Chapter 86 Ah Ji, Time to Hurry Up

As soon as he returned upstairs, before Xia Hanyu opened his mouth, Xia Chengyun couldn't stand it anymore.

"Sister, what kind of eyes does he have? He dares to look at you with such lewd eyes. He deserves it! If I were in Shangjing, I would have someone goug his eyes and feed them to the dogs!"

He was spinning around the room angrily.

Xia Hanyu pulled him to the side of the bed and sat down, "Chengyun, sister knows that you don't want to see sister being wronged, but as a prince, it's not good to say such words in your mouth, if people hear it, it's time to impeach you again." .”

In the last life, he was impeached again and again because of his outspokenness, and was even branded as tyrannical, forcing his father to make King An another emperor's younger brother.

However, Xia Chengyun was a little unconvinced when he heard her say this, "But he has treated you like this, sister! I am a dignified princess of Daxia, how dare a mere businessman dare to offend you."

"Sister, you are obviously not such a timid person, why did you just..."

"Because this is not Shangjing, because my sister is here to do business." Xia Hanyu sighed a little, her cold face full of helplessness.

"Brother, most of the time, we are never in a hurry to vent our anger. Sooner or later we have to settle the score with them. At that time, even if you kill him and execute him Ling Chi, the adults in the court will only praise you for killing him." decisive rather than brutal."

Because the prince not only needs generosity, benevolence, but also wisdom to be qualified to sit on the dragon chair.

"Don't worry, Elder Sister will definitely not let him go, he has no right to die so easily, his life and that dog officer's life must be saved for the time being, to atone for the dead people and the people who still don't know where they are suffering. "

Xia Chengyun seemed to understand a little bit, and nodded obediently, "Chengyun listens to sister, so bear with it."

Xia Hanyu smiled, "Sister, I know that Chengyun is a smart kid, she can see through."

Immediately, he called Fu Ling, "Fu Ling, take your son back to your room to rest, Master Xia and I still have business to discuss."

"Yes." Fuling blessed her body and took away the reluctant Xia Chengyun.

As soon as Xia Chengyun left, the gentle arc of Xia Hanyu's mouth immediately retracted, her eyes were slightly cold, with a strong killing intent.

"Aji, it's time to hurry up."

"Today he has no doubts about my identity for the time being, but don't forget, there is the corrupt official county beside him, not to mention the identity of the people behind him. They dare to turn this place into hell, and they will surely The imperial court has never been taken seriously."

Otherwise, this huge Qingshan County should have some popularity, instead of being as lifeless as it is now, like a dead city.

Xia Hanyu couldn't see this, she felt uncomfortable and felt a little inexplicably guilty.

She could almost imagine how miserable the common people would be when the Great Xia country was destroyed in the previous life, and it was nothing more than that.

Xia Ji nodded, his dark eyes were full of distress.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I have already dispatched all the people in the dark, and I believe the results will come soon."

He stepped forward slightly and stroked the loose strands of hair from her temples.

"You don't need to do it yourself, as long as it is someone His Highness wants to kill, Xia Ji will never let him live a moment longer." Therefore, His Highness doesn't need to dirty his hands for those dirty people, he will feel distressed.

Xia Ji's eyes fell on her noble and delicate catkins, and all that passed through her mind was the tenderness when she held him.

Xia Hanyu just hummed lightly and let out a breath, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

However, in the afternoon of that day, the secret guard suddenly brought a person in front of Xia Hanyu. The man's face was sallow, his body was naked, his clothes were tattered to cover him, and he knelt in front of her tremblingly.

"Xiaomin met the nobleman, Xiaomin didn't want to run away on purpose, Xiaomin just really missed his wife and children at home, please forgive me, please spare my humble life!"

Xia Hanyu narrowed her beautiful eyes, "What's going on?"

An Yi took a step forward, "This subordinate was originally ordered to look for that pothole. I found that place through some subtle things of those people. I was going to go in to investigate, but I saw him sneaking out before running out. Bring people back directly."

"But the others are still guarding there, waiting for the master to order."

Beside An Yi, Yu Xiao handed a document to Xia Ji. ,

"My lord, this is the secret letter that my subordinate arranged to send back with Xie Bi's people, and the secret letter was found in his home. This subordinate speculated that it might be related to the person behind it, so I hurriedly sent it here."

Xia Ji reached out to take it, opened the secret letter, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Your Highness." He unfolded the secret letters one by one and handed them to Xia Hanyu, "It is indeed what we thought at the beginning, those people are behind this pit."

And these secret letters are the evidence that the person behind got into Xie Bi step by step.


After reading it, Xia Hanyu threw the secret letter back into Xia Ji's hands.

"It's so stupid to want to take Xie Yi's position as Patriarch? But those sycophants are also powerful. They have helped a fool up to this day step by step. I'm afraid they just think he is easy to control."

What is their purpose?Just for this copper mine?I'm afraid not.

Presumably it's for those money-making money-makers behind the Xie family.

I don't know what Xie Yi's expression would be if she saw this.

"Xia Ji, put these away first." Xia Hanyu ordered.

"Wei." Xia Ji folded it up and put it in his clothes.

Xia Hanyu's eyes fell on the beggar-like man prostrated on the ground, and he gently parted his red lips.

"Get up and talk."

The other party hesitated for a moment, subconsciously glanced at An Yi, and seeing that he agreed, he stood up tremblingly, but he also noticed something wrong.

"You... are not... not in the same group as those people, are you?"

"Don't we look like they're in the same group?" Xia Hanyu looked at him with raised eyebrows, and immediately received a look of astonishment, but quickly restrained herself.

Such an appearance made her subconsciously take a high look.

The next moment, I saw him bow slightly towards them.

"Si Mingliang, a scholar in Qingshan County, has met all the adults."

Hearing this, Xia Hanyu couldn't help raising his eyebrows a little, "Why do you call me that, don't we look so much like officials?"

"Demeanor." Si Mingliang tightened his shoulders and straightened his back. "You have the demeanor of an official. I met a few adults when I was a scholar, but they were no match for you. That's why I guessed."

While speaking, his eyes gradually fell on Xia Ji, with a clear and upright expression, "I think this should be the commander of Jin Yiwei, Master Xia."

As if he didn't like the other person's eyes, Xia Ji raised his eyes abruptly, his cold eyes were sharper than a sharp blade, and they pierced into his neck as if he put them in, causing him to take a big step back in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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