The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 953 Lu Jing: I'm afraid my two aunts will misunderstand

Chapter 953 Lu Jing: I'm afraid my two aunts will misunderstand
And Lu Jing didn't seem to feel the florist's displeasure at all.

But it's true, Lu Jing feels that he is also a rich second generation, and the most important thing in his hands is power, so he doesn't need to feel: "We are so familiar now, how about it, if you have a girlfriend in the future, you can Ask me for advice, I can help you coax your girlfriend, I may not be very good at other things now, but I am very good at coaxing women."

"Hehe, Young Master Lu, I don't want you to worry about it. I'd better prepare flowers for you, so that you can better coax Mr. Sun." The flower shop owner felt that he could no longer talk to Lu Jing.

Now the flower shop owner really felt that if he continued to talk to this guy, then he might not be able to bear...what to do to him.

When Lu Jing heard this, he also felt that it made sense, and immediately waved him away.

I just sat on the deck chair in the flower shop, basking in the sun leisurely.

Immediately, I began to think about where I should take Sun Yinger to eat tonight.

You must know that you are almost tired of eating the delicious food around, and now you need to change the taste.

That's right, Sun Yinger is now in charge of eating and drinking. Lu Jing thinks that Sun Yinger has helped him with the work, so he should also handle the logistics.

So...hehe... Anyway, Lu Jing thinks he needs to be more human.

However, when Lu Jing was basking in the sun, he felt that this recliner was not very comfortable. He wondered if he should order someone to go abroad to order a special sun lounger for him. After all, in this situation, he was basking in the sun here. The days can be many...

Just as Lu Jing was thinking about these things in his heart.

Suddenly he felt that his body was not hot anymore, as if someone blocked the sun.

After Lu Jing realized this, he immediately became restless. After all, who is Lu Jing and Young Master Lu, how could anyone dare to block his sun.

When he opened his eyes and saw Lan Ni standing in front of him, his eyes immediately lit up.

Immediately, he planned to sit up subconsciously.

But the next moment, Lu Jing realized something was wrong.

Now Lan Ni and Su Nian are in a hostile relationship, and now I am Su Nian's nephew, so my relationship with Lan Ni...

And Lu Jing felt that he had already decided to give up Lan Ni completely, so a man should do what he said, if a man backtracked, it would be very contemptible.

And it's hard to put it bluntly, with Lan Ni like this, no matter how much I pursue and treat her well, I can't look at myself, since this is the case...

In fact, when Lan Ni came to look for Lu Jing, he was more or less uneasy. After all, Lu Jing had such a fight with him before. If he came to look for Lu Jing, what if Lu Jing moved out of the old way again? manage.

But when he saw Lu Jing's eyes, Lan Ni breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that Lu Jing is still the old Lu Jing, nothing has changed.

Lan Ni's face was full of smiles: "Lu Jing, long time no see."

"You also know that it's been a long time. We haven't seen each other for so long. When we meet, we block my sun. Do you think this is really appropriate?"

The good mood on Lan Ya's face disappeared immediately after hearing this, and she quickly stepped aside.

After regaining the sunshine, Lu Jing closed his eyes again: "Why are you looking for me? If you have nothing to do, then you should leave quickly, otherwise I'm afraid my two aunts will misunderstand. "

(End of this chapter)

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