The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 742 Sun Yinger: "Nian Nian, if I kill this guy now, will you help me?"

Chapter 742 Sun Yinger: "Nian Nian, if I kill this guy now, will you help me?"

Sun Yinger saw Mo Bao sleeping in the cradle.

Mo Bao was also blinking his eyes.

That's right, he's just a child, he can have any evil intentions, hehe.

Lu Jing really didn't know what to say now.

Lu Jing lived for more than 20 years, but he had never encountered such a thing.

Ahhhhh, why did God treat him like this.

"Why, why is God so cruel."

Sun Yinger felt that she had been called aunt by this guy for so long anyway, so she still had to do something now.

So she walked to Lu Jing's side with a serious face: "Lu Jing, don't be like this, this life is really long, you just have to endure it a little."

educated by the police.

But Lu Jing, who was still eloquent before, shut up after Sun Yinger finished saying this.

"Don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

Although Sun Yinger spoke sarcasticly to herself, it was absolutely impossible for her to abandon herself at a critical moment, and it was absolutely impossible for her to be unreliable.

Although Lu Jing is not particularly smart, he can still understand this matter.

Sun Yinger originally wanted to put on a serious look.

How blind is her eyes to be able to see such a man.

Of course, it is impossible to simply sever the relationship.

"What's wrong with you, why don't you speak, what do you mean, Lu Jing, what do you mean, please explain to me clearly, if you don't explain clearly to me, then I will never end with you."

Lu Jing looked at Sun Yinger.

Before the police called Sun Yinger, they actually called others, including Nier, but they were all concerned, but Sun Yinger came without hesitation when she received the call.

In fact, the reason why he made such a fuss was because of Sun Yinger's sincerity.

"In case something happens to me next time, what should I do? No, absolutely not. Aunt Sun, you should change your reason."

And the way the police looked at her, and the police said he was her boyfriend.

As soon as Sun Yinger's voice fell, Lu Jing turned his head directly: "My aunt Sun, I'm already like this, can you do me a favor, don't be angry, I know I've made you lose face, but now I'm better than you!" You are much worse, after all, even a child of more than one month thinks I am ashamed, so I am not ashamed anymore, my face should be completely rubbed on the ground now."

"Promise, promise, I promise everything you say, as long as you don't get angry, you let me appear by your side, and I will do whatever you want me to do."

This is simply a shame.

It is really impossible.

And in the shortest possible time.

"Remove me from the second place in your address book!" She didn't want to lose face a second time for such a thing.

However, Sun Yinger felt that it would not work to put Lu Jing in such a simple way, so she cleared her throat immediately: "Okay, okay, seeing how pitiful you are now, I will forgive you and stop being angry, but you have to promise I have one request, if you don't agree, then you will never appear in front of me."

In fact, after spending so much time with Sun Yinger, he has already seen through it.

But... With Lu Jing like this, she really can't do it.

Such a person, such a reliable friend.

"What does it mean to push an inch? Am I not miserable now?"

Lu Jing looked so serious.

Let Sun Yinger be speechless again.

Sun Yinger turned her head to look at Su Nian indifferently: "Nian Nian, if I kill this guy now, will you help me?"

Su Nian said seriously, "I will."

(End of this chapter)

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