The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 760 I'm not angry, I'm not angry at all

Chapter 760 I'm not angry, I'm not angry at all

Su Nian's complexion is not very good at the moment.

Because she thought of last night...

This man treated his precious son like this yesterday, and at night... and he still used a questioning tone at night.


The more Su Nian thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Super uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable! ! !

Seeing Su Nian like this, Sun Yinger was relieved: "Okay, okay, Beichen is also the father of the child, and it's not normal for the father to teach me a lesson. I just guessed why Mo Bao left, not necessarily the reason. Maybe it’s because I’m thinking too much, maybe not necessarily. Okay, okay, don’t be angry.”

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry at all." Su Nian said with a smile.

Seeing Su Nian like this, Sun Yinger feels like she said something wrong...

Ahem, brother-in-law, I really didn't mean to.

Good luck to yourself~
Sun Yinger quickly changed the topic: "Okay, okay, since you have come to the company, you have nothing to do anyway, why don't you read the company's current documents and understand the current situation of the company, after all, you are the backbone of our company, our company The future depends entirely on you."

As he spoke, he pushed Su Nian onto the office chair.

"Sister, I have been tired for so long. As a younger sister, you should feel sorry for her a little bit, so that my sister can rest for a while, and let me take a breather."

Su Nian glanced at Sun Yinger and smiled directly.

"Yes, yes, sister, what you said is right, it's all my fault."

Then Su Nian began to look at the recent files.

Unlike Li Beichen who handles company affairs even at home, Su Nian has not been involved with company affairs since she became pregnant.

If you want to get started now, you need to read a lot of files.

Su Nian is busy...


Suddenly one day

There was a lot of news about Lan Ni broke out.

For example, Lan Ya used school violence against others when he was in school.

For example, her parents are Lao Lai.

And she used to steal when she was in school.

In a short time, Lan Ni successfully became a professional account on the hot search.

The party involved, Lan Ni, rushed directly to Su Nian's office, and immediately yelled at Su Nian: "Su Nian, what on earth do you want to do? Isn't it enough for you to snatch Bei Chen from me? You What do you want to do, what do you want to do, do you want to drive me to death, you will feel comfortable."

After Lan Yi finished yelling, Su Nian was stunned.

She touched her nose: "Well, don't get angry first, really, don't get angry first, you should talk about it carefully, what happened in the end, let me understand first, and wait for me to understand the matter After that, if you get angry again, I'm completely dumbfounded when you're like this, really, I don't know anything."

Seeing the confused Su Nian, Lan Ni couldn't help but chuckled: "Su Nian, if Bei Chen knew you were like this, would Bei Chen still like you?"

These words really made Su Nian couldn't help but think about Gu Zao, the heroine deserves to be the heroine, she is so awesome.

This domineering look is really good.

Immediately, Su Nian threw the phone on the table: "It's easy to let Beichen know my face, you just need to call Beichen and ask Beichen to come here, what's so difficult about it."

The anger in Lan Ni's heart came out all of a sudden.

"Do you think I really dare not?"

"Whether you dare or not, it has nothing to do with me. I'm not your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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