Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 168 Trap, Jubilation in the Snow 2

Chapter 168 Trap, Jubilation in the Snow 2
Like a royal palace, the majestic castle stands beside the water, and the sound of water hitting the blue stone can be heard all year round.

Such a vivid and bright scenery can't hold the old castle alive. The whole old castle is unusually strange and oppressive, like a boulder, weighing heavily on people's hearts.

Even more so inside.

Dazzling, the lights are extremely dazzling, under the high platform, there are two rows of people standing on the left and right, looking at the box in the middle, not daring to breathe.

In the dark brown wooden box, lay an arm quietly, and the ring on the finger showed the identity of the owner.

The whole arm was very clean, without blood stains, and the cut was neat. It was reflected under the lamp, as if it had been molded from wax. It was this effect, which made one's scalp numb.

The old man on the stage sat quietly, even though he was over half a hundred years old, his hair was neatly combed, he was dressed in a long robe and mandarin jacket, and he was majestic.

It's just that he has a ruthless face, the marks on his face are too deep, and every wrinkle looks dark.

Staring at the box at this moment, it became more and more eerie.

A quarter of an hour ago, the person who brought the box left a message: "Old Master, it will be your birthday in a few days, this is specially ordered by my young master, I hope you will be as blessed as Donghai, and your body will become healthier every day. "

How did people react when they saw the box?
All gasp.

I thought that the Second Young Master was really as lawless as the outside rumors said, and it would be easy to send people to provoke him frequently. Over the years, he became more and more unscrupulous, and even dared to bribe a killer to assassinate the old man.

Several times, the old man almost died in Huangquan. Although there is no direct evidence to prove that it was his handwriting, people really can't help but doubt it.

If it goes on like this, is it okay?

How can there be a place for the old man in the Fu family?Who will remember him?Remember them old elders?
"Old man, this is too much deception, it is too much deception! Although Ah Heng is an outsider, he is still yours anyway. He did this by Fu Shiyun because he didn't take you seriously!"

After being dragged off the stage that day, Fu Shiyun ordered someone to cut off the arm of the outer room, and then sent it to the old man.

The old man sneered twice, "The child has grown up and his wings have become stiff."

It seemed to be the feeling of an old father, but also a little kind.

The heart of the woman standing by his side trembled, she stood up, and defended the person who was far away in the sky and was not there: "Father, this can't be all blamed on Ayun, my daughter saw it with her own eyes at the party that night. Let the uncle's family do things in your name, but they did it anyway."

"First, they didn't take your words to heart. Second, Ah Heng is still talking nonsense in full view, bluntly speaking on behalf of the Fu family. This is not only disobeying you, but also discrediting the Fu family."

"It was lucky that Ah Yun made a move at that time, otherwise, my daughter would have to go up in public and reprimand him."

"En," the old man nodded, and the woman casually spoke to his heart.

He is an old man who has continued his life from the old age, and the surviving old man has already engraved the value of the door lintel into his bones.

No matter how much the Fu family scrambles for power and profit, and fights to the death, that is also the internal affairs of the family.The people inside must not discredit the family and the surname "Fu" to the outside world, otherwise, you will die without regret.

As the woman said, Fu Shiyun did brush his face, but compared to this, the old man cared more about the fact that Ah Heng almost stained the Fu family, so it was not too much for Fu Shiyun to ask him for an arm.

The outer room is never qualified to stand in front of others, never qualified.

The old man is a person from the old age, with natural traditions, and one can imagine the importance he attaches to bloodlines.

It's just that the orthodox bloodline is disobedient and should be beaten, and when this bloodline is out of his control, it should be discarded.

Abandon it, there will be another one.

The orthodox blood of the Fu family is not limited to their four brothers and sisters.

"Miss Chen Ru is right, but is this really your complete intention, just for the Fu family, without any trace of favoritism?"

The elder in the front row on the left stroked his beard and laughed, among these people, he was probably the only one who dared to be so presumptuous in front of the old man.

What he said was half true and half joking, it was an elder making fun of a younger generation.

Fu Chenru is not stupid, and replied with a smile: "Uncle Zou knows how to joke. As a child of the Fu family, I should first consider what I say and do for the Fu family."

What is the relationship between children and children in front of the family?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help lowering her eyes and feeling sad.

From the moment she became a father's daughter, the end of her life was doomed. If she married the person in charge of the Fu family, she would either be kicked out and die on her own.

Whoever puts this multiple-choice question in front of him will choose the former, and Fu Chenru is no exception.

It's just that she has something in her heart, and whether this person in power is the one she wants to do is still up for debate.

Is it love?Mission?power?
She gradually clenched her fists.

The elder's words made the old man frowned, and when he heard Fu Chenru's answer, his brows relaxed again.

At this time, the butler came in, went straight to the stage, and whispered something into the old man's ear. The old man's face changed slightly, he got up and followed the butler.

Everyone was left looking at each other in blank dismay, and the woman looked at the direction where her father left, unfathomable.

In the room, the housekeeper handed the phone to the old man, and then withdrew tactfully.

A voice from the receiver came out with a smile: "Grandpa, you are really proficient in this trick."

The old man ignored his sarcasm, turned around and sat on the sofa, "Oh, isn't everyone like this? Fallon, you didn't hesitate to call me at the risk of being discovered by the police. You didn't just want to say this, did you?"

"Naturally," Falun lowered his smile and said something. The old man Youyou narrowed his eyes, and after a while, he smiled coldly, "Falun, you have a lost dog, what do you use to negotiate with me?"

Want him to listen to him?

Fallon laughed again, nonchalantly, "Just because I'm a lost dog now, and I still hold what you want most, you have to listen to me."

The old man secretly tightened his hand holding the receiver.


"Quick, run!"

The lads spread their feet violently, Gao Le's two slender legs could keep up with his elder brother's speed, and within two steps, Mu Qing grabbed his neck and dragged him back.

Fu Qing brought the others, two or three in each hand, and brought them all back.

"Can't you just throw it after you've seen it?!" Mu Qingshen's yelling was loud at an unknown number of decibels, and he could hear it clearly for a hundred miles around, which showed that his temper had really come on.

Can you come up?I was in a daze and was suddenly covered with snow. Who would have no temper?
"It's short, I'm going to cross you, right?"

"Don't, brother, don't cross me, I'll do it myself..." Gao Le grabbed Xue and fed it directly into his mouth, punishing himself.

Mu Qingshen: "..."

You don't have to be so conscious.

Compared with the people around them, their "snowflake hijab" played too much, which attracted a lot of attention.

The child was already laughing not far away, and the moment they took off the "hijab", her ladylike image was broken, and the playground was shaken with "ha, ha, ha".

(End of this chapter)

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