Chapter 706 The Nightmare Is Over
Such an alienated voice really took Li Beichen by surprise.

"Did you hear what I asked you just now, did you have another nightmare, did you take my words to heart, you always have nightmares like this, and you are in such a hurry when you have nightmares Looking for me in a panic, your spirit really can't bear it, you can't bear it, and I can't bear it, don't you care about me so much? Are you really not afraid of affecting me? "

Now Su Nian is really angry.

She cared about Li Beichen, but Li Beichen's attitude of not speaking at all was really uncomfortable.

At this moment, Su Nian looks so alive and kicking.

Li Beichen laughed.

He also knew that his condition was a bit bad.

But... the dream... is really a bit too cruel...

He is a coward who wants to use her to get out of the dream.

"No, no, I won't have nightmares anymore, because the nightmare is over." When Li Beichen said this, his voice was choked with sobs.

Su Nian laughed when she heard this: "You treat me as a three-year-old child. What do you mean by the end of the nightmare? Can you guarantee that you will never have nightmares in your life? Hmph, you should adjust your state properly. If you If you don't adjust your state properly, then don't appear in front of me." After saying this, Su Nian turned around and left.

At this moment, Li Beichen realized that Su Nian was really angry, so he subconsciously walked forward.

But he hasn't caught up with Su Nian yet.

Su Nian stopped.

To be precise, it should have stopped in front of the housekeeper, Old Shen.

"Uncle Shen, Beichen's condition is very bad these days. I don't want him to appear in front of me again. I think if he appears again, it will definitely affect me and the child in my stomach."

Lao Shen immediately understood what Su Nian meant, and nodded slightly: "Okay, young mistress, I understand."

Seeing Lao Shen like this, Su Nian was satisfied

Immediately, Su Nian swaggered away.

After Su Nian left, Old Shen said to Li Beichen: "Young master, I can understand your mood. Master also felt the same when his wife was pregnant, but it would be bad if you affected young mistress, so I think you should calm down a little bit." God, after all, young mistress is getting heavier and heavier, if something goes wrong, you may really regret it for the rest of your life."

Li Beichen could also see that Su Nian was really angry.

So he helplessly smiled.

"I understand."


Li Beichen also felt that he should calm down.

Or find someone to talk to.

So Zhou Xu got the business cards of various senior counselors.

But when choosing, Li Beichen thought of another point, and then he came to the temple.

I came to the temple where I had a good time with Su Nianqiu last time.

In fact, when standing at the gate of the temple, Li Beichen really wanted to laugh.

There are many reasons to laugh.

But Li Beichen finally chose to walk into the temple.

Come to the abbot.

The abbot bowed to Li Beichen just like in a TV show: "Amitabha, Li benefactor, what can you do with the poor monk?"

"I've been dreaming all the time recently, and the images in my dreams are very real, like dreaming about my previous life. Why do I dream about my previous life?" In fact, Li Beichen knew very well that this might be because God couldn't stand Su Nian's suffering in his previous life.

So it was given another chance.

(End of this chapter)

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