Xia Hanyu took off her clothes and slowly sank into the bucket.

The temperature of the water that Xia Ji poured for her was just right, not hot, but not warm, which was the temperature she liked.

Thinking of his innocent reaction just now, Xia Hanyu couldn't help but pursed her lips into a smile, her eyes were as charming as silk, so charming.

After taking a bath, she only felt that her whole body was relaxed. She got up and stepped out of the bathtub, wiped her body quickly, put on the inner and outer shirt she wore for sleeping, and then opened her mouth.

"Come in, I'm fine."

It was quiet outside the house, and it was only after a while that there was a knock on the door.

Xia Ji pushed the door open, and felt a burst of hot air blowing towards his face, mixed with the fragrance of her body, making his throat roll, and something that had just been suppressed seemed to be completely revived at this moment.

This was originally his house, but now it is filled with her smell, as long as he thinks about it, he can't help but jump for joy.

Xia Ji couldn't help but took a deep breath, then lowered his head and began to clean up the traces of her washing.

Xia Hanyu sat on the edge of the bed with a quilt on her body, supported her chin with one hand, and watched him continue to rush in and out.

"Our Ah Ji is really a good wife."

I feel that I should marry her home earlier, so that no one will be bold enough to rob her in the future.

However, as soon as she thought about it, she saw his feet slump and almost fell out of the door.

Fortunately, he was skilled and stabilized, but he splashed half of the water in the bucket on his trouser legs.

Xia Hanyu was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Xia Ji showed helplessness, but the corners of his eyes were slightly raised. As long as she was happy, he would always be happy.

After a while, the room was cleaned up, and Xia Ji put down the bucket and walked in, which was rare.

"Your Highness, rest well, and I will... go out."

After speaking, he was ready to turn around.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Hanyu raised his eyebrows slightly, got up from the bed and approached him.

"What are you in such a hurry for? I'm going back to the palace tomorrow, and I'll never have the chance to get along with you alone like this again."

There are no guards, no maids, just the two of them.

Xia Hanyu felt that such an opportunity was very rare, and if he didn't do something, he would really be at a loss.

"You... don't you have anything to say to me?"

Xia Ji's eyes stayed on the ground for a moment, his thin lips pursed, he turned around, and suddenly hugged her into his arms.

His embrace was very hot, filled with the faint smell of his body.

"I can not let it go."

They had never been together for such a long time like this time, and she always looked at him with a smile and joy in her eyes, which he had never had before.

Everything today is too unreal, he is afraid that these days are just a dream of his own; he is even more afraid that she will forget him when she turns around.

Even though His Majesty had granted them a marriage, he knew that all of this was not because she liked him so much, but because she had no other choice.

Xia Hanyu was held in his arms quietly, raised her hand to caress his back with a shallow curve, feeling the fear from the bottom of his heart, a deep smile flashed in her eyes.

She hooked the corners of her mouth and spoke like a temptation.

"anything else?"

"And..." Xia Ji's eyes sank, and those dark eyes gradually lit up, like the morning light breaking through all the thorns in the dark night.

"I like you, so, even if you just use it, even if I will end up like a teacher in the future, please don't push me away, Your Highness."

In this way, even if she could only give him a little bit of place in her heart, he would be happy with it.

Xia Ji was never afraid that one day he would die in Xia Hanyu's hands, because compared to this, he was more afraid that she would never see him again.

When another person who is more worthy of her use appears, her eyes will never fall on him again, not even disgusting eyes.

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