Chapter 699 No.12 Dreaming ([-])

Mobao then regained control of the company.

But this time Su Nian did not give Mo Bao the rights of the company as thoroughly as last time.

Instead, just share some rights.

Most people don't have any opinions. After all, Su Nian has managed the company in an orderly manner over the years, but some people have changed their minds.

This caused someone to go to Mo Bao and say that Su Nian should return all the company's rights.

Just like in ancient times, when the emperor was young, the empress dowager listened to the government behind the curtain, but when the emperor grew up, the empress dowager had to return the power.

At this time, some people even felt that if they could help the emperor regain his rights at this time, he would become a hero in the emperor's heart, and might be reused by the emperor in the future.

After such news spread, the whole company began to talk about it.

But where no one can see it.

But when he saw the person on the hospital bed, he was stunned.

"Dad, don't say that."

Su Nian's body began to decline rapidly.

Thinking of seeing Su Nian before, Li Beichen's heart suddenly became tense.

Because the person lying on the hospital bed is not Su Nian but the old man.


It can really be said that Su Nian is holding on.

When the old man said this, he held Su Nian's hand tightly.

Seeing Su Nian like this, Li Beichen really felt distressed, especially when someone came in a few times, she had to hide her state.

She really cares about her family and those who care about herself.

But Su Nian smiled: "Dad, you really don't have to say I'm sorry. Marriage or not is really not important to me, but you are more important than my marriage, because you let me have a father, you will He will protect me when I am wronged, tolerate me when I make mistakes, care about me, and love me. For me, these are the most precious."

He watched Su Nian coughing continuously after everyone left.

Su Nian nodded.

Su Niancai was interrupted just after she said a few words: "Niannian, let me say it, if you don't let me say it now, then I won't leave with this regret for a long time."

At this time, Mo Bao also obediently knelt beside Su Nian, with tears on his face.

"Nian Nian, I'm really sorry, you've done a good job these years, but I'm always worried, what if you fall in love with other men and marry into someone else's family, so I've ruined a lot of you intentionally or unintentionally these years There is no way, everyone is selfish, I am afraid that if you get married and have a new child, you will not love Chen Mo wholeheartedly."

He often even coughed until his face turned a little blue.

"Okay, okay, Dad, don't talk anymore, you have a good sleep, and when you wake up, you will be able to see your mother, don't you miss your mother all the time, go, go, Mo Bao and I will be fine , you go to find mom."

The screen turns.

Li Beichen found himself in the hospital.

If someone else said this, it might be perfunctory.

I taught him for so many years, spent so much painstaking efforts, and died in front of my face, I am really mad. "Li Jianhong's voice got worse and worse as he spoke.

But Li Beichen knew that what Su Nian said was true.

The old man held Su Nian's hand tightly: "Nian Nian, our Li family has been sorry for you in this life, we have delayed your whole life, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I really don't know how to see you after I go down Your parents clearly told me before they left that they hoped that I could take good care of you, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

These words made Li Jianhong finally have a smile on his face: "Nian Nian, do you think your mother can still know me? After all, I am so old, but it doesn't matter if I don't know me, as long as I know her, even if she No matter how much you despise me for being old, I will not let her go, and that brat Beichen, when I see him, I will definitely teach him a lesson.

Finally, he glanced at Su Nian: "If there is an afterlife, I hope you can become my daughter, and I will definitely not let you be wronged."

After saying this, Li Jianhong closed his eyes.

Everyone around them knelt to the ground.

Li Beichen also knelt on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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