do."

Sun Yinger understood that this Lu Jing was here to take revenge on her.

The man looked at Sun Yinger and then at Lu Jing, and drank with a dry smile.

Sun Yinger: ...

Lu Jing did indeed block the wine.

Just at this time, a uncle who was close to the Sun family came over: "Ying'er, you are really getting more and more beautiful now, I really didn't dare to recognize it when I was there just now."

This Lu Jing is not very reliable in normal times, but it is still useful when it is critical.

Now Sun Yinger really wants to find a hole and turn in directly.

Sun Yinger: ...

The reason why it disappeared so quickly was that Lu Jing's voice sounded: "That is, how could my Lu Jing's aunt not be an ordinary person, if she were an ordinary person, how could I recognize her as my aunt."

The man was puzzled when he heard this: "Auntie? If I remember correctly, Yinger, you have nothing to do with the Lu family, why..."

"You praise too much?"

Sun Yinger just laughed.

After hearing this, the man quickly shook his head: "Ying'er, what you said, you are really getting more and more beautiful, and if I tell a lie about something like this, If so, then I'm not too stupid, Yinger and we have known each other for so many years, do you really think uncle and I are telling lies?"

Start saying hello to all kinds of people.

Nobody wants to hear compliments.

That person: ...

Sun Yinger couldn't help but start to look at Lu Jing with admiration.

No matter how depressed Sun Yinger was, she knew that she needed to control her emotions, so she took a deep breath and walked towards the crowd.

But Sun Yinger's smile disappeared before staying on her face for a moment.

Definitely came to revenge myself.

"I recognized it, Aunt Gan, I just recognized it a while ago." When Lu Jing said this, he picked up a glass of wine from the tray of the waiter passing by: "From the conversation between you and my Aunt Sun just now, , you are the uncle of my aunt grandson. Since this is the case, according to the seniority, then you should be my grandfather. Grandpa, it is the first time I meet today. As a grandson, I have nothing to say. In this way, I toast you. "

As long as someone comes to toast Sun Yinger.

But Lu Jing was very complacent. He felt that through this method, he would definitely be able to let Sun Yinger see his sincerity.

Seeing his sincerity, then he can have a sincere relationship with himself. In this case, the relationship between him, Sun Yinger, and Su Nian will be closer.

During this period of time, he also tasted the sweetness of serious association with their family.

The final that Sun Yinger left with the drunken Lu Jing on his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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