After the eldest princess was reborn, she was forced to bind the power system

Chapter 145 Xia Hanyu feels that she has grown too much wool this time

Chapter 145 Xia Hanyu feels that she has grown too much wool this time
The emperor and several ministers were a little startled after hearing this.

Bai Lai stood up first, "Your Majesty, why don't you go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony?"

It is the largest and most spacious place in the palace, and it is used for various ceremonies on weekdays, such as His Majesty's enthronement, wedding, canonization of the queen, commanding generals to go to war, etc. Banquets, etc., are mostly empty on weekdays, but now it's just right.

The main reason is that Bai Lai felt that even if His Highness held these things there, it would be okay to put them there. After all, these things were given by the gods, so there is no place to put them.

"Okay, let's go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

The emperor made the decision on the spot, and the others didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

The group went directly to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

After a while, inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Xia Hanyu nodded as he looked at the spacious environment around him.

"This size is okay." Why didn't she think of it before.

The next moment, with a wave of her little hand, countless sugarcane and grains appeared in front of them, filling the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony almost instantly.

"I have done some calculations. There should be 100 million sugar canes, [-] jin of wheat, [-] shi of sweet potatoes, [-] shi of rice, and [-] jin of potatoes."

"Rice is not used to make good seeds. It can be sent to the front line at that time. Others are basically fine, but they can't be planted now, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. It is best for the Ministry of Households to dig a hole and store them until the next spring. It can be planted after a while, and after a while, the sweet potatoes in the Imperial Manor of the Palace will also mature."

I have to say that even Xia Hanyu herself couldn't help being excited when she saw so much food at once.

The feeling of putting it in front of you and putting it in the system backpack is completely different.

Xia Hanyu felt that she had stretched her wool this time.

System: "..." Hehe.

The emperor stood there, stunned for a while, Bai Lai couldn't even close his mouth.

As for the adults, they were so frightened that they took several steps back and rubbed their eyes desperately, for fear that everything in front of them was a mirage, and they would disappear without a trace when they opened their eyes.

"His...Your Highness, are there so many?"

Zuo Wen looked at the pile of sugar cane that had piled up several mountains, his hands were shaking.

This is too much!

At this moment, they probably understand a little bit about what Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess just said about pulling the wool. This is really a huge advantage, and they don't know if the gods behind her will be annoyed.

Although it is not right for Her Royal Highness to do this, it is for the people of Daxia. They understand that if Her Royal Highness wants to carry something, they are willing to help carry it together.

Shi Yan has stabilized his mind now, "Your Highness, this wool... is well squeezed!"


Xia Hanyu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she smiled proudly.

"Father, your daughter got these things with great difficulty, are you happy?"

"I'm very happy." But even more proud.

With a woman like this, even if the prince is ineffective, he doesn't need to worry anymore.

The emperor looked at Xia Hanyu with softer eyes.

However, Xia Hanyu had already reached Gaobu in the household department at this time, "Master Gao, is it enough to send [-] catties of wheat seeds to the previous [-] catties of wheat seeds to the people of the whole country?"

If it is not enough, she will change it again.

Xia Hanyu has already regretted it now. If she had known earlier, she would have traded less at that time, and the points left behind can be exchanged for better seeds that can be multiplied several times now.

Lost lost.

The system's voice sounded at the right time, "Host, don't go too far!"

Xia Hanyu comforted her with a smile, "I'm just thinking about it, I can't get it even if I think about it."

System: "Hehe." It found that its host has become more and more savvy. Since returning from Qingshan County, the whole person seems to have sublimated.

Xia Hanyu: No, that's because I figured it out.

Gao Bu in front of him has also come to his senses, "Your Highness, please rest assured, if Gao Bu cannot deliver these fine seeds to the people in good condition, I will definitely come to see you!"

Because of these wheat seeds, it is not impossible that after the second half of next year, the people of Daxia may have enough to eat!
Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is really the savior of Da Xia!

Gao Bu couldn't hide his excitement, but Shi Yan beside him was much calmer than him.

Of course, this is only the surface.

But I'm afraid the household department will be busy next time.

But Xia Hanyu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Not only that, but also the two thousand shi of sweet potatoes, if you don't give them to them, you must tell them the yield per mu of these fine varieties, so that they don't eat all of them. If they lose it, tell them that if they run out of food, there will be no more in the coming year.”

It is impossible for her to support the people of Daxia all the time.

Of course, if they really ran out of food, if they ate, then she would have nothing to do.

However, Xia Hanyu believes that most common people will keep them, because these good breeds are too special.

After saying this, Xia Hanyu looked at the emperor again.

"Father, I have to ask you to issue a decree to inform the whole country, so that the people can trust the court even more."

Uh, although the father is a tyrant, the father has issued a decree about the snow salt before, and the snow salt has become the norm now, and the imperial decree has also pulled down the price of other salts, so she believes the father's decree that the people should There will be no more doubts.

The emperor nodded, "Don't worry, I know."

My daughter really has endless troubles now, and it's me, the father, who has made her suffer.

The emperor was a little distressed, but he was helpless. All he could do was to cooperate with her.

Then the entire household department was completely busy, and even walking was windy.

Day two.

Gao Bu and Shi Yan walked outside at once, and when they passed by Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, the other party couldn't help shouting.

"Master Gao, Master Teacher, you recently..."

Before he could finish speaking, the other party had already sprinted past him.

Minister of the Ministry of War: "...what are you busy with?"

It's a pity that when he finished speaking, the other party had already left the door of the main hall.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry behind him took two steps forward, "Stop shouting, they don't have time to chat with us recently."

"what happened?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of War couldn't help being puzzled.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry walked beside him and said slowly: "I heard that His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess gave them a lot of things for them to deal with."

"Ah this?"

Minister of the Ministry of War really didn't know whether he should be envious, jealous or sympathetic.

I envy them being reused by His Highness the Eldest Princess and His Majesty, and I sympathize with them because they are so busy that they may not have time to eat.

"It's really hard work."

In the end, the Minister of the Ministry of War could only sigh with emotion, "When do you think His Royal Highness will be able to see us?"

This year, the household department has taken advantage of it!

(End of this chapter)

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