Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 103 The Coincidence of a Moment, Yuanyuan's Exploration

Chapter 103 A Momentary Coincidence, Yuanyuan's Exploration

There was traffic on the street, and it was time for school to end, the little guy hadn't eaten yet, and he was hungry, so Mu Yeqin took him to a restaurant.

Unexpectedly, the little guy proposed to go home to eat. Looking at Nian Bai, his eyes sparkled and he was very excited, "Auntie, you haven't tasted uncle's cooking, have you? His cooking is delicious. Let's go to the supermarket to buy and serve, and then Go home and let uncle cook it for you, okay?"

Dad said, let's do it when it's time to do it, isn't it the right time to do it?

Yuanyuan is a ghost.

Mu Yeqin nodded, this proposal is good.

Nian Bai looked at Yuanyuan, then at Mu Yeqin, the two men were staring at her earnestly, she smiled sarcastically, "Let's say goodbye, I'm not..."

Without waiting for the word "hungry" to come out, he couldn't help but drag her away.

The car stopped at the shopping mall, and they headed for the largest department store.

The third floor is a supermarket, the three of them got on the horizontal elevator, there were people in front and back, Nian Bai felt that the air was very thin, and he was holding his hand again, it was almost dizzy.

She stared at him earnestly, although she had stared at this man earnestly for countless times, but every time she looked at him, the throbbing in her heart deepened.

This man is destined to trip her up.

"do I look good?"

He turned his head abruptly, broke into his eyes without warning, blushed instantly when he read Bai, quickly moved his eyes away, and gave him the back of his head.

Nian Bai had a ball head tied up today, casually tied, fluffy, Mu Yeqin stared at it and smiled, little girl, why do you like to blush so much?

He approached quietly, his breath almost hit her ears, Nianbai's ears turned red, and he tilted his head even more to avoid him.

"If you think about what you want to eat, we'll buy the food as soon as we go up, and I'll make it for you when we get home, huh?"

Mu Yeqin deliberately lowered his voice again, seductively, the blush of Nianbai spread directly to his neck.

The second young master laughed happily, and let out a low laugh.

Nianbai's heartbeat became more and more flustered, and just when she was about to jump out of her chest, she finally couldn't stand it anymore, and turned her face back suddenly, "First——"

The tips of their noses rubbed against each other, Mu Yeqin's pupils shrank, and his brain shook as he read the words.

Amidst the collapse, a picture emerged clearly:
On the long escalator, the man teased the woman, the two laughed happily, leisurely, the man grabbed the woman's hand and looked at each other.

Also like now, the four eyes are facing each other.

Nian Bai opened his eyes wide, what, what's going on?

Is this her memory?
It's hers and it's not hers.To be precise, this is Limo's memory.

The scene above happened when Mu Yeqin took her to buy thermal underwear that day. At this moment, memories across time and space overlapped.

This has never happened since she knew she had multiple personalities.

Mu Yeqin didn't know what she was thinking, but was attracted by her sudden approach.

The two were too close, and Yuanyuan was caught in the middle, she was squeezed, and she couldn't help but want to scold and beg.

When the elevator came to the end, the two of them came back to their senses, looked away unnaturally, Yuanyuan pulled their hands away, held her uncle with one hand, and led her aunt with the other, and walked towards the fresh fruit area.

The newly released vegetables were very fresh, Yuanyuan said, "Uncle, let's split up into two groups. Auntie and I will go to the seasoning section, and you can buy vegetables here."

"Okay." Mu Yeqin stepped forward.

Yuanyuan is really hungry, she can't stand it anymore, she has to finish shopping and go home quickly to eat the dishes cooked by her uncle.

The drinks and condiments area is very spacious, unlike the fresh fruit area crowded with so many grandparents, it is difficult to move.

But the second young master was very calm, and easily inserted into the front. It's not like he didn't do this kind of thing before. Five years ago, he didn't know how many times he bought vegetables for her, and how many times he washed his hands to make soup.

Nianbai pushed the cart and led Yuanyuan, the little guy was jumping up and down, Nianbai's arm was pulled and tugged.

"Yuanyuan, why do you call me auntie?"

This problem has troubled Nianbai for a day.

"enmmm, it's because uncle told me to call." Yuanyuan said honestly.

Nian Bai felt a little deer bumping in his heart, "Why did your uncle ask Yuanyuan to call her sister Auntie?"

"This person doesn't know." Yuanyuan said "I don't understand" on her face, and her tone was so innocent.

"Auntie, do you like caviar?"

Nianbai shook his head in embarrassment, "My sister is allergic to caviar and can't eat it. Yuanyuan wants to eat it? Shall we go buy it?"

Yuanyuan frowned in disgust, "I don't like that stuff, it's fishy and salty."

There are not many people in their family who like caviar, and uncle is one of them.

It's just that since meeting my aunt, my uncle doesn't like it anymore.

Because the little aunt is allergic to caviar.

The little Yuanyuan walked forward with steady steps, her eyeballs rolled around, shining with shrewdness.

From the moment he found out that his little aunt was wearing the ring of his former aunt, he felt something was wrong.

This ring was specially made by my uncle for my aunt. From the design to the selection of materials, my uncle personally did it, and then handed it over to Fu Shi, an internationally renowned jewelry design company.

A man can start a relationship again, but how can the things of his ex-girlfriend appear on his current girlfriend? This is disrespect to the previous person and unfair to this person.

Yuanyuan firmly believes that uncle is not that kind of person, unless...

So he asked seemingly casually, and it turned out that this aunt was really allergic to caviar...

"Little aunt, this ring of yours is so beautiful, where did you buy it?"

Nian Bai picked up a pack of scented leaves and put it in the cart, Yuan Yuan pinched her finger to play with, turning the ring around, she couldn't put it down.

"Oh, this one," Nian Bai looked at the ring, and to be honest, she still hasn't figured out where it came from. "My sister doesn't know either, maybe... it was given by Santa Claus."

Yuanyuan flattened her mouth, "Hey~, Auntie, I'm not a child anymore, so don't use such lame excuses to prevaricate, okay?"

Read white embarrassment.

are you big

Well, she admits he's not your average kid.

"To be honest, my sister doesn't know where she came from."

"Oh~—" Yuanyuan's voice was meaningful, and he couldn't hear Bai Bai, and he continued: "Auntie, why don't you take it off?"

I don't know where it came from, why not take it off?
"I don't know either," Nian Bai looked a little dazed, "Obviously the origin is unknown, but I just don't want to take it off..."

The last six words were whispered by her.

Yuanyuan's eyes sparkled even more.

"Oh, actually, my aunt looks pretty good in it."

The seasoning area was only halfway through, they walked to the back, and then walked forward from the back.

Yuanyuan is a talkative person, chatting with her: "Little aunt, are you from this city?"


"Oh, where are you from?"

"do not know."

"Huh? Auntie, don't you know where you were born?"

Nian Bai shook his head in distress, "I have forgotten many things from the past."

Yuanyuan has a sullen little face, she is unpredictable, did she really forget? ...

"Auntie, have you ever been to school? Where did you go to university?"

Nian Bai continued to shake his head, "I forgot this too."

"Auntie, when did you come to Zihai City? Where did you come from?"

"In June, from Munich."

"Aren't you used to staying in Munich? Why do you think of this place?"

" find something."

"What? What did you find?"

"I do not know."

"Auntie, did you find it?"

"Should..." Nianbai flashed that face in his mind, and changed "no" to "soon".


What did Yuanyuan ask, and what did she answer.

For this child, she was not on guard at all, she subconsciously didn't want to be on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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