Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 173 Don't Hurt Him, Here I Come

Chapter 173 Don't Hurt Him, Here I Come
The sky is clear, white clouds are rolling down, and the ivory white towers follow the mountain peaks. When I get closer, I realize that they are not towers, but tower-shaped dungeons.

The howling of trapped animals came from the dungeon, and behind the glass door, the figure curled up in the corner twitched.

The little beast, who used to be reckless, is now covered in cuts and bruises, and even its sharp claws are bloody, so it has no choice but to withdraw its sharp claws, helplessly licking its own wounds.

In just three days, Li Mo has been tortured to the point where her body is bruised, her hair is messy, covering her eyes, making the scene in her sight messy and disorganized.

Outside the glass door, Falun squatted on the ground, examining the people in the cage for a moment. She also stared at him as if her eyes were poisoned, with obvious hatred, wishing to skin him alive and drink his blood.

The experimenters in white coats looked at the air display screen in the air, frowning, and one of them murmured: "How could it be? How could her body be the same? The medicine was obviously injected, so why didn't it respond? Differentiation in the direction we envisioned?"

His voice was not low, and the others heard it too.

There are many display screens in the air, some showing a single cell, some showing two or three, and some showing a cell group. The single cell is being differentiated, and they can clearly see the whole process of differentiation.

Not stem cells, but other differentiated cells in the human body.

The differentiated cells in the normal human body will not differentiate again. They use artificial means to activate a certain point that is impossible in their natural state and control their differentiation direction.

But obviously, the effect was not ideal. The differentiated cells were not the cells they wanted, but just a normal cell in the body.

The medicine in her body is working, this medicine is too domineering, Li Mo hugged her body tightly and clenched her teeth, for these three days, every minute and every second has been a torment for her.

It hurts, it hurts so much, it feels like thousands of hands are tearing her body apart, wanting to tear her apart and shred her...

She felt that there were countless heads, each of which wanted to break free and split...

Boundless and endless pain...

Limo roared more and more weakly, lay down on the ground, rolled and fluttered, she reached for the knife not far away, raised it, and stabbed it——

There was a pool of blood on the thigh for a moment, but it was useless. The pain in the flesh could not resist the tearing in the body.

Watching the blood gushing from her body, Fallon was excited, as if admiring a masterpiece.

Will she die?

She will not die, she is not dead.

For so many days, there are big and small blood holes on her body, the blood should have drained long ago, but she is not dead yet, there will always be fresh blood injected, it is the medicine that is working, but why, why did the in vitro experiment go wrong ...

No, maybe it wasn't his medicine, but her body itself...

His medicine is overbearing, her body is even more overbearing, she is not his masterpiece, but someone else's masterpiece...

Fallon went crazy, stood up suddenly, grabbed a white coat, threw him to the ground,

"If you can't do the research, you're going to die! You're all going to die! I want the result, right away, right away!"

He frantically kicked the white coat, kicking and kicking, the white coat spat out blood.

The air was full of tyrannical factors, the heart was clenched, everyone was sweating, and they couldn't breathe.

Falun was crazy, and Limo was also on the verge of madness.

She clutched her head and slammed it hard on the wall, no, don't wake up...

In the past three days, Wei Bing and Nian Bai had appeared, but Xiao Yu hadn't. The eight-year-old girl couldn't bear the pain, and Xiao Yu's subconscious personality was already running away.

But... and you, don't wake up, can't wake up...

Don't be crazy, don't be crazy, can't wake up, you won't be able to control it, you'll hurt him, kill him...

kill - kill -

No, don't kill, can't, don't kill him, don't hurt him, don't wake up, please, don't wake up...

There was a sea of ​​blood and corpses in front of his eyes, two lines of tears and blood slipped down.

She was losing weight, her face was devoid of flesh, her eye sockets were sunken, her cheekbones protruded, her body skeleton was extremely prominent, and her whole figure was haggard, like a stick.

She calmed down a bit, buried her face in her knees, and burst into tears.

"Falun, Mu Yeqin, Mu Yeqin is here!—"

The old man came in a hurry, Falun paused, "What? How come so fast?"

Mu Yeqin...

The three words suddenly fell into a dream, she raised her head abruptly, the sense of division in her mind was miraculously healed, she settled down, and stared at the wall in a daze.

Fallon immediately sent his puppies out to resist, and then ordered the experimenters to clear the field quickly.

There seemed to be countless ants flocking to the highest dungeon like a tide on the sky-high mountain, and they were about to fall.

The high-altitude plane was hovering, and the second son gave an order, and the bomb fell, and more than half of Falun's doggy cubs died in an instant.

The flames were scorching, scorching half of the dungeon.

The people who got in and out of the black car were holding guns, full of evil spirits, as if they were a hellish Shura, the place where they passed was filled with blood, and the bullets as thick as fingers swept away, and blood and flesh flew all over the place.

The black windbreaker swayed in the wind and flames, and red blood flowers bloomed all the way.

Finally, after clearing away the obtrusive things in front of him, he walked into the dungeon.

It was empty inside, only lights, walls, glass doors...

After crossing a black iron wall, her eyes pierced through the glass, as if she had a tacit understanding, at this moment, she also turned her head sideways, and her eyes met.

Three days of longing turned into grief, and worry became sick. At that moment, the emotions in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and rushed out, and his fingertips holding the gun trembled.


He rushed over and pressed the red button on the wall, and when he actually came in front of her, he couldn't help but become cautious again.

Carefully squatting down, putting down the gun, carefully stretching out his hand, and carefully touching her face with his fingertips...

His girl, his girl...

His girl looked at him with red eyes, and burst into tears again.

His girl was tortured until she lost her former self. He was so angry that his heart was twisted into a ball, just like her body, being torn apart.

His girl whispered softly: "Mu Yeqin, you are here..."

Fell into his arms.

Yes, "I'm here, Mu Yeqin is here, I'm sorry, I'm late..." He hugged her tightly, his eyes warming.

"Momo, will Mu Yeqin take you home?"

His girl nodded slightly.

The outside was filled with gunpowder smoke, and it was a mess.

Falun's dog has tenacious vitality and is not easy to deal with. Two of them have been pestering Mu Qingshen all the time. Mu Qingshen ran out of patience, got angry, and punched him hard. Then he saw the dog's eyes wide open and mouth wide open, and he fell straight up. after.

A punch directly caused his heart to stop suddenly, and he fell to the ground, dying with regret.

Mu Qing slapped another dog's face behind him deeply, pushing him into the wall, he pressed him, grabbed the knife in his hand, and wiped it on the neck that was showing to him, blood dripped It splashed all over the face.

Mu Qing didn't care, one of the drops fell on the end of his eyes, making him flirtatious and frightening.

He was red-eyed.

Suddenly the flames shot up to the sky from behind, Mu Qing looked deeply, the figure stood upright, hugged his girl, and walked step by step from the fire...

(End of this chapter)

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