Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 134 Scheming 2, Teeth Picking

Chapter 134 Scheming 2, Teeth Picking

"Was that the principal just now?"

"Absolutely, I'm not mistaken, so beautiful, she is definitely the principal."

"What principal, what are you talking about?"

"The principal just came to check the post, didn't you see it?"

"Ah? Checked? When?"

"Just after the first class."


After class was over, the students packed their schoolbags and went out. While discussing this matter eagerly, some people saw the principal just now, and some were too fascinated to notice.

Mu Qingshen cleaned up very quickly, the table was clean after a while, and she just picked up her schoolbag and left.

Ning Ran hastily loaded the pen, but this damn pen had one obliquely inserted here and one obliquely inserted there, protruding from the outside of the pencil case, and the zipper couldn't be pulled no matter what.

After finally pulling it on, Ning Ran threw it into the bag, and hurriedly chased it out with the bag in his arms.

During the rush hour after class, there were too many people in the elevator room, so Mu Qingshen chose to take the stairs.

Fortunately, the stairs are wide, and pedestrians can walk fairly smoothly. They are not fast, but they are not slow.

Suddenly, he felt a tightness behind him, and someone pulled his clothes. Mu Qing turned his head, and Ning Ran's face came into view, and he subconsciously frowned.

"Yes, sorry..."

Ning Ran stammered an apology, she accidentally sprained just now, she stretched out her hand to grab him.

She sprained again, and wanted to reach out to grab him again, but this time, her hand was empty.

Mu Qing went through the crowd without a trace and reached the other side of the stairs. Ning Ran locked his eyes on him and wanted to pass, but she was stupid and couldn't squeeze through.

By the time they squeezed past, the man had already walked away.

The third and fourth classes are in Building No. [-]. It is precisely because the teaching buildings are not far from each other that the school makes arrangements to change classes for each major class.

Among the endless stream of people, a touch of purple was the brightest, and Mu Qingshen paused as he went up the steps, and that touch of purple went straight in front of him without even looking at him.

Fu Xi was chatting and laughing with a girl in the same class, and didn't notice him at all.

"Do we have a physical education class in the afternoon?"


"I'm going to die, I don't want to go, we need a physical test..." The girl complained with drooping eyebrows.

Fu Xi pouted, and her face fell, "I don't want to..."

800 meters is simply too big.

The eavesdropper raised his eyebrows, physical education class?He also has it, but he doesn't know which section she is in.

Mu Qingshen is in 5210, and Fu Xi is in 5207. The two classrooms are not far apart, watching the children turn into the classroom, and he also enters the classroom.


"Now? How are you thinking?"

The person on his body pressed down again, Nianbai's back almost pressed against the sofa.

"You, you get up first..." Her voice was like a mosquito.

He rolled his eyes and said in a flustered voice, "You speak first."

"it is good."

The "good" didn't make a sound, she just squirmed her lips.

This shy and timid look made his heart tremble, the second young master didn't dare to continue any longer, afraid of losing control, he slowly got up from her.

Nianbai was at a loss to arrange his clothes, the clothes were accidentally creased by him, and his hair was also faintly messed up, looking like he had been ravaged.

On the other hand, the second young master, leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed, looked at his girl calmly and calmly.

Well, his eyes were driving, and he wanted to escape, so he picked up his clothes and ran away.

The second son laughed loudly, "Hey, don't run away, wait for me..."

He chased out.

In the spacious corridor, Nian Bai suddenly stopped in her tracks, with her coat hanging in her arms, she was holding her head, her brows furrowed tightly.

"Xiaobai," Mu Yeqin called out distressedly, and embraced her in his arms.

His embrace was so warm, and the faint woody fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose, calming down her impetuousness, and her eyebrows slowly relaxed.

"Sir, my mind was so messed up just now, it went blank, it hurt so badly..." Listening to the tone, there was no change, the chanting was still chanting.

Mu Yeqin tightened his arms and hugged her a little bit, she couldn't help but rubbed against his arms, and put her arms around his waist.

Neither of them realized how natural this movement was, as if they had done it countless times.

My head felt a little uncomfortable again, compared to the sharp pain just now, this time it was a feeling of dizziness, Nian Bai closed his eyes, "Sir, I want to go back to sleep..."

Mu Yeqin leaned over and hugged her horizontally.

In the office, he put her lightly on the sofa, took off his shoes, took off his coat, wrapped her body around her, then raised his head and let her rest on his lap.

The sofa was very soft, Nian Bai felt very comfortable, turned over to find a comfortable sleeping position, and fell into a deep sleep.

It took two hours in a flash, during these two hours, he stroked her temples gently, and kept looking down at her.


The person in his arms opened his eyes, Mu Yeqin's movements remained the same, staring at her for a moment, and as the eyes opened, the end of her eyes gradually became charming.

The face above came into view one after another, and finally became clear, Li Mo was taken aback.

The next moment, she waved her hand and punched it.

I knew it……

Mu Yeqin held her on guard, tsk, "Could you stop being gentle and violent at times, and hit her when you see clearly next time?"

Limo glared at him, feeling hungry, she broke free from him, put on her clothes and went out.

Mu Yeqin also put on his clothes and left.

Almost all of the staff dining halls are teachers, and students can also eat here, but students still seldom come here.

Once the principal and Professor Winsdor entered, they inevitably became the focus of the audience.

Look, the professor and the principal lined up for dinner together, the professor and the principal sat at the same table to eat, the professor served the principal with food, the professor pinched the principal's nose, and molested the principal...

Ouch, what is this not talking about?
Now, their relationship is directly hammered.

The flying stream descends slowly along the mountain. This waterfall is not as fierce as the deep forest and deep mountains. It hits the pebbles in the river and splashes waves of water.

On the rugged mountain wall, the brown wooden trunk stretched out its teeth and claws, not knowing where to go.

The sun is warm at noon, and the mountain scenery behind the school is pleasant. After eating, many students are willing to come here for a walk.

Especially the students who have no class in the afternoon, Fu Xi is one of them, she has no class in five or six in the afternoon, and the physical education class is in seven or eight.


Under the hibiscus tree, Fu Qing was chatting with Ling Lie about something, and they fought and fought from time to time, which was quite boring.

Hearing the sound, Fu Qing turned around, and her sister ran towards her.

"What are you two doing here?" Fu Xi blinked and asked.

Ling Lie pursed her lips in Fu Qing's direction, "Ask him, what school belle usually comes here for a walk after dinner, isn't it, waiting boringly."

Fu Xi gave her elder brother a middle finger, and Fu Qing chased and beat her, and the laughter spread instantly.

"Brother, brother, stop... do you have a toothpick?"


Fu Xi stroked his teeth with his tongue, "I'm stuffed, look."

She bared her mouth, and a thin green vegetable leaf stuck to her front teeth.

Fu Qing: "..."

Ling Lie: "..."

Fu Qing turned to look at Ling Lie, Ling Lie shrugged, but he didn't take it either.

Fu Xi stretched out her tongue and stroked her lower teeth again, but she couldn't get it off, so uncomfortable, she collapsed into a bitter face, "Brother, why don't you pick it out for me with your hands?"

Fu Qing: "..."

"I said Fu Xiaoxi, I've never seen such a sloppy girl like you."

Fu Xi pouted.


The source of the sound came from above, and the three of them looked together.

(End of this chapter)

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