Chapter 758 Mo Treasure Was Taken Away Again

Li Beichen started eating so suddenly.

Li Beichen didn't touch Su Nian after he found out that he had a child.

Even sometimes, Su Nian felt that Li Beichen was like that kind of lofty Buddha, unstained by dust.

... She felt lust for him, and she felt it was an act of blasphemy.

But tonight.

However, Su Nian deeply felt how the Buddha fell into the mortal world.

By the end of the morning, Su Nian had no strength left, she could only lean weakly in Li Beichen's arms.


At this moment, Su Nian really doesn't want to say a word, of course, it is impossible for Su Nian to say anything under the current situation.

Su Nian has only one thought now.

—Sleep, sleep hard.

Don't care about anything, just sleep until the end of time.

But the man hugging her was very energetic, very energetic, so energetic that he kept talking all kinds of words in Su Nian's ear, just like a mosquito, buzzing non-stop.

Even Su Nian wanted to slap this man hard.


The next day

When Su Nian woke up, her whole body was sore and limp.

And when she slowly received this sour taste, the reason why her body became sore appeared in her mind.

this man.

This man is really too much.

Su Nian couldn't help but bury herself deeply in the quilt.

After struggling on the bed for a while, she took a deep breath and prepared to get up.

But when Su Nian just sat up.

Su Nian put a note on the pillow next to her.

Pick up the note.

I saw the words on the note: Dear~ If possible, I really hope to hold you on the bed and wait for you to wake up.And I will start kissing you the moment you wake up, but there is an important meeting today that requires me to attend, otherwise the old man will definitely nag me, I hope you will not be angry.

Don't worry, I'll definitely come back as soon as I get the work done.

Well, I hope I can come back before you wake up, so you won't see this note.

Read the content on the note.

Su Nian just laughed.

Come back, how could you come back.

You must know that he only went to the company yesterday, and judging from the time he was busy yesterday until night, the company must have a lot of things, and a lot of documents need Li Beichen.

How could it be possible to come back right away.

And why does Su Nian think that the meaning of this note is to hope that she can obediently wait at home.

Obediently wait for him to come back at home.


Bah, bah, bah, you can't think about it like this, absolutely you can't think about it like this.

Su Nian immediately got out of bed and got dressed, cleaned herself up in the shortest possible time, and then went to the nursery to look for ink treasures.

But after arriving at the nursery, Mo Bao was nowhere to be seen.

When she left the nursery, a servant happened to pass by, Su Nian stopped the servant: "Where is Mo Bao, who took Mo Bao away?"

After hearing this, the servant replied respectfully: "Madam, when Mr. Wang went to work in the morning, he took the young master away, as if he brought him to the company."

Su Nian:! ! ! !Why brought it to the company again.

You must know that the current Mo Bao has just learned to crawl, but he is the best at exploring.

After coming back yesterday, he didn't stop at all. Li Beichen brought people to the company, what if something happened.

Su Nian subconsciously went to the company.

After a few steps, she stopped.

If it was like yesterday, maybe it will be taken tomorrow.

Su Nian felt that he had to be cruel and let Li Beichen teach him a lesson!

(End of this chapter)

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