Chapter 95

"Be flat."

Xia Hanyu raised his hand slightly, and all the soldiers stood up in unison.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Xia Hanyu looked at them, her voice was clear and loud.

"You have done a great job in saving him. After returning, I will definitely report to my father and give you another reward."

"Also, from today onwards, you are the exclusive... Silver Feather Guards of this Palace!"

This is the name Xia Hanyu just came up with in the past few days. The system once said that each of the five thousand armors is like a silver feather, and it looks like it can fly into the sky when viewed from a distance.

From today onwards, she wants to let the reputation of her Silver Feather Guards resound throughout the Great Xia. One day, those barbarians will run away as soon as they hear about the Great Xia Silver Feather Guards, and they will not dare to attack again!
"Thank you, Your Highness, for the name!"

Everyone in the Silver Feather Guard had surprise in their eyes, and quickly thanked them.

Silver Feather Guard is really majestic and omnipotent!

Afterwards, Xia Hanyu took Xia Ji directly to take over the government office of Qingshan County, and Zhang Hua and Xie Bize were temporarily pushed into the big bosses of Qingshan County.

I'm afraid these two people never thought that they would live here one day and become neighbors.

As for those who followed the rebellion, they were also detained in one place, and Xia Hanyu handed them over to Xia Ji directly.

How to deal with it, she believed that Xia Ji knew better than her.

A few hours later, Zeng Gu asked to see him outside the government office.

Now all the guards outside the government office have been replaced by Yinyu Guards, no one is allowed to enter or leave without Xia Hanyu's order.

Xia Hanyu asked Fu Ling to bring people in.

After a while, I saw a tall and strong man wearing a well-fitting armor strode up to her and knelt down.

"Minister Zeng, please see Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Zeng Gu bowed his head, as if surrendering in respect.

The eldest princess is in the front and the prince is in the back. It is conceivable who he submits to.

"Get up."

Xia Hanyu's cold eyes fell on him, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I've heard General Wang mention General Zeng's youthful promise and upright spirit before. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation."

The Zenggu in front of me is only thirty years old, so it is natural that he should be admired for it when he is young.

"His Royal Highness the eldest princess praises you."

When Wang Hongde was mentioned, Zeng Gu's serious eyes were a little more nostalgic, and he suddenly bowed his hands slightly towards Xia Hanyu.

"I would like to thank Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess for saving General Wang. If it weren't for Her Royal Highness, General Wang would have already... He once had the kindness to remind me of my situation. I really didn't believe that General Wang would be greedy for the generals. How could he use his own salary to subsidize those wounded soldiers on weekdays!"

Hearing this, Xia Hanyu sighed slightly, with deep apologies in his eyes.

"It's my incompetence. I don't know that the remnants of the previous dynasty have gone deep into the court and almost killed General Wang!"

"It's not His Highness's fault, it's those remnants of the previous dynasty who have ulterior motives. They didn't take the lives of the people for the sake of rebellion!"

I don't know what came to mind, Zeng Gu's face was ashen, it was ugly as hell.

"Your Highness, do you know that there are thousands of corpses lying in the mine, all of them are people from Qingshan County or even the surrounding counties. .”

Xia Hanyu pursed her lips slightly, but what appeared in her eyes was the scene she saw outside Shangjing.

She had thought that such a tragic scene would never be seen again easily, but she never thought that it would happen again in less than a month.

 There are really some problems today, but I will start to update it tomorrow, at least two chapters a day.

(End of this chapter)

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