"Tell me how big the child is now. What would a one-pound child look like? Is it the kind that I can hold in the palm of my hand? It's a little too small."

"It's only five months old now. It's just matured, and it will start to mature in the next five months."

for the rest of the time.

Li Beichen asked like a child, and asked.

However, Su Nian patiently answered these questions one by one.

There is another reason why Li Beichen is happy, that is, in his life, he has really watched Mo Bao grow up, watching Mo Bao grow up bit by bit, not like in a dream, but he can really feel that he is growing up. Growing up, and I didn't just watch from the side like I did in my previous life. In this life, I can guard him bit by bit.

"Now I really can't wait to see him born." After Mo Bao was born, he could make up for it, and began to make up for it bit by bit.

"How can it be so fast, it takes time." Su Nian looked at her stomach tenderly: "It's like farming, everyone is waiting for a good harvest, thinking how good the fruit is, but not planting the land , how could there be any gains."

When thinking of this, Su Nian suddenly remembered that Li Beichen used to prostitute himself for nothing.

He couldn't help snorting.

cough cough cough.

Su Nian laughed when she heard this.

At this moment, Li Jianhong's voice sounded: "Nian Nian, Nian Nian, where is my baby Nian Nian?"

Su Nian subconsciously wanted to stand up after seeing the old man.

He also thought about planting seeds, and he was willing.

But when Li Jianhong saw Su Nian like this, he quickly said: "Nian Nian, don't move, don't get tired, just sit like this, don't move around, our family is not a feudal family, so there are no such big rules , you are pregnant now, but you are the most important person in our family."

[This guy used to like prostitution so much, he liked to cultivate the land without planting seeds, and finally a fish slipped through the net, so he germinated and grew up, and now he is looking forward to it again.Really like a scumbag. 】

Having already known in advance what the ink treasure looks like, Li Beichen didn't argue about it at all.

"Just now I saw a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound, hahaha, the child looks like me, very much like me, at first glance it is my grandson Li Jianhong, hahaha, after he comes out, I will definitely take him around and let those old men Fiercely envious, envious grandson."

The old man said with a hearty laugh.

Then he sat back obediently.

Li Beichen listened to this and thought about it carefully. He himself felt this way.

But Su Nian was silent when he saw the old man like this.

Seeing the old man like this, Li Beichen raised his eyebrows slightly.

The key is that this ink treasure doesn't give me a chance to bet at all.

The reason for this is because Su Nian thought of what it was like when the old man knew she was pregnant in his previous life.

[Sure enough, the fate has changed. In the previous life, the old man was silent for a long time when he saw these things, and he looked worried, but also, so many things happened in the previous life. Even if the old man is really happy, it is impossible for him to be so completely Happy. 】

Li Beichen put away his smile.

Just when Li Beichen put away his smile, the old man looked at him.

Seeing Li Beichen like this, the old man couldn't help but said, "What kind of expression do you have, don't you think what I said is true?"

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