Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 101 Nianbai Anti-kill 2, Yuanyuan was bullied

Chapter 101 Nianbai Anti-kill 2, Yuanyuan was bullied
Nianbai stood up and approached him, those clear eyes narrowed leisurely, like a mirror, able to illuminate people's hearts unreservedly, at the same time with a bit of sharpness, able to wrap people's hearts tightly, making people breathless .

"So Chen Jie, why on earth did you do this stupid thing, not just because you like it? Did you make some kind of deal between you?"

Chen Jie dodged subconsciously, but remained silent.

The expression had already betrayed him, and Nianbai nodded, "Don't say it? Okay, then we will spend it slowly, anyway, the truth is about to surface."

Nian Bai turned and left, the people outside the door immediately hid, and in the ward, Chen Jie who was flustered suddenly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

When the people outside the door came in, he immediately changed his face again, showing panic.

"Why, it's only a few words, and you're afraid of becoming like this?" Feng Ruyan sneered in her heart, you bastard!
But if someone threatens a few words, I'm afraid it will be like this.

Chen Jie held his lips indifferently, "You are not mediocre."

"You!" Feng Ruyan glared immediately, and couldn't help but burst into anger.

If she was afraid, she would come in as soon as Nian Bai left?I'm afraid I just hung on the door to listen, right?
"I ask you, why do you have a photo of me at home?!"

Feng Ruyan glanced at him up and down, he looked sneering and sneering, and he didn't look like she liked her, so why did he have her picture at home?Thus making Nian Bai and the police suspect her?
It's really not enough to succeed but more to fail!
Chen Jie remained silent and lowered his eyes.

Feng Ruyan stared at him dangerously, "You want to kill me?"

Chen Jie pulled his lower lip indifferently, "We are grasshoppers on the same rope, what good will it do me if I hurt you?"

Feng Ruyan snorted coldly, "It's best, don't forget what you promised me, if you dare to say it, you will never find your sister!"

So what if she was suspected, as long as Chen Jie didn't let go, the police and Nian Bai would not be able to find direct evidence, so the suspicion could never be proven, it could only be suspicion.

Chen Jie's eyelashes flickered.

In the car, a voice came from the mobile phone that Nian Bai put on his lap: "...Never try to find your sister!"

It turned out that this is the reason why Chen Jie would trade with her.

Ye Yan found out at the beginning that Chen Jie also had a younger sister who was lost ten years ago, and he has been looking for it for the past ten years.

Feng Ruyan made a deal with him on this matter, promising that as long as he would do what she said, she would help him find his sister.

The real Chen Jie didn't like her, just because of this deal.

It showed how much Chen Jie cared about this younger sister, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life.

As for whether Feng Ruyan has this ability, can she find out...

Nianbai's eyes widened, she couldn't help but think of the voice on the phone, maybe, Feng Ruyan has a backer.

This backer, who could it be?
For some reason, Nianbai couldn't help but feel hairy.

In the ward, the conversation between the two was still going on, Chen Jie said: "Then you can help me find her, Feng Ruyan, you have seen the situation now, the police have found me now, if they really arrest me Get caught and play some tricks, if I really can't resist the trick, then don't blame me."

The cold air in Feng Ruyan's eyes condensed into a knife, "Threat me?"

Chen Jie shook his head innocently, "No, it's just stating the facts."

After a long silence, Feng Ruyan glanced at him one last time and went out.

The last glance implied killing intent, and Chen Jie felt it.

At the same time, the sound on the phone stopped, and Nian Bai was about to exit when a message popped up on the top.

[Little Demon Girl]: Xiaobai, take a look
Qianmo sent a video, which was exactly the part where Feng Ruyan was making a fuss at home, yelling for her to die.

Nian Bai kept it and sent it to the police.


Although the weather is cold, it can't stand the noon sun, which is as warm as winter.

Today, the second son is wearing a retro plaid woolen coat, Oxford shoes, British style matching, and a pair of glasses to set off the luxury. He is gentle and gentle, like a teacher.

When he heard that the little guy was making trouble in school, fighting with others, and being detained in the teacher's office, he immediately lost his composure and became unrefined.

Mu Yeqin hid the haze between his brows, and went to school with the restraint of anger.

It's not impossible to fight, but it's too low to fight with weak children.

How could a man from his Mu family do this.

In the car, Xiaochun didn't dare to show his anger, even Nianbai sat in a well-behaved manner, occasionally sneaking a glance at him.

In the teacher's office, Yuanyuan was still arguing with reason, arguing with the two adults with a blushing face, the teacher made an embarrassing smile and reconciled.

At both ends, she can't say too much.

"Call your parents, where are your parents?! Isn't there a life that no one taught you? Look, look, look at how my family Fanfan has been beaten, so young, so barbaric, so uneducated?!"

As soon as he approached the door, Mu Yeqin heard these words, and the haze between his brows instantly covered his whole face. He pushed the door and walked in, followed by Nian Bai.

She was very puzzled, what happened to her husband these days, he would pull her to do everything, and he would get nervous at every turn, hugging her and hugging her.

There are always some unbelievable actions.

Nian Bai would not foolishly think that this was the result of his sudden love, she felt that everything was weird.

The woman who yelled at her was the parent of the child who was beaten by Yuanyuan, and his father also came. The two adults were aggressive towards him because of the fact that Yuanyuan had no one to back him up.

When Mu Yeqin came in, the woman's yelling and cursing stopped abruptly, and for a moment, all eyes in the office fell on him.

The bright jade trees are more beautiful than the jade trees, and they are as elegant as the still water and the bright moon. In the meantime, they are like the pines reflecting the cold pond, which is somewhat compelling.

who is thisEveryone thought, what a noble temperament.

Then look at the woman who came in, she is also noble and elegant, and her politeness towards people also implies alienation, making people fearful.

Such a good match must be a family.

Sure enough, the little radish on the ground shouted: "Little uncle, little aunt—"

Seeing them coming, Yuanyuan rushed over, with the backbone, all the grievances rushed to his heart in an instant, he hugged Mu Yeqin's leg and complained, his eyes were red: "Little uncle, they bullied me~"

Mu Yeqin knelt down, patted the little guy's head, stared into his eyes and asked, "Tell Uncle, why did you hit someone?"

Yuanyuan pursed her mouth and told the story intermittently, until finally, tears fell down.

Mu Yeqin: "..."

After the play, it becomes hypocritical.

Yuanyuan, the brat, would never grin even if he was chased three blocks by the shoe boards. How could a thick-skinned and big-hearted one shed tears just because outsiders scolded him a few words?
What is an outsider to him?Can also arouse his emotions?

It turned out that the cause of the incident was her. The second son glanced at the little girl beside him. The little girl was in a daze.

A few days ago, my uncle told Yuanyuan that from now on, I would call my little sister my aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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