The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 685 How Did This Guy Become Smart Suddenly?

Chapter 685 How Did This Guy Become Smart Suddenly?
Su Nian really wants to applaud now.

Let's not talk about anything else, but Lu Jing's dog licking is really amazing.

"Actually, it's very simple. If you don't want to find a woman and make a grand confession, it's like Beichen knows when he's lost. If you do this, then Lan Ni might really panic." Sun Yinger couldn't help saying : "Your Young Master Lu is so rich, I think you want to find a woman casually, isn't it a matter of minutes?"

These words successfully made Lu Jing's eyes light up.

But when Sun Yinger said that, of course, she couldn't just give Lu Jing an idea.

She was also a little curious.

Curious if this Langya can really do it?If this Lan Li really knows how...then this play is really a bit good.

Not only Sun Yinger was looking forward to this play, Su Nian was also looking forward to this play when she heard this.

After Li Beichen ignored the heroine, the heroine started to stalk her in all kinds of ways. Even Su Nian felt that if this world wasn't a novel for her, she might have thought that Lan Ni really fell in love with Li Beichen. .

If there is another male supporting role to do this.

When Sun Yinger heard this, she thought about Lu Jing buying the security guard before, and then sneered: "Lu Jing, you are so rich, why don't you..."

"But where can I find a woman?"

Of course, it is impossible for Su Nian to bear the burden.

"Why do you insist on catching the two of us? You can't just go and find someone outside. You can spend a little money, and you can be any perfect woman."

Sun Yinger: ...

Su Nian: ...

Before Sun Yinger finished speaking, she was interrupted: "Yes, two aunts, if any of you feel wronged, let me confess a little bit."

Seeing that the two women were so speechless, Lu Jing continued to increase his weight: "Aunts, don't worry, I, Lu Jing, am a respectable person here anyway, so don't worry, even if I really confess, then I'm sure They will put on the scene of a century-long confession, to save face."

Sun Yinger nodded frantically beside her, acknowledging that Su Nian was right.

If someone else was by Su Nian's side, then Su Nian would definitely not think too much, and would definitely push the people around her out, but at the moment, Sun Yinger was by her side, as a younger sister, how could she see her own sister, bear such suffering.

"Sister, you are right, Lu Jing, just do what my sister wants."

Then the play was really fun.

To save face, what does it mean to have face, if this guy Lu Jing really confesses, then he will directly change to another planet, this planet is not suitable for living at all.

After Su Nian finished speaking, she and Sun Yinger smiled directly.

The two women sneered a few times in love.

But I didn't expect that after saying this, a witty smile appeared on Lu Jing's face: "Yes, as long as I spend money, there are all kinds of women, but now you are the only ones who have a grudge against Nier Two, so apart from you two, no matter what perfect woman I look for, there will be no so-called effect."

When Su Nian and Sun Yinger heard this, there was only one reaction.

That is—how did this guy suddenly become smart.

Moreover, Su Nian and Sun Yinger were really not used to being so suddenly smart, very not used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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