The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 749 My heart chooses slowly, I'm not in a hurry

Chapter 749 My heart chooses slowly, I'm not in a hurry

"My dear, choose slowly. I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, for me, as long as I can stay with you, I can watch wherever I am. I don't choose."

[What does it mean not to pick. 】

[What he said, it seems that he is very generous. 】

When Su Nian was slandering her.

Li Beichen immediately picked him up.

"Didn't I choose you? I didn't even choose, why are you carrying me away? You're talking and it doesn't count."

"I did say that, but when you said this, I felt that you had difficulty in choosing. In this case, as my husband, I must stand up at this time and help you make a decision."

Su Nian: ...

But Su Nian still wrapped his arms around his neck obediently.

Of course Li Beichen understood that his old man called because he was too busy and bored in the company.

In the past few months, the old man has asked Li Beichen to go to the company countless times to hand over the work, but every time Li Beichen thinks that if he goes to work, then Su Nian may also go to the company, and Su Nian is still in good health. Without a good rest, problems are prone to occur.

The days are so uneventful.

"Mo Bao" Li Beichen walked over directly.

Although it feels like a bastard turning over, it is really annoying to always lie flat like this.

Said he was not feeling well.

He didn't do anything either.

Did not expect to turn over all of a sudden.

But I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it.

However, Li Beichen didn't have to be too busy. You must know that for women, having a baby is a very important thing. If Su Nian doesn't rest well, or if he thinks wildly after giving birth, problems will easily arise.

Besides... Li Beichen had another plan.

The reason for saying this is because Mo Bao turned over.

Soon it will be Mo Bao's five-month-old.

"It's said to raise children to prevent old age. Why is your son different from other sons? You don't know. Yesterday, my waist hurt so much that I felt like I was going to have a herniated lumbar disc during this time."

Li Beichen smiled when he heard this: "But I heard from Zhou Qi that you ate a piece of braised pork yesterday, and you were in a particularly good mood. I think... since your appetite is so good, you shouldn't have any problems with your body. question."

Prevarication over and over again.

Just like the old man is still rambling on now.

Just now when I was playing on the bed, I suddenly wanted to try how strong my hands are.

Faced with this reason, what can the old man do, he can only hang up the phone cursing every time.

That's right, Mo Bao really turned over.

"Zhou Qi, Zhou Qi, you actually betrayed me. This month, no, it should be this month, next month, next month, your bonus is gone."

Unexpectedly, it was a success after a try.

Li Beichen checked the calligraphy carefully again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the calligraphy, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

When Li Jianhong finished speaking, Zhou Qi's mournful voice sounded.

When thinking of this, Li Beichen looked at Mo Bao beside him.

When Mo Bao heard his father's loud words, he was shocked directly.

But when he realized it, Li Beichen's eyes lit up.

Immediately, he raised Mo Bao up: "Mo Bao, can you turn over? You have learned to turn over, and you can turn over in five months."

But at this time, he thought of the child's mother.

Immediately, he hurried to find Su Nian with the calligraphy in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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