Chapter 79

"Okay, what a Xie family, what a Xie Yi!" With a bang, Xia Hanyu's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

She wanted to see how he would explain all this to her then!
"Shopkeeper, get up first, let me ask you, do you know where the mine is?"

Xia Hanyu felt that there was no need for another trial, so she went directly to borrow troops to level the place!
Counting the time, her five thousand four private soldiers are already on their way.

The shopkeeper stood up, shook his head lightly, and said, "The grassroots don't know, but the villagers of Cangshan Village found the mine. I think they may know about it, but there may be more than that."

"how do I say this?"

"As far as Caomin knows, people in Cangshan Village who knew the address of the mine, regardless of age or sex, were arrested; and Cangshan Village is also the worst village in our Qingshan County. Not only people from other villages blamed them for not telling about the mine. The county government, there are really only old people and children left in their village now, even people around my age, some of them have been arrested, and I heard that there are many casualties."

As for how he died, a doctor had secretly verified it.

Either be beaten to death, or... exhausted to death.

"It seems that we still have to go to Cangshan Village first."


Cangshan Village is a relatively remote village in Qingshan County. It is surrounded by mountains and there are not many fertile fields. Therefore, most of the villagers in Cangshan Village rely on the mountains to live on the mountains. Their daily source of income is to dig some wild ginseng and ganoderma from the surrounding mountains. Wait for the medicinal materials to be sold, or hunters, who specialize in catching animals to eat or sell.

It is precisely because of this that they discovered the copper mine by accident, which eventually turned into a disaster.

Resting at the inn for one night, Xia Hanyu and Xia Ji didn't bring many people with them early the next morning, they only took Yu Xiao, Fu Ling and Bai Zhi to Cangshan Village on horseback, oh, there was another person who insisted on coming and couldn't ride a horse Xia Chengyun.

Xia Hanyu threw him to the person he hated the most... Xia Ji.

On the way, Yu Xiao asked Fu Ling in a low voice.

"Miss Fu Ling, we have been so careful all the way, but yesterday His Highness suddenly admitted to the shopkeeper? Isn't she afraid that he will reveal our identities?"

"That's impossible, let me tell you, although His Highness has admitted to being an official, he has already made people stare at the boss, just to see if he will betray us and go to the county to file a complaint. Anyone who dares to betray His Highness will surely die."

Although she didn't think so, His Highness said before going out, be careful.

Except for yourself, it's best not to trust anyone easily, even if the other party looks harmless.

Yu Xiao immediately expressed admiration, "As expected of His Highness, you are smart."

Fu Ling looked proud, "That is, my Highness is the smartest person in the world."

"So do we adults."

Anyway, Yu Xiao hasn't seen any case that can be difficult for their adults.

Having said that, the two suddenly looked at each other and revealed a rather mysterious smile at the same time.

Therefore, Lord Xia and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess are really the best match, right?

In front, Xia Ji and Xia Hanyu were riding side by side, and there was a decadent His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in Xia Ji's arms.

Looking at it from a distance, it really looks like...a family of three.

They soon arrived at Cangshan Village.

The road in Cangshan Village is very narrow, and only one horse can pass through it, and Xia Ji is leading the way on horseback.

Until they entered the village, they found that compared with Qingshan County, this village was only worse than that, and they could hardly see the slightest popularity.

"Why is there no one?" Xia Hanyu frowned, turned over and got off the horse.

Yu Xiao hurriedly dismounted and pulled the rope over.

Bai Zhi walked to her side, her eyes full of worry, "Your Highness, could they have noticed, so..."

She wanted to say that those people might have slaughtered the village, but found that she couldn't say anything.

"Should not."

Xia Ji took Xia Chengyun off his horse and came over, Xia Chengyun hurried to hide behind Xia Hanyu.

It's a pity that the person he was hiding from didn't even look at him.

"Look, Your Highness, there is not even a trace of blood on the ground. With the arrogance of that group of people, even if they killed someone, they would not be able to help clean up the blood. Therefore...they must still be alive, and they may be somewhere in the village. It is also possible that they hid on the mountain."

Xia Ji analyzed bit by bit.

Xia Hanyu nodded in agreement, "I'm pretty much what you think."

"Let's go, let's go look inside first."

She remembered that the old couple said that the house they lived in was at the back of the village, and maybe other people were there too.

A group of people walked towards the back, and they really saw people soon.

The reason why they couldn't see anyone in front was because everyone was in an open place behind, and the sad atmosphere filled the whole village.

Soon, someone noticed the arrival of several of their strangers, with strong hostility and defense in their eyes.

"Who are you?"

Apart from the gray-haired old man present, there were only five or six-year-old children left.

In the middle of the empty place stood an old man who also had gray hair.

Xia Hanyu never thought that they would be having a funeral.

The two old men soon found them, and immediately walked in front of everyone excitedly.

"Don't get me wrong, they are the kind people who sent us back before, and they are here to find us."

Only then did everyone let go of their hostility, turned around and returned to their positions.

"Grand... girl, son, please come here."

The two old men took them to their own house and sat them down on the stone bench in front of the door.

"Your Highness, my lord, do you have something to ask us today?"

Xia Hanyu nodded, "It's still the question I asked you on the road before."

"Is it true that no one in your village knows where the copper mine is?"

The two shook their heads, "We asked around when we came back, but everyone said they didn't know."

"Originally, the white old man may have known that he had said he had found that place before, but he already...he died without waiting for his son, daughter-in-law, and his ten-year-old grandson!" what!
As they spoke, they couldn't help covering their faces and weeping, feeling sorry for old man Bai.

"We didn't even have time to tell him that your lord has already accepted our complaint and arrived in Qingshan County." The old man Bai died the day before they came back, only one day away!

Xia Hanyu and the others felt a little uncomfortable when they heard this. Fu Ling's tears were shedding desperately, and Yu Xiao hurriedly comforted her.

Xia Hanyu pursed her lips and closed her eyes, "We are still late after all."

It's just that even the villagers of Cangshan Village don't know about it now, so they can only find someone to keep an eye on the person surnamed Xie, or the county magistrate of Qingshan County.

Let them show themselves impatiently first,

 There should be one or two more chapters today, but I'm not sure about the exact time.

(End of this chapter)

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