The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 764 The cigarettes I smoke are all customized

Zhou Qi didn't have any water in his attack this time.

You know, during Su Nian's pregnancy and childbirth, he returned to the company.

Tired like cattle and horses every day.

Finally, after Su Nian gave birth, she came back by herself.

Being by Su Nian's side is the same as being an assistant to the president in the company.

Anyone with a little brain knows what to choose.

Since this is the case, of course we must seize the opportunity to show a wave.

But after all, Zhou Qi is sincere and knows how to repay his kindness, so after "helping", Zhou Qi smiled and pulled Lu Jing up.

"Young Master Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Jing directly knocked off his hand: "It's okay, how hard is your attack, don't you have any points in your heart? It's okay, how could I be okay, now I really feel the pain in all my bones."

But Lu Jing refused: "My young master's cigarettes are all custom-made."

Not only sprinkled salt, but also severely stepped on that kind.

But in Lu Jing's ears, it could be as fake as it could be.

When Lu Jing finished speaking, both of them were shocked.

"Hey, why, why do I always get beaten up? Is God right? Really."

That's right, it was taught in the junior high school physics class that the effect of force is mutual.

"I know you are in pain, but whoever offends my wife, there is nothing you can do about it." Zhou Qi sighed deeply on purpose.

Zhou Qi took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, opened the case, and handed one to Lu Jing.

Lu Jing murmured, "Then why don't you know how to hit me with a stick? It'll be fine."

Zhou Qi: ...Suddenly I felt a little regretful, regretting that I didn't kill him just now.

And Zhou Qi's words can almost be said to be salt on Lu Jing's wound.

Zhou Qi dropped the idea of ​​wanting to beat this guy up again: "Young Master Lu, to be honest, we have known each other for a long time, and I know you well. I really hope that you don't make my wife angry. Now, you always provoke my wife like this, I am a little embarrassed to hit you, I feel a little sorry."

When Zhou Qi heard this, he looked at Lu Jing contemptuously: "Have you ever been to school, have you ever taken a physics class, don't you know that the action of force is mutual? If I hit you, I will It will hurt."

These words really confused Lu Jing.

Lu Jing:! ! ! !Ahhh, what the hell did I say, how could I suggest that the person who hit me hit me with a stick, such behavior is really out of the mind.

"What do you mean by that? You're talking as if you've been wronged so much. I'm the one who was beaten, not you. Don't act like you've been wronged so much!!"

This made Lu Jing stand up directly: "I remember what you said, don't worry, I will definitely be more careful, and I will definitely not make my good aunt angry again, after all, as a junior, I always make trouble It's really too much for the elders to be angry."

Zhou Qi didn't say anything, just looked at Lu Jing quietly.

But Lu Jing was really terrified when Zhou Qi looked at him like this.

"Cough, cough, I don't know why, but I suddenly want to smoke, Zhou Qi, do you have a cigarette, give me one."

Zhou Qi said in a half-smile tone: "Young Master Lu, why do you want cigarettes all of a sudden? You didn't say anything just now. You don't smoke my cigarettes. It's too low-level to dislike my cigarettes."

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