Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 131 Bloody and lingering, Master Huangxiang went to Xingsheng to work

Chapter 131 Bloody and lingering, Master Huangxiang went to Xingsheng to work

The sunset glow burned half of the sky red, and it looked like a raging fire. Finally, the man slowly pulled into the short distance, and pecked the rosy corners of his lips lightly.

The girl in her arms had already lost her soul and couldn't react, her pupils shone with an ignorant brilliance.

Ying Ye and Qin Sang had consciously retreated from the front of the camera and left the home field. Everyone held their breaths and stared at the two figures in the center of the field.

They were close to each other, the girl leaned back slightly, and the man leaned over, everything complemented each other, and it was breathtakingly beautiful.

At this moment, the real person standing in front of him has more impact than those dry photos on the Internet.

"Oh," Yuanyuan yelled, covering her eyes, her little fingers stretched apart, and peeked.

Xiaochun hugged the last box for a long time and couldn't put it down.

Ye Yan took out his mobile phone calmly, took a picture, and sent Mu Qingshen a text message:
your sister got fucked
On the opposite side, Mu Qingshen was eating, and he was alone in the dormitory. The mobile phone in his hand lighted up leisurely, and he only glanced at it when he clicked on it.

My sister doesn't want to stay.

In the end, Nian Bai didn't know how he dragged him away from the set...


"No, I was wrong, I was really wrong, ah—"

In the bright and empty basement, screams echoed.

The blood of the man who was nailed to the cross stake like Jesus was soaked all over his body, and his eyes were so red that it hurt his eyes.

The welts were criss-crossed, new and old, and the broken flesh was turned outwards, like a torn hole, spitting blood continuously.

The woman in front of her stood with her arms crossed, her expression indifferent, which was already commonplace.

"I don't understand, I just, I just... I didn't hurt her, why is he so angry..."

The people on the stake were weeping.

The woman sighed slightly, took out a clean handkerchief from her bosom, and went forward to wipe her cheeks.

Such a gentle and loving action made the person on the cross stake shake like a sieve.

"Ruyan, you're right, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just that he was in a bad mood, poor Ruyan just hit the muzzle of a gun."

Feng Ruyan cried out.

It's only been one day, and from morning to night, she has been tortured beyond recognition, and she is almost unable to hold on.

"Ruyan, be obedient and don't act without authorization in the future, huh? You were brought out by me. Seeing you like this makes me feel very distressed."

The woman's movements became more and more gentle, and she gently brushed away the locks of hair that were stuck to her face with blood.

Feng Ruyan nodded, "I will be good, I will be good, I won't dare again..."

"That's good," the woman hugged her, and signaled the bodyguard next to her to let her go.

Blood stains stuck to the white clothes, the woman didn't care at all, and left with a normal expression.

Surrounded by many thorns and roses, the red castle stands tall.

The melodious sound of the piano can be heard from the unusually bright round arched window that reflects the sunlight.

The woman opened the door and came in, took off her blood-stained clothes, and went into the bathroom.

A moment later, a pair of slender hands climbed onto the man's neck behind the piano, wrapped around his chest, and unbuttoned his clothes, one by one...

The woman was pressed on the piano, the scales were chaotic and echoed intermittently...

After a long time, the woman raised his face and stared at him obsessively.

He liked how she looked at him, made him feel like he was alive.

She smiled coquettishly, her eyes regained clarity, and she pinched his nose as if teasing a child, "I'll deal with my own people, but you've broken your promise again, and you always don't count on what you say."

The man also laughed, "You are always so soft-hearted, the people under you are disobedient, why don't I teach you a lesson?"

His voice was so nice, like cello strings with fine timbre, the woman was fascinated again.


"Uncle, why does little auntie keep staring out of the window?" Yuanyuan approached Mu Yeqin and asked in a low voice.

In the private room of the Meifu restaurant, Mu Yeqin and Nianbai sit opposite each other at the two ends of the square table, and Yuanyuan is nestled inside the little uncle.Since the little aunt came in, she turned her head and looked out the window, not looking at them or paying attention to them.

"Hush—" Mu Yeqin put his fingers on his lips, and said in the same low voice: "Your aunt is shy."

Because of that kiss, the blush on Nianbai's cheeks has not dissipated for a long time, how could he have such a thick skin to face him.

Because of him, the demonstration in that scene was invalid, not only invalid, but it was the first time that the famous Yi Dao was ridiculed by everyone: "Yi Dao also made mistakes..."

Ahhh, sir, I hate it to death.

Although she knew that this was her job, a very common job, but the second young master just couldn't help being jealous, what can I do?

Yuanyuan covered her mouth with her hands and giggled, remembering the way her little aunt beat him with her fist last time, she clenched her fist and beat his chest, "Uncle, you are so bad~"

Sir, you are so bad~
Mu Yeqin's eyes darkened, this kid, he failed in his studies, and laughed so hard in his heart.

"Sir, madam, your food is ready, please use it slowly."

The waiter came in and put the dishes in the trolley on the table one by one.

"Okay, thank you." Mu Yeqin said.

Nian Bai watched the waiter leave, but the words of explanation stuck behind her mouth, she is not his wife...

Mu Yeqin unpacked the tableware and set it up for her and Yuanyuan. He looked at the person opposite and smiled, "Eat, ma'am."


Nian Bai didn't expect him to tease her, so he couldn't help kicking him from under the table.

Mu Yeqin raised his eyebrows, little girl, dare to tease him, um, progress has been made.

Yuanyuan didn't care what the two adults next to him were begging for, he was hungry, so he ate on his own.

"Uncle, I want to eat shrimp—"

Mu Yeqin put down his chopsticks, put on his gloves, and peeled off the shrimp for him.

"By the way, did you find someone for the character that Chen Jie vacated?"

Mu Yeqin knew that she had been worrying about this matter recently, and he himself was also thinking about it.

Mentioning this matter, Nian Bai couldn't help making a sad face.

Seeing her expression, Mu Yeqin knew that the matter had not been resolved, so he asked, "What do you want?"

There are also quite a few capable actors in Royal Enjoyment, maybe I can transfer some of them to her from there.

Nian Bai swallowed what was in his mouth and said: "First of all, it must be exquisite. In the script, Li Lin usually looks calm and introverted, but he is actually a ruthless character."

Li Lin is the heroine's elder brother, and only when facing the heroine, will he show his iron-boned tenderness.

Oh, this really reminded Mu Yeqin of someone.

He turned on the phone and put it in front of her, "I have some photos here, take a look."

Nianbai looked at it, his eyes brightened.

In the photo, the teenager is wearing a dark brown suit, reserved and introverted, sitting on the sofa, crossing his fingers, resting one elbow on his upturned leg, looking at the camera, and narrowing his eyes into red phoenix eyes. His immaturity.

Nian Bai's eyes became brighter and brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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