Chapter 56 Xia Ji, Are You Drunk?

The woman immediately knelt down, "Your Highness, I hope that your Highness will forgive me for making a slip of the tongue."

Xia Hanyu's eyes fell on her with a smile that was not a smile, "What is wrong with you, get up, I forgive you for your innocence."

"Thank you, Your Highness." The other party stood up cheerfully, with a smile on his lips.

Xia Hanyu asked her: "What's your name? I don't seem to have seen you before."

"Back to Your Highness, Zuo Qingtang, Zuo Lun's daughter, was sentenced by the court's daughter-in-law's hospital; because of her low status, she is not qualified to meet His Highness." She could only sit in the corner for the most part.

"Zuo Qingtang, surnamed Zuo, Zuo Zong, the envoy of the Grand Hospital, is your grandfather."

Xia Hanyu still has a deep impression of Zuo Zong. He is the imperial doctor who is very good at seeing teeth, and he has been tortured by her several times in the middle of the night.


Zuo Qingtang never thought that Xia Hanyu remembered his grandfather's name, so he said immediately.

"Grandfather, if she knows that His Highness has always remembered him, she will be very happy."

"I don't think so." Xia Hanyu couldn't help smiling when she thought of the sad face of the old courtyard envoy every time she was snatched into the palace by her people, and her brows softened.

Seeing that Xia Hanyu was not angry, Zuo Qingtang subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"Perhaps it's because every time I look for him, it's at night."

Hearing this, Fu Ling on the side also covered her mouth and smiled, "It's all the servant's fault, it's the servant who always likes to steal food at night, and often suffers from toothache, that's why His Highness invited the old man into the palace to let the servant see his teeth."

Zuo Qingtang was stunned immediately, never thought that this was the reason, and couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's how it is. No wonder my grandfather always sighed when he came back at night a few times, and he didn't allow me to eat more sweets. Is it because of you?"

But Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is also very kind to the slaves in the palace. Because of her toothache, she asked her grandfather to enter the palace. You must know that although her grandfather is only the fifth rank, he is also the largest official in the imperial hospital. Except for the favored concubines, His Majesty, His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, or His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, no one is qualified to ask him to make a visit.

Fuling smirked a little, showing apology.

The three of them looked like they were having a good time talking, and they could see the gritted teeth of some people who wanted to get in touch but were a step too late, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

If I had known that they would follow her example, they would still be able to get close to His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

At this time, Teacher Le had already walked back, and seeing the three of them talking, he walked quietly to Xia Hanyu and stood beside him.

"I'm home."

Xia Hanyu motioned for her to sit down, and just let the old lady watch like this, so angry at her, who dared to question her decision just now by playing prestige here.

Teacher Le sat down obediently, seeing that the old lady's face darkened a little.

She is an elder in the master's mansion, but now a junior who just came back actually takes the main position, and she has to bow down to her, how uncomfortable, how angry, how... dare not speak out.

Xia Hanyu also waved to Zuo Qingtang.

Zuo Qingtang was taken aback for a moment, then walked up to her, "Your Highness?"

Xia Hanyu looked at her, "Zuo Qingtang, do you hate Shi Huarong?"

From the moment she dared to stand up and say this, she knew that she didn't like Shi Huarong, and even hated him.

"Who told her to always humiliate me?" Zuo Qingtang snorted, and glanced in a certain direction, "At that time, it was only because my father and my grandfather were only fifth-rank and sixth-rank officials, which was almost the lowest in Shangjing. An official position, but Shi Huarong is the daughter-in-law of the Shifu, and Master Shi's rank is much higher than my grandfather, so she took other female relatives to isolate me, and always likes to snatch my favorite things. Hate her."

"And I was imitating her speech just now. Sorry, Your Highness, I just wanted to please you."

"No problem." Xia Hanyu doesn't dislike some scheming little girls. In Shangjing, which lives according to the ranks, if you don't have some scheming, you won't be bullied to death. As long as you don't use bad scheming on her, she won't care.

As for pleasing her, isn't it her luck to be pleasing to such a handsome little girl?

Seeing that Xia Hanyu didn't blame her, Zuo Qingtang was also relieved, and then looked at Shi Changle, her pretty face was a little red at first, but in the next second she bowed heavily to her.

"Miss Teacher, I'm also sorry."

Shi Changle, who was so scared that he just sat down, jumped up as if his butt was burned.

"It''s okay."

Although she didn't know why the beautiful elder sister in front of her who looked a little bit worse than the eldest princess suddenly apologized to her, but she should be right.

Zuo Qingtang was so amused by her little rabbit appearance that she burst out laughing, and Master Le also laughed stupidly.

Xia Hanyu looked at them with her head tilted, and smiled slightly, as if she was a patriarch looking at her own children.

At this time, Fu Ling suddenly leaned into her ear, "Your Highness, Master Xia seems to be looking for you."

Xia Hanyu raised her eyes when she heard the sound, and saw him standing upright on the spot Shi Huaiyi had just stood like a green pine, staring in her direction.

She sat up straight and raised her hand, Fu Ling immediately helped her up.

"I still have important things to do, so I'll leave first. Don't bully the little idiot I like, otherwise..."

For the next words, there is no need to say more.

Everyone stood up immediately, "The ministers (feminines) dare not, so send your Highness respectfully."

When I looked up again, I saw her slender back standing in front of Xia Ji, and the evil Yan Luo, who was rumored by outsiders to kill without batting an eye, bent his hand that had never been bent before, raised his hand, and took over Fu Ling's position. s position.

But Her Royal Highness seems to have already gotten used to it.

Zuo Qingtang was dumbfounded, "As expected of Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, to be treated like this by that evil Yan Luo."

Apart from His Majesty in this world, His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess must have this honor.

She pulled Teacher Changle, "Changle, come and sit with me, let's have a good talk."


"Xia Ji, you were also invited by Shi Huaiyi today?"

Xia Hanyu walked slowly towards the front yard with his forearm on, and asked him casually.

"Mmm." Xia Ji's voice was low, and he looked down at her side face with tenderness in his eyes.

"Then why did you suddenly find me out?"

In front of Xia Ji, Xia Hanyu herself hadn't even realized that she seldom calls herself Ben Gong nowadays.

Xia Ji answered irrelevantly, "The minister only came for a while and then left. With the minister here, none of them dared to speak."

Xia Hanyu laughed, "It's almost the same as my side."

With her around, everyone didn't even dare to whisper, but only Zuo Qingtang dared to speak to her directly.

"But what do you say these have to do with what I asked you?"

"Of course there is." Xia Ji said with deep eyes, "If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have left, let alone go to Huangzhuang..."

"Your Highness, I have already made arrangements, and I will set off to suppress the bandits this afternoon."

Xia Hanyu stopped in her tracks when she heard the weird and inexplicable words, and finally realized something was wrong.

"Xia Ji, are you drunk?"

(End of this chapter)

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