Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 166 Put on the ring again, he is so dazzling

Chapter 166 Put on the ring again, he is so dazzling

With her tender body in his arms, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, and pressed his hot palm against her waist. As soon as he retracted it, she suddenly stepped forward, and her face almost bumped into his.

They were so close, their eyes looked into each other's pupils.

Feng Yishu was tripped, at this time her waist was sagging, her back and forth were upright, and she was completely imprisoned in the arms of the man in the wheelchair.

The beautiful flowers in the air exploded in an instant. At this moment, Feng Yinan's heart was violently agitated, but those eyes were still deep and calm.

Looking at each other very calmly, he was as quiet as always, and she was as cold as ever.

"Let go."

Her voice has always been cold, she is like a rock, no one can cover her.

Feng Yinan moved her hand away, she took advantage of the situation and got up, walked to the stove, her expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

The sudden beauty no longer exists, like a flash in the pan, leaving traces in his heart.

Feng Yinan pushed the wheelchair out, no longer blocking her way, hiding in the darkness, watching her quietly.

Where he couldn't see, she put her hand on her heart.


The bedroom is decorated to look like a computer room. There is a large screen on the wall above the computer, as well as a host computer, etc., which are equipped with LED light tubes of various colors, emitting various colors of cool light, hazy and dreamy.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and under the dreamy light, the person behind the sandbag was sweating and panting heavily.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

Someone knocked on the door, and the person behind the sandbag stopped, took off his boxing gloves, and went to open the door.

"Sister? You're back?" As soon as the door was opened, my sister's face came into view.

Nianbai nodded, and Mu Qingshen came out and said, "Why did you go, I didn't answer so many calls?"

"I saw you called." I saw him call her seven or eight times in the car. At that time, she was in the kitchen and her mobile phone was in the living room, so she didn't hear it.

Nian Bai turned and walked to the kitchen, Mu Qingshen followed her, she asked: "Have you eaten yet?"


"That's just right, I brought you food." There was a large rectangular food box on the dining table, Nian Bai opened it, and the aroma instantly filled the dining room.

Braised fish in soy sauce, delicious braised fish, just looking at it makes people drool.

After exercising for so long, Mu Qingshen was already hungry, and when he saw the delicious food, he naturally grabbed the chopsticks without washing his hands.

Nian Bai slapped his paws off, "Wash your hands."

Mu Qingshen obediently ran into the bathroom.

The food box is relatively deep, it is not convenient to eat, Nian Bai poured the fish into a plate, then took out the rice on the second layer, and poured it into the bowl as well.

When Mu Qingshen came out, the meal was already set on the dining table, he pulled out the chair and sat down, and his sister sat opposite.

Picking up a chopstick and was about to feed it into his mouth, Mu Qingshen suddenly felt that something was wrong with the other person's gaze, why was he staring at him with his chin resting on his hand?

"Hurry up and eat?" Nian Bai was so anxious that he wanted to do it himself and stuff the fish into his mouth.

Something is wrong, definitely something is wrong, Mu Qingshen picked up the fish and looked at it over and over again, and ate it half-believingly, for a moment: "Hmm~"

Nianbai's eyes lit up, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious, sister, where did you buy it?" Mu Qingshen took a mouthful of rice.

"Yunyun Castle."

Mu Qingshen: "..."

"Events, free delivery."

Mu Qingshen: "..."

The rice stopped in his mouth, making his cheeks bulge, neither chewing nor chewing.

At that time, Mu Yeqin cooked two fish, the fish in clear soup was for her, and the fish in braised sauce was for her brother.

Nian Bai didn't want him to work hard, but he insisted on doing it anyway, how dare he neglect his future brother-in-law.

Mu Qing was hesitating whether to put down his chopsticks, Nian Bai immediately pointed at him, "Hey?", "You said it was delicious just now, but now you refuse, it's hypocritical."

All right, the rice was tricked twice in his mouth, and he swallowed it.

"I want to eat pickles." Mu Qing grinned deeply.

"Eat less at night, it's so spicy, eat it tomorrow."

"That's good." Mu Qingshen fed another large piece of meat into his mouth. He dared to be so presumptuous because the fish meat had no thorns.

Well, brother-in-law dog is quite good at life.

"Hey sister, why are you wearing a ring on your hand?"

On her finger was bright and bright, Mu Qing took a glimpse, stared at it, Nian Bai raised his hand, the ring was completely exposed under the lamp, and it became brighter and brighter.

Staring at the ring, Nianbai smiled, and the image just now flashed through his mind.

When he got out of the car, he grabbed her, took out the ring that he had planned to give her, and put it on her hand.

"I don't want anything at the auction, so I'll give this to you, okay?"

"it is good."

She lowered her eyebrows and murmured "Okay" in a low voice.

"Don't lose it again this time." He rubbed her hair, and his tone was playful, deliberately reminding a certain little daredevil.

"Sir~" Nian Bai was so embarrassed that he mentioned this matter, he waved his hand and hit him, but he grabbed her in the air and pulled her into his arms.

Nian Bai lightly struggled twice, but he hugged her tightly and said, "Don't move, let me hug you for a while."

She didn't move, she nestled obediently in his arms, her face pressed against his chest.

His slender fingers ran through her hair, very gentle.

The night is very quiet, everything is quiet.

After being tender for a long time, he was willing to let her go.

The figure of the little girl disappeared behind the door, but he still hadn't looked back, alas, why is her brother at home today, otherwise he would definitely stay here tonight and not go home.


It snowed all night, and at dawn the next day, everything was white.

Mu Qingshen drove back to school. In such a cold day, who the hell still rides a bicycle.

The school was very lively. Although it was cold, everyone was wearing big cotton jackets and came out to play in the snow.

Especially the children in the south have the most fun.

Mu Qingshen was not interested in these fights, parked the car in the parking space, and went straight to the dormitory.

After walking a few steps, a voice came from behind: "Xiaoxi, shall we go to the playground?"

"Hmm~ I don't want to go, it's so cold."

"Oh, why do you stay in the dormitory every day? It's hard to catch up with the weekend. Let's go."

Fu Xi was dragged away by Mo Yan.

Mu Qingshen kicked twice with his toes, kicking away the snow in front of his feet, turned around, and walked with his back to the dormitory building.

Fu Xi felt that the person behind followed him, and her heart couldn't stop beating.

In fact, she saw him just now, he is so dazzling, she is not blind, how could she not see...

"Little Xi, here--"

Fu Qing saw her approaching from afar, and waved to her excitedly.

On the track of the playground, Fu Qing squatted down, holding Ling Lie with one hand, and a friend he made after coming to this school. The two pulled him and ran wildly on the track.

Sliding at high speed on the snow, facing the wind, this feeling was so refreshing, Fu Qing opened his mouth and shouted.

In the middle of the playground, snowball fights, snowmen making snowmen... Laughing and shouting resounded all over the world, and the pause button was pressed casually. Every moment was so lively and unrestrained.

Fu Xi led Mo Yan and ran over, Fu Qing was dragged by the two, slid out and back, and played back and forth again.

"Brother, this is my friend, Mo Yan, let's play together."


Between classmates, just play together.

Fu Xi happily pulled her, and Fu Qing recruited two brothers again, and put the two girls on the runway.

Mo Yan was still a bit shy and not easy to let go, but when everyone came to pull her directly, they all laughed and laughed enthusiastically, and gradually let go.

Youdi, pulled a boy from Mo Yan and shouted: "The people in front get out of the way, don't get in the way..."

Fu Xi raised her eyes, and that dazzling figure came into view...

(End of this chapter)

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