King Leng Chasing His Wife: The Maid in the Tongfang Runs With the Ball

Chapter 595 This is the most aggrieved minister in the history of Xizhou

Chapter 595 This is the most aggrieved minister in the history of Xizhou

Jun Ziran didn't hide what happened today, he told Jun Wumo every word of the conversation between him and Lu Yanyan.

Jun Wumo was silent.

Jun Ziran said: "To fight against the Holy Land, what do I need to do?"

Jun Wumo shook his head: "No need, we have a strict plan, father can just watch with peace of mind!"

It's not that I don't trust Jun Ziran, but that there is no room for failure in this plan.

He had to give Lin Jiumian all the help, if the gentleman were to be the emperor, he would definitely not be willing.

This matter is related to the life and death of the two countries of Dongling and Xizhou.

Don't miss out!

Tayue and the others entered the imperial capital, and Lin Jiumian also saw Xilan.

Lin Jiumian seemed to think of something, and asked, "At that time, when the soldiers and horses from overseas forces came, didn't the Holy Land and the Holy Lord appear?"

Tayue came over and handed a simple charter to Jun Wumo.

Xi Lan was silent: "It seems not, I have no impression!"

After the two sat down, Jun Wumo asked, "Does the princess have any rules for forming an alliance?"

Even if you are reluctant in your heart, you can only endure it.

Lin Jiumian smiled lightly: "For the diplomatic relations and alliance between the two countries, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it!"

But now, after Jun Wumo killed countless courtiers, almost no one dared to come out to oppose him.

Lin Jiumian frowned in thought, something seemed wrong!

The ministers discussed in private, but Jun Wumo turned a deaf ear.

Dong Zhixia wore the costumes of the three princesses and walked into the hall slowly.

The dialogue between the two was neither salty nor dull, neither hot nor cold, but very intriguing.

All the ministers were shocked when they saw the appearance of the third princess.

Xi Lan nodded with a calm expression.

Lin Jiumian understood, but couldn't say it!
"Don't worry sir, I'll do my best and everything will be fine!"

When this question was raised, everyone fell silent, because they all had an answer in their hearts: "Shuang Su Shuang Fly!"

Someone has already discussed in private:

"You should have seen soldiers and horses from overseas forces, but you know what they look like."

Lin Jiumian nodded and waved his hand!

If it is the usual, there will inevitably be ministers who will come out to advise.

"What does forming an alliance mean?" A minister asked doubtfully.

Jun Wumo set up a seat for Dong Zhixia and stood side by side with him.

"My God, how good this is, how good it is!"

Xi Lan shook her head: "Not for the time being, I know very little about the Holy Land, until I die, I don't know who the Holy Lord is!"

"I don't know. Isn't the whole world just our two countries? Can those Nanman and Icefield people still threaten us?"

Xi Lan shook her head and pointed to her mouth.

"Is there a misunderstanding? Princess Leng is the third princess, and the only woman the emperor approves of is the third princess of the enemy country."

The Dongling envoy entered the imperial capital, Jun Wumo wanted to put on a show, and then received the envoy in front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

"The alliance is an excuse, so what is their purpose?"

"It is said that the third princess is the former Concubine Leng, and now it seems that it is so!"

Seeing Dong Zhixia, his expression was calm and indifferent:
"The princess has come from a long way, and she has worked hard all the way!"

"Sir, is there anything else you can remind?" Lin Jiumian called him over alone and asked.

"What do you know, an alliance is just an excuse."

Jun Wumo took it over, looked at it, and nodded.

"Okay, I will reply after negotiating with the courtiers!"

Lin Jiumian nodded, and after exchanging greetings for a while, they went to have lunch together.

But during the whole process, there was nothing wrong with the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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