Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 129 Almost exposed, what kind of fate

Chapter 129 Almost exposed, what kind of fate
"Qin Sang, you are a chatterbox now, look more lively..."

When the protagonists meet, the heroine suddenly turns from a gloomy and unhappy person to a chatterbox. When facing the hero, she looks lively and cute, but in fact, all of this is purposeful.

Wei Bing personally directed the filming of this scene. Although she is not as professional as Xiao Bai, she is not far behind.

Qin Sang's heroine charm, although she is already talkative, still feels inexplicably sad, which is wrong. In front of the male protagonist, the female protagonist should deliberately hide her emotions.

"Okay, let's get ready—"

Zhou Zheng held up the slate and waited for Wei Bing to signal, but saw that her eyes were closed and she did not speak for a long time.

Everyone looked at her, Zhou Zheng approached and asked, "Yi Dao, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Yan beside her was fixed on her.

This time the headache was more severe than ever before, but Wei Bing closed his eyes for a long time before opening them.

Surrounded by people, cameras, tripods, wires... Nian Bai quickly realized where it was, the lowered eyelids covered the blankness in her pupils, and when she raised her eyes again, she looked flat, the same as before.

Ye Yan said in a timely manner: "Boss, you looked like you had a headache just now, didn't you have a good rest these days?"

Nian Bai nodded with a smile, "Yeah, recently I have a headache from time to time..."

"It's okay, let's continue." Nian Bai looked at the crowd and said.

Qin Sang adjusted his state and re-entered the scene, Zhou Zheng laid down the slate, and the filming began.

Keep absolute silence during the filming process, no one notices, a person walks in quietly at the door...


There is no trace of dust on the snow-white tiled window sill, and it is particularly dazzling under the sunlight.There are exquisite stickers everywhere on the walls, and the moon-shaped chandelier on the roof can shake gently with the wind.

On the couch in the living room, Fu Xi and Ning Ran were on the left and on the right. The tea table was filled with colorful cardboard and some folded origami cranes, which they wanted to make into curtains.

"Xiao Xi, do you know that...Mu Qing deeply?" Ning Ran folded one, put it aside, and took another piece of paper.

"I don't know you," Fu Xi said without looking up. She folded the paper in half, swiped her finger, and folded it in half again.

"Then why did he..." Treat you like that?

Fu Xi looked up at her, Ning Ran looked away unnaturally.

Fu Xi lowered her head, "I don't know, maybe he doesn't like me."

Unable to tell her the truth, Fu Xi lied at will.

Ning Ran opened his mouth slightly, "That's..." Doesn't it please your eyes?
Obviously so close, does that mean you don't like it?
In the eyes of others, that's called intimacy, but in Fu Xi's view, Mu Qingshen pinched and threatened her, it was simply rude, and it was something he would do to a girl he didn't like.

"Why, Ran Ran, do you like him?" Fu Xi also finished folding one, instead of folding it again, but picked up a cup to drink water, and glanced at her by the way.

"No way," Ning Ran buried her face in her skirt shyly, with an expression that betrayed her.

Fu Xi smiled disapprovingly, after all, he is a school grass, and it is normal to have one or two admirers.

"By the way, Xiaoxi, what major do you study?"

The two continued to chat with each other.

"Jewelry Design."

"Wow, it's so romantic," Ning Ran said, "I major in industrial design."

Fu Xi raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, she couldn't tell, the little girl who was soft and weak on the surface was actually such a tiger.

"You can do it, a girl is studying industrial design... Hey Ran Ran, then you have to be careful, there are a group of old men there, don't take your little white rabbit away then. "

Ning Ran was even more embarrassed by her teasing, and hit her angrily, while Fu Xi hid and laughed.

They are special recruits. Although they are not in the same major, they are still assigned together in the dormitory.

Ning Ran came to report on the last day. When we first met her, she was dressed in white jeans, not too plain, and looked very generous. Fu Xi especially felt that she had a toughness in her body.

After the two girls exchanged names, they became intimate naturally.

The friendship of girls is so simple, simple and strange, within two hours of acquaintance, they can call "xx, little x..." intimately, and within a week, they can be each other's "father", or team up A family, "Husband? Wife?"...

"Oh, I'm hungry, let's go and buy food."

The sun was setting outside, and her stomach growled twice. Fu Xi got up while rubbing her belly, put on her clothes, combed her hair in front of the mirror, and went to buy food.

Ning Ran sat without moving, looked up at her, "Xiaoxi, my aunt is here, she is not feeling well, she doesn't want to move, can you bring me a copy?"

"Okay, what would you like to eat?"

Ning Ran thought about it and said, "Let's have rice rolls on the fifth floor of the second canteen, not spicy."

"Ok." Fu Xi gestured "ok" and went out.

Now it is the peak time for eating, and the cafeteria is almost full of people.This school is big, there are several canteens, and each canteen has several floors, but it is still overcrowded.

On the way there, Fu Xi received a call from her younger brother. Fu Qing and Ling Lie were eating in a cafeteria and asked her if she wanted to come.

Fu Xi refused, saying that she would take it back to the dormitory to eat.

Ning Ran eats rice rolls, so she should eat rice rolls too, saving a lot of running.

The elevator room was full of people, Fu Xi was extremely lazy today, he really didn't want to climb the stairs, so he had to obediently wait for the elevator.

Another elevator came down, opened the door, and the crowd filed in in an instant. Fu Xi was caught in the middle, almost being pushed in by the flow of people.

In the elevator, more and more people squeezed in, more and more, she was getting further and further back, leisurely, feeling that the soles of her heels were soft, and she stepped on someone.

"Yes—" Fu Xi turned around and apologized, but her voice stopped abruptly.

The boy's peach-blossom eyes were evil and romantic, and he was looking at her with a smile.

Fu Xi was stunned, what kind of fate, can this happen?

Glancing at him hard, she turned her head away.

Just like in the morning, Mu Qing leaned over her ear and said softly, "You haven't apologized yet, are you so rude?"

Come on, she wanted to poke him, but she didn't poke, but moved to the side without any trace, and moved lonely.

The smile on the boy's eyes became even brighter. In fact, he saw her on the road.

Finally reached the fifth floor, the elevator door opened, and as soon as Fu Xi came out, it was as if he had been pardoned.

She didn't care where the people behind were going, and went straight to the window selling rice rolls.

Not too many people, but not too many, Fu Xi lined up.

During the period, she swiped her phone boredly.


"Sir?!—" Nian Bai looked back, and the face behind her caught her eyes unexpectedly, and she cried out in surprise.

Mu Yeqin looked at her with a smile on his face, "I went to school, and since you weren't here, I guessed that you might have come to the set. Are you free later? Treat you to dinner."

When he came to the crew, he found that they were filming, so Mu Yeqin quietly walked in without showing off, and stood behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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