Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 136 His little 99, just take it away

Chapter 136 His Little Jiujiu, Just Take It Away
"Students, let's start the physical test today," said the male teacher, holding a blue folder in his hand, pushing his hands behind his back, showing his big belly, and his voice was high-pitched.

As soon as these words came out, the whole class immediately babbled, full of dissatisfaction.

The teacher didn't care about them, and directly ordered the sports committee: "Take everyone to run two laps first, and then do two sets of stretching exercises."

"Okay, turn right, walk together—"

The team sluggishly walked onto the runway, and with the sports committee's "running——", the sound of "da da" footsteps echoed on the playground.

Untidy and listless.

"Come on, keep up, run—"

Fu Xi seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock. Why is this voice so familiar?

She couldn't help turning her head, but there were people behind her, blocking her view, so she couldn't see the owner of the voice.

After only two laps, I felt that I was going to collapse, so I finished the stretching exercise again, fully moved my body, and walked on the 50-meter runway first.

Don't worry about this Fu Xi, sprinting is her strong point, and she often won gold medals for their class in middle and high school.

The whistle sounded, and the blue figure rushed out, passing his sight.

"Hey, hi!—"

Being knocked on the head suddenly, Mu Qing woke up with a start, turning around, teacher Penguin's face hit her pupils.

Oh, this teacher is bigger and more pot-bellied than that teacher, and has a naive attitude. He walks swaying from side to side. In a short period of time, the students have already given him the title of "Penguin".

"Stinky boy, what are you looking at, huh? I called you for a long time and didn't respond."

Mr. Penguin knocked him again, Mu Qing rubbed the place where he knocked deeply, hehehe giggled.

Mr. Penguin looked in the direction he was looking at just now, and suddenly realized, "Oh~ Where's Miss Gu? Don't look at it, it's not yours, so hurry up and lead everyone on the runway."


Mr. Penguin smiled, hey, this brat is quite good at acting.

Every time he ran first, took off his helmet to accept the baptism of flash lights, and the Mushen who was embraced by the crowd was unattainable, but since meeting the real person, the students in the third class of industrial design realized that this is a talkative, or a funny , talkative + teasing.

I remember that in the first class meeting, the class leader was elected, and the class shouted together: "Mu Shen!"

Selection Committee, "Mu Shen!"

The selection committee said, "Mu Shen!"


Mu Qingshen: "..."

Silenced him directly.

He definitely couldn't hold so many positions by himself, but Mu Qingshen didn't want to hold two or three positions by himself, so he chose an individual appointment at random.

The children were assigned to the first group. The Mu Sports Committee here was originally in the last group. As a sports committee, he usually pressed the timer first. As a result, he looked sideways and discussed with the teacher for a change. The timer was given to the teacher, and he bore the brunt.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, you have to wait for me, we will run after each other..." It was that girl from that day again, Mo Yan.

"Okay, you have to wait for me..."

We started running, and everyone was not fast, especially Fu Xi had more than 50 people in his class, more than 30 of them were girls, and most of them gathered together.

On the other hand, the boys were different. With a whistle, they coaxed out of the wild horses, some were fast and some were slow, and there was more than half a circle between the fast and the slow.

Well, Mu Sports Committee's class is full of old men who can take off their clothes and shirtless, pure and pure, there is no fake.

The afternoon sun shrouded the earth. On the long runway, the boy walked forward against the light, and gradually stood shoulder to shoulder with her, calling softly: "Little friend?"

Fu Xi was panting, tired like a dog, and would be dizzy in the next second, when he heard someone calling him, his eyes met his.

Fu Xi was stunned for two seconds, but for some reason, her heart was pounding.

This is the sequelae of looseness.

His peach-blossom eyes flashed, crushing the tenderness in his eyes, "Little friend, is brother good-looking?"

Fu Xi's face was flushed, the mother is running, running, this is a normal reaction, a normal reaction, she pushed him away, "Get up!"

What an eyesore.

Mu Qing smiled recklessly, leaned closer again, she pushed him away again, and he leaned closer again...

Mo Yan dodged silently, left alone, and distanced herself from Fu Xi.

"Fuck, look, what is Mushen doing?"

"Pick up girl, grass, are you so blatant?"

"Don't tell me, that little sister is so pretty, is she his girlfriend?"

"Who knows."

"Follow up and have a look..."

The boys from the industrial design class got behind his ass.

Thus formed such a spectacle, the boys from the industrial design class were chasing after the girls from the jewelry design department. From a distance, it looked like countless tails were trailing behind the girls, men and women got together and mixed together.

The two were relatively speechless, Mu Qing accompanied her and ran quietly, Fu Xi glared at him and then glared at him secretly, remembering the pack of toothpicks, she took it out of her pocket and handed it to him.

"Hey, pay it back to you..."

Before he finished speaking, the remaining half of "thank you" was too embarrassing to say.

Mu Qing felt her little awkwardness deeply, and the gleam in her eyes became even more intense, "No need, just hold it and use it, so as not to clog it up again next time, and call my brother to pick it up again."

"You—" Fu Xi wanted to hit him, but he stretched out his hand, but stopped.

With a heavy "hum", she quickened her pace and ran away.

Mu Qing looked at her figure with a deep smile, and followed five steps away leisurely.

Speaking of which, the toothpick was given to him by the aunt in the cafeteria during lunch that day, and he didn't understand why the aunt gave him a pack of toothpicks.

Ning Ran, who was sitting in the classroom, was looking out of the window, sullen. She was in class one, and Mu Qingshen was in class three. Usually, they rarely saw each other. Only in the big class, and there were only two sessions a week in the big class. .

"Hey teacher, what do you think the sports committee is doing?"

Mr. Penguin was supporting his waist "three times to the left and three times to the right, twisting his neck and buttocks", the student beside him raised his jaw towards the other end of the track and said.

Ok?Mr. Penguin squinted his eyes, and when the brat approached him, he cursed: "You brat, you've been dazzled by the beauty, run away! Run! If you want to take it down, don't do it to me!" Done, are you ashamed?!"

On the other side, another physical education teacher was also excited and irritable, and shouted at Fu Xi: "There is only half a lap left, run hard, and throw that kid behind him far away!"

And half a circle? ...

Fu Xi is going to die, she has been running for a long time, how come there is still half a lap? ...

The 400-meter runway looks sad at a glance.

Half a lap is even more worrying. I am so impatient that I want to run to the end, but I often fail to reach the finish line.

At that moment, Fu Xi's legs went limp, and Yoyo fell down...


She felt that she fell into an embrace, and the scent of cedar...

"Kid, wake up kid?"

The man patted her on the cheek, but she didn't respond. The man picked her up and ran towards the school hospital amidst the booing.

"Hey, brat, what's your business with the girls in other people's classes?! Come back to me! Come back!—"

Teacher Penguin took off the shoe board and threw it out.

The whole place burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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