After the eldest princess was reborn, she was forced to bind the power system

Chapter 101 The host, it’s not like this to squeeze the wool

Chapter 101 The host, it's not like this to squeeze the wool ([-])
Soon, Bai Zhi went upstairs with the Silver Feather Guard who had been guarding outside all the time. Everyone lined up, and one person led two sets of armor down the stairs. When the war horse put on the vest, the spirit of the whole person changed immediately.

If they were just small soldiers before, now they all have become generals.

"This armor is too powerful! General, I think this armor we used to wear in the army is even more powerful, several times more powerful!"

A little soldier couldn't help but said, carefully touching himself and the armor on the horse, almost obsessed.

"This armor doesn't look like it's made of iron, could it be...steel?"

When they were in Huangzhuang, Shi Huaiyi helped out when he was making steel.

The general shook his head, "It doesn't look like it at all, but what Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess brought out must be a top-notch item."

"I just don't know whether to cut it or not."

After all, the armor is to be worn on the battlefield to fight against the enemy. Although they are now the private soldiers of His Highness the Eldest Princess, there must be a reason for His Highness to train them.

They feel that it is only a matter of time before they go to the battlefield.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

It was proposed, but with some hesitation.

They were not sure whether the armor given by the eldest princess could be cut off.

"That being the case, let's hack and try."

Xia Hanyu was standing at the window just now, so she had heard their loud discussion a long time ago.

"It just so happens that this palace also wants to know whether this armor can't be cut."

Although the things given by the system are never bad, but you have to try it to know how good it is.

"Zhu Xing, come and chop."

Xia Hanyu called out a name, which was another person she brought up after the previous training, and now he is the highest-ranking person among the 5000 people.

Positive four products.


Zhu Xing (four beeps of xing) cupped his hands, pulled out the knife at his waist and slashed towards the armor that was still on the ground.

The next second, the big knife fell to the ground with a bang, and everyone gasped, their eyes sparkling.

"This is too awesome!"

"Even the knife has been cut off, and there is not even a trace on it!" Yiming Yinyuwei squatted there, rubbing his fingers at the place where Zhu Xing had just cut, his eyes full of surprise.

"This is simply a god's helmet!" Only a god's helmet can be so hard that it cannot be cut by a knife.

"It's like cutting it on the ground, what will happen if you wear it on your body?"

Someone looked at Zhu Xing with hot eyes, "General, cut me and see if there are any traces?"

Zhu Xing looked at Xia Hanyu subconsciously, Xia Hanyu nodded slightly, he pursed his lips, and was about to draw his sword again, when a guard in Jin Yi gave him the Xiuchun Sword on his waist.

The Xiuchun Knife was a personal weapon bestowed by the emperor on Jinyiwei, so it was naturally sharper than the ones they carried.

Zhu Xing took it, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

The Silver Feather Guard who was waiting to be cut was not nervous.

"General, hurry up, I'm ready!"

Immediately, Zhu Xing didn't hesitate anymore, and slashed at him suddenly. The strong opponent retreated several times, and fell to the ground with a plop. The Xiuchun knife didn't break, but there was an extra cut.

"How is it?"

A group of people swarmed up, and the next second, the sound of surprise resounded in everyone's ears.

"No, still not! There is still no scar on this armor!"

The sound of gasping for breath resounded everywhere, and the people in Jinyiwei looked enviously.

Such a good armor is really their second life!
Xia Hanyu was satisfied.

Produced by the system, everything is high-quality, not bad.

If all her Daxia soldiers put on such armor, how could they not be able to win the battle!

The system's machine voice sounded immediately: "Host, this is not how you squeeze wool."

Daxia has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, how can the system get so many armors for her.

It's not impossible to do it, but it's too troublesome, and the system refuses to troublesome.

Xia Hanyu clicked his tongue, but didn't say anything.

The people below were excited all afternoon, and they gradually calmed down at night, but they continued to discuss from time to time.

From the strength of this armor, they already thought of what weapon to try next time.

Fortunately, Zeng Gu has returned to the border at this time, otherwise, if he were to know the benefits of this armor, he would probably come eagerly to ask for it.

Xia Hanyu couldn't take it out, if he pressed her hard, she would have no choice but to run away.

In the early morning of the second day, Xia Hanyu opened her eyes, and Fu Ling came in with water to help her dress and wash.

She didn't speak until everything was settled.

"Your Highness, Xie Yi is asking to see you downstairs."

Xia Hanyu paused before continuing to walk outside.

"How long has he been here?"

"Almost an hour." In other words, he had been kneeling downstairs for an hour.

The patriarch of the dignified Xie family, did you ever think that one day you would be so humble and small?

Downstairs, Xie Yi was still kneeling upright.

Xie Bi, together with the remnants of the previous dynasty, encircled and suppressed the eldest princess and the current crown prince. This time the matter was too serious. Even the Xie family was really frightened. After hearing the news, they came here as quickly as possible. plead guilty.

This time, if the imperial court wanted to clean up the Xie family, it would be upright, and the Xie family would have nothing to say.

But at this moment, Xia Hanyu just glanced at him, then walked to a table beside him and sat down.

The above is the breakfast that Bai Zhi just prepared, it is not rich, but it is not bad.

There are porridge, wontons, buns and steamed buns, and some side dishes.

Baozi and Mantou are not big, only half the size of a fist.

Xia Chengyun was already sitting there waiting for her, and when he saw Xia Hanyu, he smiled cutely.

Xia Hanyu saw that the breakfast on the table hadn't moved at all, so she reached out and scratched his nose.

"You don't need to wait for me next time, eat first when you're hungry."

"I'm going to wait for sister to eat." Xia Chengyun helped Xia Hanyu to sit down, and then sat down again.

Fu Ling picked up the bowl and served porridge to the two of them, first for His Royal Highness, then for the Crown Prince.

Xia Hanyu took a few mouthfuls of porridge and steamed buns before opening her mouth slowly.

"Xie Yi, what are you doing?"

"Caomin failed to discipline the brothers, and let them do something to the eldest princess and His Royal Highness. The Xie family pleaded guilty, and hoped that the eldest princess would be merciful."

Xie Yi knew that he was not qualified to say such things at this time, but he knew clearly that if he wanted to intercede, he could only stay here. If he returned to Shangjing, His Majesty would be furious.

A few days ago, after he knew about Xie Bi, he rushed over quickly, but it was still a step too late.

Xia Hanyu just looked at him indifferently, neither angry nor smiling, deliberately misinterpreting his meaning.

"So you want to intercede for Xie Bi?"

 It's PK again, I didn't pass the PK last time, please give me some strength this time, don't hoard manuscripts, simply need to subscribe data to advance, if it still doesn't work this time, this book won't be long... o (╥﹏╥) o
  Monthly tickets and clicks should also be data, so let’s move towards simplicity!
(End of this chapter)

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