Chapter 50 Whiter than a woman's Ji skin

Xia Hanyu took the snow salt and walked to the front of the five thousand soldiers, smiling.

"Presumably everyone should be very curious about what is in Ben Gong's hands, which shocked Old General Cheng so much."

No one spoke at the scene, not because they didn't speak, but because they didn't dare.

Don't look at her smiling, but the bloody scene just now is still jumping in front of their eyes, afraid that if she opens her mouth, she will be the next to be beaten with a hundred army sticks.

Xia Hanyu didn't care much about what they were thinking at this time, but instead invited Fuling to put the snow salt in her hands.

"Show it to them, if you want to taste it, you can."


Fu Ling reached out to take it, and walked towards the five thousand elite soldiers, her heart beating fast.

This was the first time she had seen so many soldiers, all wearing heavy ice armor and looking so solemn.

But these people are staring at her like wolves watching big meat... The snow salt in their hands is really scary!
She walked near them, blessed slightly, "His Royal Highness asked this servant to show everyone this snow salt. If you want to taste it, you can dip some into your mouth and taste it. Don't be greedy."

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards the crowd.

Fortunately, these people were intimidated by Xia Hanyu just now, and no one dared to do it for a while, at most they just looked around.

"Is this really salt?"

"I've never seen such white salt, even whiter than a woman's Ji skin."

"It looks delicious." Someone couldn't help but smacked his mouth, and was immediately ridiculed.

"You are not afraid of salting you to death!"

"I am willing to eat salt to death. If my family had such a little salt back then, my younger brother would not have died from eating that poisonous salt."

The soldier turned his head as he spoke, feeling sad to himself.

"Actually, this is extracted from poisonous salt. Do you dare to taste it?"

Xia Hanyu's clear voice reached the ears of all the soldiers.

"Poisonous salt!" The soldiers looked at the snow salt in disbelief, and then recalled the large piece of poisonous salt they had seen before, "Your Highness, poisonous salt doesn't look like this?"

"The voice of the palace said that it was refined, because the original salt contained poisonous ingredients, and after refining, all those toxic ingredients were diluted."

Dilution is also a word Xia Hanyu learned from the system.

Everyone nodded, "I see."

"So, do you dare to taste it?" Xia Hanyu walked towards them gracefully, grabbed a handful of salt and put it in his palm.

The palms were shiny and white, not much inferior to Yan, and the eyes of the soldiers who watched were straightened.

Xia Hanyu sneered, "It seems that none of you dare to try, you are cowards, even the little eunuchs in this palace are bolder than you."

These words immediately angered the generals.

"Whoever is a coward, I dare to try!"

The first one to stand up was the soldier who said that his younger brother died from eating poisonous salt, grabbed the salt in Xia Hanyu's hand and stuffed it into his mouth, his expression changed immediately because of the saltiness.

"So salty."

"Who told you to eat so much at once!"

Fu Ling laughed non-stop, and the other soldiers tried their best to suppress their laughter, and the anger that had just risen disappeared instantly.

"How are you, Yang Cheng? Are you okay?"

The soldier behind him asked him anxiously.

Yang Cheng opened his eyes, touched his stomach, heart, and his mouth, "Hey, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt anywhere, and I didn't vomit, I'm fine!"

Fu Ling couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Of course it's fine, our Highness had someone make it with great difficulty, in order to make all the common people eat salt, and you still doubt her!"

She felt sorry for His Highness.

"Let me tell you, this salt is not only non-toxic, but also only costs thirty renminbi a bucket. Do you know how much salt thirty renminbi can buy in the past?"

"Is it only [-] Wen?" Everyone couldn't believe the price of salt, especially when Yang Cheng ate so much but had nothing to do.

They thought of what Fu Ling said just now: Her Royal Highness is to make salt available to all the common people!
Not only their parents, brothers and children can enjoy these, but also themselves.

The hearts of the soldiers were shaken, and an indescribable feeling filled their hearts.

This is the first time that those high-ranking nobles have never paid attention to poor people like them, let alone the high-ranking eldest princess who is so considerate of them.

They heard that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess is deeply favored by His Majesty, and she will give whatever she wants, even Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince can't compare.

Some people even said that if the eldest princess hadn't been a daughter, the crown prince would have belonged to her long ago.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, knelt down on one knee again, and said in unison.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your kindness!"

Xia Hanyu walked to the high platform and looked down at them.

"I don't want your gratitude, as long as you are loyal, you can do it?" What she wants is to calm down.

Because she wants to build an iron cavalry that is only loyal to her, and they are just the beginning.

"Can! Can! Can!"

The sound shook the sky, and Xia Hanyu immediately smiled with satisfaction.

"Very good, then from now on, everything about you will follow the arrangements of Xia Ji and the third party."

"Dark three."

"The minister is here."

An San appeared out of nowhere, kneeling respectfully in front of her.

"In the next three months, you will assist Xia Ji to train them. If he is here, everything will be based on his orders. If he is absent, you will make decisions on your own."

"Wei!" The dark three calmly nodded.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will stay by your Highness's side to protect you."

The names of the dark guards are their skill levels. As for the dark one and the dark two, Xia Hanyu has other more important things for them to do.

Xia Hanyu just nodded after hearing this, and Xia Ji had already walked over.

"This is for you." Xia Hanyu handed him the training atlas she got from the system, "Remember, you must strictly follow the training in this three months, and you can't miss any of them. As for other training that needs to be added , you make your own arrangements."

"The training location will be...that Huangzhuang in my palace. It's quiet and has a lot of space. I'll arrange some chefs to go there when the time comes."

And if they don't train, they can still find time to help the tenants plow the land and plant the land, which can kill two birds with one stone.


Xia Ji took the training book with both hands.

Xia Hanyu took two steps forward slightly, "I will tell you one more good thing, if you can persist in the training under Xia Ji and Anshan for three months, after three months, I will reward each of you with two buckets of salt, ten taels Bai Yin, let you have another ten days off, and you can also borrow your horses, so that you can go home and give these to your family, and you can spend a few more days with them."

Everyone was not calm at the moment, "Your Highness, are you serious?"

"This Palace never jokes!"

(End of this chapter)

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