Chapter 10

The steward led the people and quickly moved the fine seeds.

"Your Highness, the little one will go down first and get busy."

With so many gods, he had to watch them carefully so that no one could steal them.

Xia Hanyu didn't speak, but raised her hand, and asked two young eunuchs to bring Xia Chengyun over immediately.

"Steward, I have entrusted him to you as well. He will do whatever the tenants do, and you will be a helper."

As for whether she is a real helper or not, she doesn't care.

As soon as the manager looked up, he saw the majesty of the python robe, his knees softened, and he knelt down in fright, "Your Highness, I dare not."

How dare he send His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!
"You don't have to be afraid, since the emperor has entrusted the task of managing him to Ben Gong, if you agree with Ben Gong's method, you should follow suit."

As Xia Hanyu said that, he pulled out the contents of his mouth and took out the token.

"Everyone obeys the order. From today onwards, there will be no His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and none of you will allow you to obey others. If I let this palace know who dares to help him, I believe you will not be willing to enter Jinyiwei's cell."

Everyone fell to their knees in fright.

"Slaves respectfully obey the imperial decree!"

The token is made of fine copper, and a golden dragon hovers above the word Ling, which is an order from the Son of Heaven!
Your Majesty actually gave the emperor's order to His Royal Highness the eldest princess. Seeing the emperor's order is like meeting the Holy Majesty, how dare you not obey!
"Take it away."

Xia Chengyun was dragged down and changed into the coarse linen clothes of the tenants.

"Xia Hanyu, you dare to treat me like this, sooner or later I will kill you! Kill you~"

Xia Hanyu just looked at his embarrassed appearance with cold eyes, "Kill me, you have to have that ability!"

The only real younger brother treated her like an enemy, shouting and killing, so why didn't she feel sad.

Xia Hanyu closed her eyes.

"Ban Xia."

"The servant is here."

"From today onwards, you will stay in Huangzhuang and look after the prince on behalf of the palace. If he is disobedient, he will be dealt with according to the family law."

Xia Hanyu took the ruler that Fu Ling had prepared and put it in her hand.

Banxia looked at Xia Hanyu in disbelief, her eyes were slightly red, "Your Highness, slave..."

Xia Hanyu smiled, "I believe you have your own sense of propriety, so I forgive you for your innocence."

"The servant obeys His Highness's will! Don't worry, Your Highness, the servant will not disappoint His Highness."

Ban Xia knelt on the ground and bowed heavily to Xia Hanyu.

Since she entered the palace, no master has ever treated these slaves as human beings, because the lives of these slaves have never been important, and they will die when they die, as long as they are rolled up on a mat and thrown into a mass grave.

Only His Highness, not only saved her life, but also gave her a chance to take revenge on His Highness the Crown Prince, how could she not be shocked.

It turns out that His Highness has always remembered what he said that day.

Xia Hanyu stretched out his hand to help her up, "Go, and take care of my worries."

Ban Xia nodded heavily, and walked away with three steps.

With Fu Ling's support, Xia Hanyu returned to the carriage.

Fu Ling looked at her Highness, hesitant to speak.

Xia Hanyu opened her eyes and looked at her, "You want to know why I did this?"

Fu Ling nodded quickly, she was really worried.

"The crown prince is the king. Ban Xia beat the crown prince. If His Majesty finds out, the slaves are afraid that His Majesty will anger you, and the imperial concubine is chewing on His Majesty's ears..."

Xia Hanyu didn't care much, "It's okay, my father issued an imperial decree before that only I can enter the East Palace during the time when the prince is thinking about his mistakes. In fact, I have given the right to discipline the prince to my hands, so how can I teach him?" , Father will not say much."

"As for Banxia, ​​although she doesn't say anything, there is always a trace of resentment in her heart. If things go on like this, it is not a good thing. Why don't you let her vent her anger and educate the prince for me, killing two birds with one stone."

What Xia Hanyu didn't say was that the person she fell in love with was not Pinellia from the beginning to the end, but the younger sister who was related to her by blood, Bai Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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