Chapter 53 What a great prestige

"Your Highness, are you going?"

His Royal Highness never liked to attend any banquets in the past, and the only reason he ever attended was because of Shi Heng.

So this time, many people were watching Xia Hanyu's attitude towards Shi's family.

They wanted to know whether she had rejected Shi Heng, or the entire Shi family. After all, there were rumors that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess was saddened by Shi Heng and turned to look at the eldest son of the Shi family, Shi Huaiyi.

"Go, why not." I happened to be able to see what the two beaten "reservoir dogs" looked like now.

Xia Hanyu closed the invitation and put it aside, looked up at Fu Ling, "How about the things I asked you to do before?"

"Returning to His Highness, the servants and maidservants have already done everything. Now everyone in Beijing knows that Shi Huarong is not the daughter of the Shifu, but just a liar who has occupied the magpie's nest; and there has been ambiguity between him and Shi Heng. Chu's relationship, in fact, has already had an affair, and he deliberately picked up His Highness to try to be a dragon and a phoenix, and it won't be long before the whole Great Xia knows how cheap those two are."

However, the image of Zhilan Yushu originally created by Shi Heng will completely disappear in the hearts of all scholars and be despised by countless people.

Just thinking about Fu Ling makes me feel happy, and I feel that I finally took a small breath of anger for my Highness.

"Our Poria is really getting smarter and smarter." Xia Hanyu boasted with a smile, and handed her two plates of dim sum on the table, "This is a reward."

Fu Ling immediately accepted it happily, "My servant, thank Your Highness for the reward."

Xia Hanyu shook her head helplessly, "Desserts are delicious, but don't eat too much at night, lest you roll around with the same toothache as last time." She was still tired and asked someone to sneak the elderly doctor who was the most skilled dentist into the room in the middle of the night. Gong sees her teeth.


Fuling stuck out her tongue playfully, blessed her body, turned around and went to share with other palace people inside and outside the palace.

She has been like this for so many years, as long as she gets as much food from her, if there is too much, she is always willing to share it with others. Xia Hanyu is also willing to pamper her, and often gives more.

So the atmosphere in their palace has always been the best, unlike in some palaces, the palace people also love to fight against each other, and if they beat others, they can get the upper hand.

Time soon came to the day of the reunion banquet, Xia Hanyu asked Fu Ling to prepare a set of jewelry and headgear for women, and then got up and went to the teacher's residence.

The reunion banquet was held very grandly, and all the prominent officials from Shangjing Middle School brought their families to participate. I think Shiyan is preparing to send Yang Yiyi... Oh no, it's Shichangle now, implying that she will be happy forever.

Presumably, both Shi Yan and Shi Huaiyi hope that this little sister who has finally returned home can be simple and happy forever.

Compared with the bustling front yard, Shi Heng and Shi Huarong's backyard was extremely quiet. The invitations and servants who used to flow in an endless stream disappeared after Shi Changle returned, which was a humiliation they had never experienced before.

At this moment, A Cai hurried back from the outside, lay panting by the door and said loudly.

"Miss, the old lady is back."

Shi Huarong's gloomy expression suddenly brightened a little, and he stood up abruptly, but accidentally injured his waist, and immediately sweated in pain.

A Cai hurried in to support her.

"Where is grandma?"

"At this moment, I should have gone to the backyard to meet the family members of those adults."

A cold light flashed across Shi Huarong's eyes, and he hurriedly said, "Ah Cai, quickly change my clothes, I'm going to pay my respects to grandma now."

"Yes, ma'am."

A Cai carefully changed her clothes and walked towards the backyard where she entertained guests. She also specially danced a white skirt, which made her face even paler.


At this time, Shi Changle knelt down in front of the old lady of the Shi family, looking timidly at the majestic old lady in front of her.

After so many years of living under the fence, she was too sensitive to likes and dislikes in her eyes. With just one glance, she knew that her grandmother didn't like her.

Teacher Le Dun became even more nervous, feeling aggrieved, but this is the backyard, and her brother and father are not here, so there is no one to help her.

And some of the surrounding female relatives looked at her happily.

The old lady frowned and looked at this so-called granddaughter, very displeased.

She just went out for a while, and her well-educated, well-behaved and wise granddaughter has a rustic face in front of her eyes, she can't even salute a farm girl, and his second son and eldest grandson are still holding some kind of reunion banquet with great fanfare. How could she not be annoyed by the family members he introduced to other adults? By the way, she blamed this annoyance on the so-called granddaughter in front of her, with obvious disgust.

When Shi Huarong came out and saw this scene, he felt a little more confident in his heart.

"Grandma, you are finally back."

With A Cai's support, Ruoliu Fufeng walked over gracefully, and was about to kneel down to salute, but the next second she felt a pain, and her already pale face turned even paler, the old lady was very distressed when she saw it, waved to her.

"You still have injuries on your body, what are you doing with so many gifts, come to grandma."

She came back this time only after hearing that her favorite grandson and granddaughter had been beaten, and she never expected it to be so serious.

After resting for a few days, it still hurts like this.

Shi Huarong slowly moved in front of the old lady and looked at her aggrievedly, with unshed tears still in his eyes.

The old lady hurriedly supported her to sit down next to her, and gave her all her cushions.

"Thank you, Grandmother, Rong'er." Shi Huarong sat down, cast a light glance at the teacher who was still kneeling there as if forgotten, and sneered in his heart.

She came here today to let her see that no matter what her father's attitude is, it is impossible for her teacher Changle to surpass her teacher Huarong's position in this family.

The people below whispered, and immediately raised Shi Huarong's status in the Shifu, and they all expressed their condolences.

Shi Huarong enjoyed everyone's condolences, and it took a while before she spoke unintentionally, "Grandmother, why is my sister still kneeling there, please wake her up quickly, otherwise father and elder brother will feel distressed when they see each other."

However, the old lady snorted coldly, "Whether it's your sister or not is yet to be discussed."

As she spoke, she sat down coldly, her chin raised slightly, and she looked down at Shi Changle.

"You are the biological daughter that my son just found? Have you verified it?"

Teacher Le pursed his lips, and answered cautiously, "Master Li from Dali Temple has already given us a blood test."

"The blood test may not be accurate. I didn't see it with my own eyes at the time. Why don't I test it again in front of the adults and family members today, so that some dubious people will not confuse my master's blood."

The old lady raised her hand and was about to ask the people next to her to bring over bowls of tampered water, and a cold and majestic voice came to everyone's ears.

"Mrs. Teacher is really a great prestige."

(End of this chapter)

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