The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 781 Just Can't Learn to Call "Dad"

Chapter 781 Just Can't Learn to Call "Dad"

But the more Su Nian was like this, the more Mo Bao wanted to do something, to behave well in front of his mother.

But the more anxious you are, the less capable you become.

At this moment, Li Beichen's voice sounded: "Nian Nian, I think we should not expect too much from Mo Bao, I think the more we expect too much from Mo Bao, the greater the pressure on Mo Bao, after all, for us Let Mobao be healthy."

Su Nian nodded when she heard this.

That's right, Mo Bao is only so old now, so it's really not suitable for too much pressure.

Putting pressure on a child who is not yet a year old, Su Nian feels like a beast when she thinks about it.

But Mo Bao was not happy when he heard this.

What is Mobao Health is good.

It's really forced to say this, as if his calligraphy is not smart, how could his calligraphy be not smart.

In this way, the next moment, a loud "Mom" sounded in the room.

"Hahaha, Mo Bao, please shout again."

"Mom~ Mom~"

Just like that, the whole room was filled with laughter.

Li Beichen who was beside him thought about it.

This may be what is called happiness.

At the same time, I was also thinking...Mo Bao will call mom, so dad should be soon.

When thinking of this, Li Beichen's mood also improved a lot.

And Mo Bao, who made his mother happy, is also in a good mood.

the next day.

All the people started to teach Mo Bao to speak.

Li Jianhong's "grandpa"

Sun Yinger's: "Auntie"

There is even Zhou Qi's "uncle"

It is very difficult for Mo Bao to learn to speak, but he is learning very seriously.

Only... Li Beichen's "father"

Mo Bao didn't take it seriously when he was studying, and he didn't even answer him.

Of course Li Beichen knew that this little guy was still angry.

He put the little guy in front of him, and let him sit face to face with himself: "Are you so angry? You're still angry now."

Mo Bao's blinking eyes were full of innocence.

He just can't, but he wants to see what this father will do.

"Mo Bao is your fault. You clearly promised your mother not to be angry with father. Why are you still angry now? Are you cheating mother? Isn't your behavior a bit bad?"

Mo Bao snorted coldly when he heard this.

Scare little kids!
With such an attitude, isn’t it just a dream to want to hear yourself called “Dad”?

"Mo Bao, you can tell Dad what you want to do to forgive Dad. As long as you tell, Dad will definitely agree to you."

Mo Bao looked at his good father.

Looking at him like this, others may think that this has a lot of sincerity.

But Mo Bao just wanted to slap this man in the face right now.

Ha ha, what to say.

I can only say a few words now, and what conditions I will say.

It's really not ordinary to coax children.

"Mo Bao, just tell me, as long as you say it, then Dad will definitely satisfy you. Why don't you say it, Mo Bao~" Li Beichen felt that as a father, he must guide Mo's child well to learn things.

Mo Bao was really annoyed by what he said.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and patted his father's face directly.

Li Beichen: ...

Just so angry?
The key point is that this little guy has another appearance in front of his mother, as if he is trying hard to learn "Dad" but can't learn it anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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