Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 138 Tie her hair, dramatist

Chapter 138 Tie her hair, dramatist
"Hey what are you doing?"

"do not move!"

There was more and more oil on the lips, Mu Yeqin couldn't stand it anymore, and finally took a piece of paper to wipe it off for her.

The November wind blew gently, and the plum petals on the top of the head spun and fell leisurely on the corner of the table.

The man leaned forward, held the paper, and gently wiped off the rice stains on the girl's cheek bit by bit.

The girl stared at him and couldn't take her eyes off.


An hour ago--

The flowers on both sides of the body emitted a strange fragrance all the way, and the person in his arms murmured: "Mu, Mu Qingshen..."

Mu Qing paused, looked down at her, "Are you okay?"

What's wrong?The eyes of the child in his arms blinked, his strange and lively appearance, how could something be wrong?
Fu Xi blinked his eyes and looked around, but if he didn't look at him, he probably felt embarrassed too.

Mu Qingshen put her down, his eyes lingered on her, and he laughed "chih", this is a little showman.

He approached her leisurely, face to face, "Just to escape the eight hundred? It's almost the end, kid, can't you hold on?"

Fu Xi glanced at him and curled her lips. She would fail the pass when she got there, and each person only had two chances, either to re-run or fail, and the supplementary test started at the beginning of school.

Ah ah ah, I am so sad...

Fu Xi sat irritably on the long wooden chair next to him, grabbing the horse.

Mu Qingshen sat down next to her, and turned to look at her, "If you can't pass the physical test, it's definitely not good, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know either." She put her elbows on her legs and her head in her hands, frustrated.

Seeing her like this, Mu Qing pursed his lips deeply.

"Then are you still going to run?" He asked again.

Do you want to run it again, or do a supplementary test.

"Run again," she said in a muffled voice, pinching her face up and down with her fingers, her eyes were squeezed into a line and opened again, it was fun.

What a quirky kid, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, properly diluting his evilness and appearing soft.

Feeling that the air beside him was getting hotter and hotter, Fu Xi turned her head to meet his eyes.

At that moment, a seedling broke through the soil in the heart, and the pack of toothpicks was thrown into his arms, and she escaped.

Looking at the direction in which she was leaving, the boy smiled happily.


Limo had a hard time eating this meal, because her hair was long and it was easy to fall out, and she forgot the rubber band, so she could only eat with her body and face straight.

Seeing her eat so hard, Mu Yeqin felt very uncomfortable.

He looked around, and there was no convenience store or anything around, oh yes, he suddenly remembered that he had a mask in his pocket, for pretending.

The mask hadn't been worn yet, and it hadn't been unpacked. He opened it and took it out, removed the ear-hanging wires, tied them into a knot, and tied them into a circle.

One was too loose, so he removed the cords from both ears and tied two circles.

Then he got up and went around behind her, Limo didn't know what he was going to do, the next moment, his neck felt cold, and her hair was hugged.

She has so much hair, so rich, fluffy and smooth, it's just right for him to hold it with one hand.

To be honest, it was the first time he did this kind of thing, even before, he had never tied her hair, so he was clumsy.

So, a clumsy ponytail was tied up.

He sat back in his seat, and after the girl touched her head, she muttered, "It must be ugly," but she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

On the other side, he also smiled, very silly and pure.

Although her hair was tied loosely, it did not fall out after all. Now, Limo could eat with confidence. She boldly bent down, lowered her head, and ate more deliciously than before.

Mu Yeqin quickly finished the rice in the bowl, put down his chopsticks, and looked at her quietly.

He enjoys the present and the time with her very much, even if he fights every time, it is still joyful.

The eyes of the person opposite were too focused, and Li Mo felt a little uncomfortable. In order to ease the embarrassment, she stretched out the goat's hoof in her hand and said quite generously: "Hey, I will share with you."

Mu Yeqin glanced at the goat's hooves that were almost devoid of meat, "..."

Limo laughed, she knew he didn't like mutton, so she was joking with him.

...Limo was taken aback, how did she know that he didn't like mutton?

The student fainted. As a teacher, she must ask. Fu Xi thought about it, she couldn't just run away like this, she had to turn around and go back to the school hospital.

Mu Qingshen was still sitting on that chair, his eyes were infinitely far away, and he didn't know where he was looking. After a while, he continued to walk towards the school hospital.

Not surprisingly, the two met again.

Fu Xi took a quick look at him, turned his eyes away, and walked into the school hospital first.

Mu Qing smiled deeply and followed behind.

Miss Sister Ru sat in front of the computer that day, but the computer was not turned on, and she was looking through the medical records.

On the other side, Ying Ye swept the garbage into the dustpan, poured it into the trash can, and then stood the broom and dustpan in the corner.

The door knocked twice, the young lady turned to look, and Fu Xi pushed the door open and walked in.

"Well, doctor, I feel a little uncomfortable..."

Fu Xi was so weak that she couldn't stand anymore, she moved and sat down on the examination bed.

The young lady went up to check on her, and Mu Qingshen came in right after.

Seeing Ying Ye, Mu Qingshen was a little surprised. He walked up to him and patted him, "Where have you been these few days?"

Mu Qing asked in a low voice, and Ying Ye also answered in a low voice: "I'm off to filming, I'm only free to come back today."


Oh, speaking of filming, Mu Qingshen finally knew why he looked familiar to him. It turned out that he was a star, and he had seen him on the Internet.

Mu Qingshen came to the examination bed, and the young lady asked Fu Xi, "Are you a little dizzy?" Fu Xi nodded with a "hmm".

The young lady glanced at Mu Qingshen, then looked at Fu Xi, "Girlfriend?"

Fu Xi's blushing face from running had just dissipated, and was completely reddened by the young lady's "girlfriend".

Mu Qing shook his head deeply, "No, she passed out while running, and I will send her to the hospital."

"Oh, fainted from running?" The little sister suddenly realized that she had found the crux of the problem.

She said: "No big problem. When the teacher comes, I will tell you that you fainted. I will tell you that you need to rest now. I will prescribe some medicine for you. You can go back to the dormitory to rest."

Fu Xi: "..."

Are you so dedicated?
"Okay, okay, thank you...Miss." Fu Xi smiled awkwardly, and thanked Dade for changing her address.

Picking up the medicine, Fu Xi went out.

The path of the school hospital is quite spacious, the girl is walking in front, and the boy is swaying behind.

Suddenly, two voices fell into her ears. The girl was startled, but before she could react, the boy had already pulled her to hide behind the wall.

When passing that wall, the physical education teacher finally found the two people behind the wall. The boy was holding the girl across his arms, and the girl was unconscious with her head resting in his arms.

The boy blinked, innocent and harmless, grinning, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "Hi teacher, what a coincidence."

Two teachers: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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