The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 755 What does it mean that he has never seen the world

Chapter 755 What does it mean that he has never seen the world
What does it mean that he has never seen anything in the world.

He is obviously not like this.

Mo Bao subconsciously opened his mouth.

But only the babbling sound of a baby can be made.

Mo Bao's cheeks were bulging from anger.

He said why his father didn't come to coax him just now, so he was waiting here!

Really good plan!
"It's normal for a child to think like this, but I didn't expect that he would cry because of this. You must know that Mo Bao never cries in normal times. Also, how could our child be like an ordinary child. "

These words made Mo Bao angry.

Are you really bullying yourself for not being able to speak?

But if he could speak, how could he let this guy slander him so much.

When Su Nian heard this, he laughed directly: "There is nothing important, do you think I can believe what you said? If your position is not busy, then why is your father urging you so much, I hope You are coming to the company soon, there is nothing important yet."

"However, no matter what the calligraphy looks like, it's still mother's good calligraphy, mother's heart and soul." Su Nian kissed Mo Bao on the cheek.

I will definitely take revenge and go back.

If Su Nian had guessed correctly, Li Beichen might not have processed a few documents at all today.

But Mo Bao looked at his father at this moment.

When he learns to speak.

But Li Beichen insisted on bringing calligraphy to the company.

"Do you have anything else to do? If you have something to do, then you can continue to work. I will take the calligraphy home first." Su Nian said when he saw the pile of documents on Li Beichen's desk.

Really annoying.

[The calligraphy in the previous life was not like this. 】

The reason why Su Nian agreed was to make Li Beichen feel flustered.

Take a good look at it then.

[Mo Bao in his previous life was not the kind of person who would cry easily. Could it be that he was like this because of the different living environment in his previous life and this life? 】

When Zai Mobao heard this, he hugged Su Nian tightly around his neck.

Su Nian looked at Mo Bao.

You must know that Su Nian did not agree with Li Beichen bringing Mo Bao to the company. You must know that even in her previous life, she was so busy, she just tried her best to find time to accompany Mo Bao.

In Li Beichen's words, since he was born, he has taken care of Mo Bao's basic necessities of life. If Mo Bao was not by his side, he would not be at ease. He might be worried about Mo Bao when he was working.

In fact, Su Nian is not stupid, she understands that Li Beichen did this because he was afraid that he would be tired taking care of the children.

In this way, he will obediently return the calligraphy to himself in the end.

Bullying yourself can't speak, right?

But Li Beichen shook his head: "There is nothing important in the company today, I will accompany you home."

"But to me, nothing is more important than you and Mo Bao."

"Okay, okay, I know what you mean, but you should stay in the company well, Mo Bao and I are at home, not going anywhere." Su Nian hugged Mo Bao and walked towards He walked outside, but Su Nian stopped and turned around after walking a few steps, and he saw Li Beichen following behind him: "Didn't you keep saying listen to me, if you listen, then you won't will follow."

"Okay, I won't follow."

Li Beichen looked at Su Nian, wondering why he felt rejected.

(End of this chapter)

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