Chapter 690

Don't say anything else.

After hearing this, Sun Yinger was sure that Lu Jing was fine.

"That sentence was once said to me by Ni'er. When I heard this, I thought she was the best woman in the world. How lucky am I to be able to meet such a woman, but I don't know why, she can't even see me, she just sees me as a friend, even though I do so many things, she can't see."

Sun Yinger looked sideways at Lu Jing.

The current Lu Jing really made her feel sympathetic.

Indeed, Lu Jing talked about it, but it was just Ai Lanyi, and he didn't do anything special.

"Maybe there is no fate, Lu Jing, you'd better see through it, don't think so wildly, there are many people in this world, even if Lan Ni doesn't like you, then in this world, there are still red stars, black stars, and many others." Lots of stars."

When Lu Jing heard this, he wanted to speak.

But before Lu Jing could say anything, Sun Yinger made a gesture of prohibition: "If you want to say, I am willing to marry me, then you should shut up and cry here if you want to." , I'm not here to bother."

Sun Yinger's heart is really not made of iron.

Sun Yinger just gave him a blank stare: "Those things you do, do you think it's okay for me not to dislike you? And you can't blame Lan Ni, some things you do are indeed disgusting. If you don't do those things If you don't like something, then Lan Ni might fall in love with you."

"How do you know, I want to say this."

"Hey, Aunt Sun, I'm broken in love now, I'm really broken in love, shouldn't you say something comforting now, please don't be so cruel."

"Anyway, the most I can do is to dislike you less. If you have any objections, then you should find someone who doesn't dislike you. Don't waste your time in front of me." Sun Yinger stood up after saying this, intend to leave.

But Sun Yinger really didn't know what to say.

"Then what should I do now, why, why can't I find anyone who dislikes me in this world, even if I want my money, why, why."

After all, she and this Lu Jing just have a very ordinary relationship.

How did she know, of course she knew!Lu Jing's words have bothered her for so long, how could she not know.

"Then what should I do?"

This Sun Yinger really didn't know what to say.

Because how did she know what foolishness this guy had committed in front of Lan Na.

With Lu Jing like this, how could she not be moved.

But when Lu Jing heard this, he showed his grievance: "Why, why are you not only not disgusted."

So Sun Yinger directly coughed softly: "If you are not so annoying, then I can guarantee that I will dislike it less in the future, and try to be less disgusting."

Sun Yinger sneered.

Who knew that Sun Yinger sneered directly when she heard this: "Broken love, the premise of being broken in love is to have been in love. Have you ever been in love? Don't put gold on your face like this. You, at most, are just a licking dog. it's nothing."

"What are you talking about, Sun Yinger, how can I be a dog licker, what you said is really too much." He, Lu Jing, is the grand young master of the Lu family, how could he be a dog licker.

Listening to the chattering person in her ear, Sun Yinger felt that this guy was a complete husky.

Hmm... Thinking about it this way, it really does look a bit like it.

(End of this chapter)

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