After the eldest princess was reborn, she was forced to bind the power system

Chapter 36 Master Xia Has Learned to Sneak and Sarcasm

Chapter 36 Master Xia Has Learned to Sneak and Sarcasm

"The ministers dare not."

Shi Huarong pursed her lips and lowered her head so that no one could see the expression on her face.

Xia Hanyu sneered, "I think you are very brave."

"Do you really think that I don't know your little thoughts, that the so-called evidence in Cai Sheng's hand comes from you? You said that I always scolded and scolded you. If I am really such a person, you really feel that you are relying on Cai Sheng. Those who are promoted can safely walk out of Beizhen Fusi's prison?"

While speaking, she slowly bent down, and the aura around her body suddenly let go, and she was almost out of breath. She stretched out her hand and pinched Shi Huarong's chin, forcing her to raise her head, with a cold and playful smile on her lips. Invisible.

"That's right, it should be this kind of look!"

She flung her face away.

"Shi Huarong, it's been really hard for you to pretend for so many years. I believe you must have suffered a lot." Pushing the person you love to other women, and trying to match them up, and pretending to be a snake in front of her, is really hard. It was so painful that even she couldn't do it.

Shi Huarong's face was pale, and she was terrified in her heart. She was afraid that Xia Hanyu would discover their secret tricks, so she could only force herself to calm down.

She knelt up, with a respectful face, "His Royal Highness is joking, and my servants would never dare to have such thoughts."

One day, the positions between them will always change. At that time, she will get back all the humiliation she has given her these years. She wants her to kneel in front of her like she is now. Beg her like a dog!

Naturally, Shi Heng also knew that Shi Huarong must have offended Xia Hanyu in order to save her this time, so he couldn't help but plead for her.

"Your Highness, Rong Rong did all this because she was eager to save me. If she offends you in any way, I am here to intercede for her."

As he spoke, he dragged his frail body to the ground solemnly, sweat profusely profusely profusely on his forehead, which added to his morbid elegance.

It's a pity that Xia Hanyu can't see him now.

"Master, I really need to make amends to the princess. If it weren't for your good sister, how could His Royal Highness the eldest princess bear so many infamy for no reason? Just apologizing is not sincere enough."

Xia Ji didn't know when he appeared beside them. He walked to Xia Hanyu's side, his deep eyes were colder than that of the winter cold pool, and he just watched him manipulate at their feet like an ant.

"I see Your Highness."


Xia Hanyu found him just now, and thought he wasn't going to come again.

Shi Heng looked at him bitterly, seeing Xia Hanyu's good face towards her, and felt a little bit jealous, "I have been imprisoned for so many days, and I was sentenced to death by Master Xia, you What else do you want?"

Xia Ji's eyes were full of sneer and disdain, "Master, this is wronging this humble minister. All I did was to find out the truth of the matter. As a suspect who murdered His Highness, Master Master, it is reasonable for me to punish you. I don't think I did anything wrong, you have walked out of Beizhen Fusi well now, isn't this a model of my Beizhen Fusi's dedication to the public."

Xia Hanyu didn't expect that Xia Ji, who was mostly indifferent on weekdays and could only play two or three words, would learn to sneer and sarcasm. She couldn't help but raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smile.

"Master Xia is very right. If Master Xia hadn't been honest and loyal, my father would not have valued it so much. Shi Heng, I hope you can learn from Master Xia's ability to handle affairs in the future, and don't bother about things that you shouldn't. Yes, after all, next time you may not be able to walk out of Beizhen Fusi standing up."

"Okay, I still have something to discuss with Lord Xia. You are still injured, go back and heal your injuries quickly, lest there are rumors outside that this palace is oppressing others."

After saying this, Xia Hanyu didn't bother to look at them any more, turned around and walked towards the gate of Beizhen Fusi.

Xia Ji hurried forward and stretched out his hand.

Xia Hanyu glanced at him, put his hand firmly on his arm, and the two walked up hand in hand, in Shi Heng's eyes, they looked like a pair of Bi people, so perfect for each other.

He pursed his lips tightly, as if thin thorns had been pierced into his heart, causing dense pain in his heart, and he didn't even hear Shi Huarong calling him a few times.

The next second, Xia Ji suddenly turned his head and gave him a condescending look. His eyes were full of mockery and contempt, as well as a crazy but restrained possessive desire; it was as if she was his, and no one could touch her, touch her. Or... only death.

At this moment, Xia Ji was like a ferocious beast being imprisoned, and the person who could imprison him was Xia Hanyu.

Shi Heng's pupils shrank sharply. He had never doubted Xia Ji's thoughts on Xia Hanyu, but he never thought that his thoughts could be so terrifying.

"elder brother?"

Shi Huarong hid the jealousy in his eyes, and couldn't bear it any longer and stretched out his hand to pull him.

"Brother, let's go, now Yu'er has been deceived by others, and will no longer care about your life or death."

However, upon hearing his words, Shi Heng was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"You're right, Yu'er was only bewitched by Xia Ji, as long as she sees his true face, she won't pay attention to him anymore." She will also return to his side.

In Shi Heng's heart, Xia Hanyu should be his, even if he has been using her, even if he doesn't love her, she can only be his.

Perhaps even he himself couldn't tell whether he was using her too much, or if he really invested in feelings that he shouldn't have.

At this time, Xia Hanyu had already entered the inner courtyard, and she was sitting on a chair, sighing unavoidably in her heart.

I have wasted a lot of time on boring people recently, and in the end I still have to focus on tasks.

Xia Ji watched her remain silent, and his heart tightened suddenly.

"Your Highness, when General Wang leaves Beijing tomorrow, do you want to send him off together? After all, you saved his life and raised military and food expenses for him. General Wang said yesterday that he wanted to meet you face to face. Thanks."

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot."

Xia Hanyu did hear Bai Lai mentioned something about Wang Hongde once, but when Shi Heng made a fuss about it, she immediately forgot about it.

"When will General Wang leave tomorrow? Can you bring enough people around you?"

In today's troubled times, there are many rogues, and it's not that no one dares to use the brains of the military pay, not to mention that there are still those remnants of the previous dynasty in the dark.

Xia Ji knew her worry, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, Your Majesty has arranged for a group of elite soldiers to escort you, and I have also arranged for two groups of troops in the dark. Although it cannot be completely guaranteed, if someone wants to use the military salary, there is nothing wrong with it." So easy."

"That's fine."

Xia Hanyu nodded, and then he was relieved.

"Tomorrow, the Japanese Palace will go to the city gate with you to see off General Wang." By the way, I still have a few words to say to him.

 The testing of the waters has passed, and now the PK starts, cuties, don't memorize the text, collect the recommendation tickets and keep going! ^_^
  ps: During pk, two chapters are usually updated a day, and one chapter is about [-] words, but today the computer charger is broken, and I don’t know if I can write [-] words with the remaining power, anyway, I can write with my mobile phone o(╥﹏╥)o not coming out

(End of this chapter)

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