Chapter 27 A complete lunatic!

Xia Ji held the dagger in his hand and twisted it around his wound, watching the blood trickle down little by little, the bewitching and evil spirits in his dark pupils were actually more terrifying than the ghosts in the underworld.


Shi Heng finally couldn't help screaming out.

"Xia Ji, kill me if you have the ability. Let me see how you will explain to Xia Hanyu!"

How dare he, how dare!
As soon as the words fell, the sharp force of the palm fell directly on his face, causing his face to crooked violently, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Take it back! You are also qualified to call His Highness's name!"

Xia Ji clasped his chin firmly with his hand, as if he could take back what he just said.

Shi Heng only felt pain in his cheekbone, as if his chin would be removed in the next second, thick fear flashed across his eyes, he trembled, thin cold sweat oozes from his forehead again, almost suffocating .

Xia Ji is a lunatic, a complete lunatic!


He suddenly withdrew his hand, and the corner of his mouth raised a faint smile.

"Shi Heng, do you really think that someone will come to rescue you? Those who have entered my Fusi Prison in Beizhen, have you ever seen anyone get out vertically?"

Beizhen Fusi, enter vertically, often can only exit horizontally.

Of course, only Wang Hongde was an exception, because his Highness wanted him to live, so he had to live, without her permission, Hades could not rob him.

Thinking of Xia Hanyu, Xia Ji's eyes that were as dark as thick fog gradually became clear, gentle and curled up, revealing joy.

He was so happy that His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess finally disliked the person in front of him, so of course he had to express his gratitude.

Thinking about it, he pulled out the dagger with a force of his hand, and blood spurted out, but he didn't even hide, allowing the filthy blood to spray on his jaw and chest.

The dagger stained with thick blood lightly touched Shi Heng's face. The cold touch made him feel as if he was wrapped in a snake all over his body in an instant, and numbness of fear jumped from his tailbone to the top of his skull. He was so scared that he almost fainted directly.

At this moment, Shi Heng actually felt that it would be better for him to faint, maybe he could let himself go in this way.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, since Her Highness the Eldest Princess liked your face so much before, if I destroy it, I don't know if she will be angry."

He was afraid that she would be angry, and even more afraid that she would become the same as before, only seeing Shi Heng in her eyes.

Xia Ji's brows were tightly frowned, and the expression on his face gradually became more complicated. At this time, his heart was like a battle between heaven and man, sometimes joyful, and sometimes as deep as the insoluble ink.

Jin Yiwei behind him looked at Xia Ji in front of him, and none of them dared to step forward.

They felt that today's lord was very weird, he seemed very happy, but at the same time he seemed very angry, and the uncontrollable killing intent spread throughout the prison.

This is something that has never happened before.

But in the end Xia Ji put it away, and slowly wiped the dagger in his hand, as if it were the most cherished thing in the world.

Because this dagger was the first and only gift Xia Hanyu ever gave him.

"Think about it, whether to recruit or not."

If His Highness hadn't kept him for the time being, he would not be so merciful today.

"Come here, give him the best medicine here, and I will continue the interrogation tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man had already walked out of the imperial prison, and the Jin Yiwei behind dared to step forward, untied him from the shelf and threw him back into the cell, where he applied the medicine.

Shi Heng was lying in the haystack like a dead dog, his whole body was so painful that he had no strength at all, so he could only let them play with them at will.

What Xia Ji said just now made him feel uneasy, and his heart was already in chaos.

No, he doesn't believe it!Father and Hua Rong will definitely find a way to rescue him!

Also, he was very careful in everything he did this time, without leaving any evidence at all. If Xia Ji hadn't been there at that time, how could he have fallen into this situation!
After taking the medicine, several people walked out of the prison door, suddenly feeling emotional.

"It's the first time I've seen such a terrifying side of my lord." I thought it was scary enough before, but I didn't expect it to be the tip of the iceberg of my lord.

"Yu Xiao, you usually go the closest with the adults, do you know why?"

"I know." Hu Xiao nodded, "Didn't you listen to what he just said to the adults?"

Several people thought for a long time in silence, and one of them suddenly widened his eyes.

"That's why he just accused the lord of His Highness the's true!"

As expected of an adult, his eyesight is high, and he actually fell in love with the eldest princess.

"No wonder your lord is so angry. If it were me... I wouldn't dare to think about anything."

Her Royal Highness Princess Xiaoxiang, he is dying!

Hu Xiao interrupted them, "Everything you heard inside today, you must remember not to speak too much to the outside world, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to adults."

Although my lord's grace is strong, it can't match His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!

I hope adults can think about it.

Xia Ji had already returned to the front yard at this time, and was carefully maintaining the dagger in his hand, as if treating his lover gently.

It's his fault, he shouldn't have stained His Highness with the blood of a thief.


In the palace, Fuling came back, her eyes were red, and she told Xia Hanyu that the two sisters of Banxia had recognized each other. They hugged each other and cried for a long time, and she was so envious of crying.

Xia Hanyu asked the palace man to take a hot face towel and hand it to her.

"Your eyes are swollen from crying when the sisters meet, hurry up and apply it, lest others see it and think it's Bengong who bullied you."

Fu Ling took the face towel, "Your servant is just touched."

"Your Highness, you also know that a slave has no relatives when she urinates. It is because of luck that she was sent to the palace and served by His Highness's side. You are the closest person to this slave!"

"Of course I am."

After her mother passed away, Fu Ling was the only person closest to her.

Seeing that Xia Hanyu also thought so, Fu Ling's eyes were filled with joy immediately, her delicate little face was full of dimples, and she lay down on the chair beside her and told her everything she saw in Huangzhuang today.

Hearing that Xia Chengyun ate a mouthful of mud because he didn't know how to swing the hoe twice, he immediately laughed, but couldn't help but feel helpless.

"If Queen Mother sees that Bengong treats my younger brother like this, I wonder if she will be angry with me."

"No." Fu Ling shook her head without hesitation and said, "The empress is so gentle and loves the princess so much, she must know that you are doing all this for the good of the crown prince, and I believe that the crown prince and the empress will understand your kindness." Work hard."

"I hope so."

Xia Chengyun has been taken care of by Shi Qingyun, so it would be an easy task to drag him back.

As if thinking of something, Xia Hanyu suddenly said, "Fu Ling, let someone invite Xia Ji into the palace, and say that the palace has something to explain to him."

(End of this chapter)

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