Chapter 15 The second level task is completed
With Xia Hanyu's guarantee, Rong Fugui also expressed that he was willing to offer the same conditions as Zheng Hai, but he also hoped that others would be the same as Zheng Hai.

Xia Hanyu's eyes fell on Xie Yi: "I don't know what Boss Xie wants?"

After all, she remembered that he was the only one in the direct line of the Xie family, and he once said that he had never coveted officialdom, and only wanted to be an ordinary... the richest man.

Xie Yi smiled faintly, "Returning to Your Highness, I do have a request, but compared with the two bosses, it may be more troublesome."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I heard that there are two kinds of gods in His Royal Highness's Huangzhuang, both of which can produce several thousand catties per mu. I hope His Highness can even out some. The Xie family is willing to offer 200 deniers of grain in exchange for [-] million taels of silver."

Xie Yi actually got this news by accident, otherwise, if it was only about the imperial examination, he would not be able to attract him.

However, after hearing his words, Xia Hanyu frowned slightly, and her gentle eyes became sharp.

"I don't know how boss Xie got the news?"

Apart from her father, Xia Ji had people around her, and only the stewards and tenants in the Huangzhuang knew about it.

Although she strictly ordered them not to spread the news temporarily, the effect does not seem to be very good.

Xie Yi got up, her posture was humble, her expression was as usual, she just cupped her hands slightly: "Forgive me, Your Highness, I did hear about it by accident. As for how I learned it, please forgive me for not talking too much, so as not to harm others."

Xia Hanyu and Xia Ji looked at each other, waved their hands, "Forget it, it's not a big deal."

But since Xie Yi knew about it, those people behind the scenes must have heard about it too.

She looked at Xia Ji, Xia Ji nodded lightly, Xia Hanyu heaved a sigh of relief, and raised his head.

"I can distribute some of the god's seeds to you, but for the time being, there is only one, and only [-] seeds will be distributed. The other will take three months to give you, and then I can distribute [-] seeds."

"But I also have a request."

"Please speak, Your Highness."

"I will distribute the sweet potato planting to you, and I can also let the people of Xie's family go to Huangzhuang to learn how to plant it. But when the planting is mature, you must return [-]% to me."

Xie Yi shook her head, "[-]% is too much, [-]%."

Xia Hanyu: "Twenty percent."

"make a deal."

Xie Yi knew that Xia Hanyu's words were conclusive, but if she could save [-]%, it was [-]%.

Although the Xie family is the richest man in the country, the food has been deteriorating in the past few years, with less and less every year. Sometimes there are natural disasters and even no crops. That's why he was moved when he heard that Xia Hanyu had a god seed with such a high yield per mu. .

If you get it earlier, you can study it earlier, and the Xie family will never lose money.

Xia Hanyu just thought it was easy to talk to smart people, so she smiled slightly, "Thank you boss, it's a pleasant cooperation."

"In the future, if there is any good thing in my hand, I will definitely cooperate with Boss Xie as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Xie Yi took out the 200 taels of bank note that she had prepared and handed it to Xia Hanyu from her bosom.

"The bank notes are presented first, and all banks in various places can exchange them. As for the food, people will be arranged to deliver it directly to General Wang in the next few days."

"Okay." Xia Hanyu nodded, very satisfied, "You can also arrange for someone to go directly to Huangzhuang, and I will ask someone to tell the steward over there."

"Three hundred sweet potatoes are missing at once. I'm afraid the manager will feel distressed to death."

Three hundred seeds, that's a lot of food, but after five months, she lost a lot of food seeds.

Xia Hanyu took the bank note.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for raising 50 taels of military salary for border soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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