Chapter 76 Face Slap ([-])

Xia Chengyun hesitated for a moment, then walked over and cupped his hands towards the other party.

"Your Majesty's Concubine."

"Chengyun, you used to call me concubine mother, what's wrong today... But there are some scumbags talking nonsense in your ears, which made you become estranged from me so much."

While speaking, Shi Qingyun's eyes turned red, full of sadness and fragility.

However, Xia Chengyun frowned when he heard his words, his face full of confusion.

"Why did you say that, the imperial concubine? It was Gu's fault for calling your mother and concubine in the past. The emperor corrected it a long time ago. What's more, Gu is a legitimate son, has his own mother, and is even the current queen. Although she is no longer here, Gu After all, it is her flesh and blood, so naturally I should not call you concubine mother."

In fact, the main reason is that Xia Hanyu doesn't like imperial concubines. If he continues to call him concubine mother, he will lose his sister again. This is something Xia Chengyun absolutely doesn't want to see.

The expression on Shi Qingyun's face could hardly be maintained, it was ferocious.

"So, it's my fault."

She changed the subject, "I just saw you running towards the imperial study in a hurry, but you need to go to His Majesty?"

"I just came back from there. Your Majesty is busy, and even I haven't seen him. Why don't you go there later, so you don't have to wait outside the door."

"It will be too late later, what if my sister doesn't take me out of the palace to play!" Xia Chengyun wished he could go in front of the emperor now, "Besides, if the emperor doesn't see you, he won't see Gu and sister, but I still want to thank my mother for letting me know."

The handkerchief in Shi Qingyun's hand was twisted tighter and tighter, wishing it could be twisted, and the smile was far-fetched.

"The prince said so."

It really was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. She had raised him for so many years with good intentions, and followed him in everything, but it was not worth Xia Hanyu's short few months.

At this time, Xia Chengyun couldn't control what she was thinking, and immediately said: "I still have something to discuss with my father, so I will take my leave first."

As he spoke, he started running again.

Just been delayed for such a long time, really annoying.

But how did he find out that the imperial concubine was so verbose at some point, and what he said sounded a little wrong.

Forget it, don't think about it, it's more important to go to see the father.

Thinking about it this way, he ran faster, which is really pitiful for the group of palace people behind him.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, wait for slaves..."

They couldn't run anymore.


On the other side, Fu Ling and the others also started to pack things for Xia Hanyu.

"You don't need to bring too much. You should bring more silver and ordinary people's clothes. It is enough to prepare a few sets of men's clothing by the way; and Bai Zhi, you will take the token of this palace to the imperial pharmacy later, remember to bring more Bring some medicinal materials, any medicinal materials, if there are no ones there, I will let Fu Ling take you to my private treasury to extract them." There are several life-threatening medicinal materials in her private treasury.

Xia Hanyu said, keep Tianzi Linghe close to him, if he loses it, it will be a big deal.

Bai Zhi immediately said yes.

At this moment, a palace official came over and whispered a few words in Fu Ling's ear. Fu Ling was surprised and walked up to Xia Hanyu.

"Your Highness, just now His Royal Highness..."

She was talking about meeting Shi Qingyun on the prince's road, and she laughed as she spoke.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince seems to dislike that person in the palace more and more now." It can be seen from the trivial things on weekdays.

"That's good." Xia Hanyu just smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Sooner or later, Chengyun will not only dislike them, but hate them from the bottom of his heart!
About half an hour later, Xia Chengyun ran back happily.

"Sister, Sister, Father Emperor agrees!"

"What did the father say?" Xia Hanyu knew that the father would agree, but he didn't expect to agree so quickly.

Originally, she thought that Xia Chengyun would have to spend some time in the imperial study before returning.

Xia Chengyun thought for a while, "Father told me to bring all the hidden guards with me, don't hold you back, as a man, you have to protect Sister, if Sister is injured, he will definitely not spare me!"

He couldn't help but lose face when he said this.

"Sister, does the emperor despise me very much?"

"Yes." Xia Hanyu was not going to comfort him, "So, if Chengyun doesn't want to be rejected by his father, he has to be a good man, and he must be a good prince."

"I will definitely try my best!"

In the past, Xia Chengyun actually didn't quite understand why his father always doted on his elder sister so much, but he always treated him honestly. It turned out that it was because his elder sister was so much better than himself!

Now when he is outside, he hears big guys praising Sister from time to time, and he hopes that one day, they can say the same about him.

Not only because his prince did not dare to offend, but because he was Xia Chengyun.

Afterwards, Xia Hanyu asked Fu Ling to go to the East Palace to pack some clothes for him. After arranging everything, Xia Chengyun rested directly in Xia Hanyu's side hall that night.

To put it bluntly, he was afraid that sister would leave him early tomorrow morning.

Xia Hanyu couldn't laugh or cry, so she let him.

In the early morning of the second day, a group of people got into an ordinary carriage, brought a few guards with them, and went out of the palace disguised as young ladies from a rich family.

Xia Ji brought a few Jinyi guards into casual clothes and waited at the gate of the palace early.

It wasn't until watching them leave that a palace talent ran back to Ganquan Palace and told Shi Qingyun what he saw.

Shi Qingyun couldn't help thinking.

"Are they really just out of the palace to play?" And Xia Ji was specially arranged by His Majesty to accompany him as an escort?

She always felt that there was something wrong with it.

But after thinking about it, with His Majesty's partiality for Xia Hanyu, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was among them, it is not impossible for Xia Ji to protect her.

It is estimated that there are many people who are secretly guarding.


Shi Qingyun suddenly opened his eyes, and waved to the people beside him, "Zi Yun, go, tell Shi Heng and the others about Xia Hanyu's visit to the palace."

"Your Majesty is hoping..." Zi Yun couldn't believe it.

Shi Qingyun hooked the corner of his mouth coldly, "I heard that there are a lot of refugees outside the palace. If the eldest princess and the prince bump into each other outside or die from injury, no one else is to blame."

As for Shi Heng, he and the thing that has occupied the magpie's nest are probably hating Xia Hanyu poisonously now, and they will not miss such a good opportunity.

Especially Shi Huarong, who is probably the person who hates Xia Hanyu the most in the world now.

Even Zi Yundang understood, with a malicious smile on the corner of her mouth, she turned and retreated, found a reason to leave the palace, and went to the master's mansion to report to the pair of fake brothers and sisters.


Because the road was too bumpy, Xia Hanyu got on the horse directly after leaving the city gate, and went back to the carriage when she was tired from riding the horse. In this way, only Xia Chengyun was left in the carriage, and Poria and Bai Zhi waited on it.

As for why he brought Bai Zhi, Xia Hanyu only felt that the journey was far away, and the doctor had to bring one, so it was better to bring Bai Zhi, just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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