After the eldest princess was reborn, she was forced to bind the power system

Chapter 122 Then I'm Not As Good-Looked as My Aji

Chapter 122 Then I'm Not As Good-Looked as My Aji (Part [-])

System: "The time has moved forward. They should have set off by now. I'm afraid your royal father has also received the other party's official document of peace and marriage proposal by now."

And more than that.

"They also know that there are crops that can produce tens of thousands of catties per mu in Daxia, so they are all using their brains."

"They also know that all of this is because of you, so this time they are...determined to win you."

So everything is still different from the previous life, because the ultimate goal is not the same.

After all, everyone knows that the grasslands lack food.

"So that's the case. It seems that we have not only the remnants of the previous dynasty in Beijing, but also many spies from those people." Xia Hanyu was silent, not knowing whether it was helplessness or what.

Because she knew that it was impossible to empty these out, just like they also had their detailed work arranged by Daxia.

After a pause, she suddenly became thoughtful again.

"Well... are you sure it's only useful to give a marriage? How about I let my father directly set a date to get married." It's over.

Naturally, if she wanted to get married, her only candidate was Xia Ji, and there might not be much difference between marrying him before and after marriage.

System: "Host, don't make excuses, you obviously want to marry someone yourself."

"Doesn't Your Highness believe that Xia Ji can solve everything?"

That is the existence of Wen can go to the court to discuss politics, and Wu can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

"I just don't want to be harassed by others, and of course I believe him." Xia Hanyu snorted coldly, "Besides, if you want to marry me, you don't want to see what they look like!"

As for the others, although she really likes Xia Ji now, she really doesn't have the urge to marry, at most she just sums it up as everything.

The system was quiet for a while, and then said again, "The person who proposes to marry is actually quite good-looking." He was a tall and rough man.

After all, the grassland people, the horse people who eat cattle, sheep, and all kinds of meat, are always taller.

Of course it doesn't say how the character is.

Xia Hanyu: "..." How did she find out that the system loves to tear down her platform today?

She snorted coldly, "That must not be as good-looking as my family's Ah Ji."

Her eyesight is still high.

The system also acknowledges this point, Xia Ji is indeed one of the best-looking humans it has ever seen in its entire life.

Xia Hanyu did the same.

At this moment, Xia Hanyu got up and smoothed her clothes a little.

"I'm going to see my father now."


"The here."

Fu Ling ran in from outside with a plate, and while wiping the crumbs from the corner of her mouth, she asked, "What orders does Your Highness have?"

"You follow me to meet the emperor."


Fu Ling hurriedly put down the plate and followed.

His Highness should mean to let her follow alone, not to bring other palace people with her.

"Your Highness, wait for servant girl." Fu Ling chased and ran out again.

On the other side, in the Qianqing Palace, the emperor flew into a rage when he saw the peace negotiation documents in front of him.

"This northern barbarian really doesn't know what to say. He said he was negotiating a peace, but he was actually playing with Zhen Yu'er's brains. He was dreaming!"

It is absolutely impossible for him to marry his most precious daughter to suffer in that barbarian place!

Bai Lai also looked worried, "The old slave also heard that those barbarians did not cook their meat thoroughly, and it was full of bloodshot bites, and after their father died, their sons could still inherit everything from their father, including their wives and concubines."

If His Highness marries in such a place, how can he bear it.

After the emperor heard it, he even threw the peace document to the ground, and Bai Lai didn't even bend down to pick it up, as if it was garbage.

Several officials on the side looked at each other, not surprised by the emperor's anger, because they were also angry.

Those barbarians are really shameless!
"His Majesty."

At this moment, Shi Yan came out suddenly, "I think that Daxia really shouldn't agree to their marriage proposal. Her Royal Highness is my Daxia's treasure. Those northern barbarians want to ask for it. It's not easy to think about it. Everything It's all for the benefits that His Highness can take away after death."

As for the benefits, everyone knows.

"My minister agrees."

Gao Bu, Shangshu of Hubu, who was on the side, also came out.

"Although His Royal Highness is hard to say, everyone in Daxia knows that behind His Highness is an immortal." Otherwise, why would he be able to take out those many gods, "If His Royal Highness goes to Beiman, then surely I will bring all this to the Northern Man, and when the Northern Man becomes stronger, it will be unfavorable to me, Great Xia."

As far as they are concerned, marrying Xia Hanyu in the past will not do any good to Daxia, but more disadvantages.

Especially the household department, with Xia Hanyu here, the treasury has gone from empty to almost half full, and there are those grains, how much tax will be paid in the future!
They are definitely the people who are most unwilling to marry Xia Hanyu away except the emperor.

It's not just them, unless the imperial court thinks otherwise, people who know Xueyan and have seen the potato "disaster" can't say that.

What's more, the civil servants of Daxia are different from those who were greedy for life and afraid of death in the previous dynasty. They were never afraid of the battlefield, because everyone knew that if they wanted peace, they had to conquer the enemy first, or directly expand the territory, so that the people could live a peaceful life. better days.

"Your Majesty." The Minister of the Ministry of War also stood up, "The Ministry of War will prepare all the battlefield expenses in advance." After all, they are rich now.

And these were brought by the eldest princess.

"The same goes for the household department."

"The Ministry of Industry is the same."

The officials of the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment looked at each other in blank dismay. For a while, they really didn't know what they needed to prepare, so they could only second the proposal.

As for the Ministry of Rites, he will definitely not stand out at this moment. After all, his job is to entertain those wolfish and ambitious people well, so it is not appropriate to speak at this time, lest His Majesty take the anger out on them.

The emperor was very satisfied with their reaction, "So, you should prepare well. I believe that with Yu'er around, Great Xia will only get better and better."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the ministers agreed with this statement.

At this moment, the Minister of the Ministry of War suddenly said again, "Your Majesty, I also heard that His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess named the five thousand soldiers she sat down as Silver Feather Guards, and that the black armor on their bodies and the black armor on their horses are all made of steel." , and cannot be cut with a knife."

"Except for Jin Yiwei's Xiuchun Knife, most swords can even cut themselves. I don't know if this is serious?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several ministers lit up.

"There really is such a magical armor!"

Lu Pan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, suddenly looked at Shi Yan, "I heard that Master Shi's eldest son is now researching this thing called steel. I wonder if he succeeded?"

Shi Yan shook his head, "This matter is secret, and the lower officials don't know about it."

"I don't know if the eldest princess can still get such a magical armor." The Minister of the Ministry of War looked forward to it, "Your Majesty, if all my Daxia soldiers can wear such armor, are you afraid that you won't win the battle!"

Such a god, presumably it came from the hand of the immortal master behind the eldest princess!

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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