Chapter 137 Princess Shu'an ([-])

Seeing her kowtow non-stop, Xia Hanyu couldn't help holding his forehead.

"Stop it, don't knock it first, it hurts Ben Gong's head."

Xia Shu'an didn't dare to move anymore, but still knelt there waiting for Xia Hanyu to speak, looking timid, with a few traces of blood on her forehead, but fortunately it was not serious.

"Poria." Xia Hanyu took a step back.

Fu Ling immediately understood, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Your Highness, this Princess Shu'an is your imperial sister, who is a few months younger than you and has not yet been titled. A beautiful child."

Hearing this, Xia Hanyu's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"With the feelings of the father and the queen, I will never mess with others when the mother is pregnant!"

"Are there any other secrets in it?"

"Your Highness said so."

Speaking of this, Fu Ling couldn't help but fight for the former queen.

"The servant girl also listened to what the other palace people said, and she listened to it at the time, but she didn't dare to tell His Highness at that time."

At that time, His Highness had just lost the Empress Empress. If she heard about it again, she might not be able to bear it, so she decided to keep it a secret. She never thought that this person would dare to barge in front of His Highness today.

Fu Ling's eyes became sharper, and she looked at the poor woman kneeling on the ground with a look of scrutiny in her eyes.

She pursed her lips before continuing: "Actually, His Majesty's thinking is really good. At that time, His Majesty also tricked and was drugged, but it was not Beauty Wang, but Concubine Li from Qinghe Palace; Because of this, His Majesty became very angry afterwards, and immediately executed Li Jieyu, and even her family; fell in love."

"In addition, Beauty Wang is usually low-key and unfavored, and she only stays in her own palace. Princess Shu'an also lives with Beauty Wang in Qinghe Palace and never comes out. Naturally, His Highness does not know that there is such a younger sister. .”

It turns out there is such a thing.

It was indeed the first time Xia Hanyu heard of it.

In fact, there are two imperial sisters on Xia Hanyu's head. They were children born to other concubines before her father married his mother. They are a few years older than her. Now they have married out and moved to their fiefs.

As for the title of Princess Xia Hanyu, the title was given by the emperor to show his love for her. Naturally, she is not the oldest princess in the royal family.

The meaning of the eldest princess has never been because of her age, and the oldest princess in Daxia is just called a "big princess".

Thinking of this, Xia Hanyu's eyelids drooped slightly, and they landed on Xia Shu'an again.

"You get up first and then talk. If you are kneeling like this, people who don't know will think that Bengong bullied you."

After hearing this, Xia Shu'an wanted to stand up in a hurry, but accidentally stepped on her skirt, and rushed towards Xia Hanyu.

Fu Ling at the side quickly supported her.

"Princess Shu'an, pay attention to safety, don't fall again."

If they hurt their highness, she can't afford it.

"Thank you." Xia Shu'an thanked carefully, standing a little far away from Xia Hanyu.

Xia Hanyu looked at her, her eyes were more difficult to explore, "Let's go, go to Qinghe Palace first."

She wanted to meet that beauty Wang.

Xia Shu'an felt pleasantly surprised, and blessed Xia Hanyu, "Thank you, Your Highness."

He hurriedly led the way ahead.

"Your Highness, this way please."

Xia Hanyu followed behind her slowly, walking in a leisurely manner, and did not speak during the period.

Fu Ling took a step forward, "Your Highness, Qinghe Palace is the most corner palace in the harem, and the Leng Palace is next to it. It will take a long time to walk, but do you want a servant to call a sedan chair for you to run over?"

If His Highness is tired, she will feel distressed.

"It's okay, just walk for a while."

The three of them walked more and more sideways, and gradually even the palace people seldom met.

Xia Shu'an turned her head cautiously, "Your Highness, we will be here soon."

She was afraid that Xia Hanyu would be impatient and would not want to go. If that was the case, she really didn't know how to survive.

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is her only and last chance.

However, when Xia Hanyu heard her words, he just hummed lightly, and began to look around with great interest.

Unexpectedly, there is such a desolate place in this harem, but she is ignorant.

Soon, they stopped at the gate of a rather low-key and dilapidated palace.

Xia Shu'an knew that the place where Xia Hanyu lived must be a hundred times more luxurious than this place, so she subconsciously felt a little uneasy. She pushed open the palace door first, and then turned to look at her.

"Your Highness?"

Xia Hanyu raised his foot and walked in. There were basically no palace people in the hall, and many places were dilapidated, but they looked very clean. It could be seen that the owner of this place worked hard to take care of this place, but there was nothing he could do.

"An'er, are you back?"

A woman's voice came from inside the room, accompanied by several coughs; Xia Shu'an groaned.

"Mother, it's me."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Xia Hanyu, "Your Highness, please come inside."

Fu Ling hurried forward to support Xia Hanyu, looking at the surroundings cautiously, for fear that something would come out and hurt her Highness.

I always feel that the roof tiles are not safe.

"Your Highness, isn't this place really a cold palace?" Fu Ling spoke in a low voice.

In fact, she thinks that the Leng Palace might be better than here.

"It's really no different from the Lenggong here."

Although it was very quiet, Xia Shu'an still heard Fu Ling's words.

Poria immediately felt a little embarrassed.

"Third Princess, I mean this servant doesn't dislike this place, but I think it's really unsafe for you to live in such a place. Why don't you ask Gong Zhengsi for repairs?"

Hearing this, Xia Shu'an smiled a bit shyly, "Actually, I have also told the people of Gong Zhengsi about this, but unfortunately I am a soft-spoken person, and the other party ignored me."

Even most of their salaries were swallowed up.

But Xia Shu'an didn't plan to say anything about it, and felt it was unnecessary.

She brought Xia Hanyu to the main seat, "Your Highness sits here, although it is a bit old, but I wipe it every day, it is very clean,"

After speaking, he wiped it with his sleeve again, looking cautious.

Xia Hanyu looked at her sleeves with pretty eyes, then at the chair, pursed her lips, and sat down anyway.


At this moment, Wang Meiren came out from the inside. She was slightly stunned for a moment when she saw Xia Hanyu, but she quickly reacted and hurried over to salute.

"His Royal Highness."

"Do you know Ben Gong?"

Looking at her, Xia Hanyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

However, the other party just smiled submissively, "I have had the honor to meet the empress a few times. Her Royal Highness the eldest princess and the empress look very similar, especially the eyebrows, which are almost exactly the same."

During the conversation, there was a trace of nostalgia in the eyes of the other party, but it quickly dissipated.

 The last chapter was wrongly written, it should be 136, but unfortunately the title cannot be modified.

(End of this chapter)

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