Chapter 769 Zhou Qi's Helplessness

When Sun Yinger on the phone heard this, she was obviously interested in what Lu Jing said.

I heard Lu Jing talk about his plan in an excited tone.

Sun Yinger after listening: ...

But Lu Jing didn't feel Sun Yinger's speechlessness at all, and continued to say to himself: "Aunt Sun, it's a pity you weren't here just now, if you were here, it would be great, you can see my ruthless side, handsome On the other hand, maybe you, Aunt Sun, may fall in love with me!"

"Lu Jing, you're just insulting me like that! Just wait!"

After Sun Yinger finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Lu Jing held the phone with a dazed expression on his face.

What's the matter, how to say hang up the phone and hang up the phone.

Did he say something wrong?

Soon Lu Jing knew why Sun Yinger hung up the phone and asked him to wait.

The reason for saying this is because Zhou Qi is back again.

Lu Jing was also very puzzled when he saw Zhou Qi coming back: "Zhou Qi, why are you back again? My son is gone, and I have nothing to do, if you want to drink now, you can."

Zhou Qi walked towards Lu Jing without saying anything.

And punched Lu Jing in the face.

Lu Jing:! ! !
At this time, Zhou Qi sighed deeply: "Young Master Lu, why did you make them angry again? You said you can forget about it, why do you want to involve me? You know I'm getting a call to beat you up At that time, I happened to meet a girl who was interested in me, if I hadn't come to you, I might have started some stories with that girl, Young Master Lu, young master Lu, you've harmed me like this."

With a helpless face, Zhou Qi continued to beat Lu Jing.

"If you really have any interest in being beaten, can you join me once? I'll finish beating you at once. This will save me from running around. It's really tiring."

Lu Jing: ...

This time Zhou Qi learned to be smart and hit Lu Jing in the face.

After all, if Lu Jing wanted face, he wouldn't hang around Su Nian and Sun Yinger in a short time.

He, Zhou Qi, is so witty, otherwise, why would he be the No.1 by Li Beichen's side for so many years.

No problem.


The moment Su Nian came out of the company.

I saw Li Beichen holding the calligraphy.

This made Su Nian involuntarily quicken her pace.

"Slow down, don't run, we'll wait for you here, don't worry." Su Nian heard Li Beichen's gentle reminder after walking a few steps.

When Su Nian walked in front of him, she reached out to hug Su Nian.

But just as he stretched out his hand, Su Nian stopped him: "Don't hug me, you are still holding the calligraphy, what if you squeeze the calligraphy."

When Li Beichen heard this, his hands froze immediately.

Su Nian took advantage of this moment to take the calligraphy in his arms.

"Mo Bao, do you miss your mother? Anyway, my mother misses you all day long."

When Mo Bao heard this, he was very happy.

My mother's first words after get off work were to care about herself, and she also said that she was thinking about herself all day long.

With such a card face, is someone able to compare?
His calligraphy is the most important person in my mother's heart.

Everyone else has to stand aside!

Thinking of this, Mo Bao rubbed against his mother's arms.

Li Beichen, on the other hand, stood beside him with a gentle face, looking at his wife and children.

(End of this chapter)

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