Chapter 943 Smart people
Huo Linyuan glanced at Lin Na, and then smiled directly.

He pinched Lin Na's chin with his hands: "Another smart woman, woman, you know, if a woman is too smart, then the end will not be very good."

"Am I smart? I'm not smart. After all, if I were really smart, then I wouldn't be discovered by you, Mr. Huo. Hey, I'm still a little insignificant in front of you, Mr. Huo, but Mr. Huo, I suggest , we still talk about important things, after all we are wasting time here, it seems useless at all."

"After all, for you, Huo Shao, I am more valuable to be alive."

After Lin Na finished speaking, the whole world fell into silence.

Lin Na's heart also began to thump.

That's right, she was betting that the man in front of her didn't intend to kill her when she appeared in front of her, but wanted to use her.

She knew very well what the price would be if she lost the bet.

After Lin Na finished speaking, she really felt that the time was getting longer and longer.

Even Lin Na really felt like her heart was about to hit her throat.

At this moment, Huo Linyuan let her go.

"You woman is really a bit smart, but I hope you can use your smartness to create your own value in front of me. If you don't use your smartness to create value, then your smartness is really useless. "

When Lin Na said this, she knew very well that she had won, and she really had won.

The reason why Huo Linyuan found Lin Na was because Lan Ni seemed to have suddenly become enlightened in some things recently.

How could Huo Linyuan not understand the person next to him.

So it was easy to find out who was messing around behind Lan Ni. Originally, Huo Linyuan was really angry when he found out that it was Lin Na.

He is very clear about Lan Ya's ability, even the reason why Lan Ya was singled out from so many women at the beginning is that Lan Ya is very simple, after all, the women around him are all scheming.

It's really indescribably tiring for him to deal with scheming women.

But his woman was played by other people, people who couldn't even name her. In such a situation, she was slapping herself in the face. At that moment, Huo Linyuan's first thought was to let this damned woman still have The Lin family behind her just disappeared into this world.

But after seeing Lin Na's actions these days, he changed his mind.

Lin Na actually had the guts to attack Li Beichen.

Such a bold Lin Na, from a certain situation, isn't she a perfect pawn.

"Lin Na, you are a smart person, you should understand what I mean by that."

Lin Na laughed directly when she heard this: "Of course I understand what you mean, but I just want to take advantage of Li Beichen. Now everyone is suspecting that the person who made Li Beichen unconscious is Huo Shao. If you think about it, why don't you Just admit to such a thing, and then use me to plot against Li Beichen, if I succeed, then Huo Shao, you have achieved your goal, if I fail, you can completely blame me for everything body."

"Lin Na, so you like to put everything on the surface."

"Isn't it good to put it on the bright side? After all, if I really play tricks in front of you, Young Master Huo, will there be any good results? If this is the case, then why not be nice and frankly say, That way, it’s good for everyone.”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and immediately understood what they meant.

Also know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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