Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 176 Aunt, you still don't admit it?

Chapter 176 Aunt, you still don't admit it?
At noon, the sun is warm and pleasant, engraved with layers of branches and leaves, between the fingers beside the stone table.

In the back garden of the hospital, Wei Bing was sitting in a wheelchair with his hands resting on the edge of the table. On the opposite side, Qianmo pouted with his chin in his hand, staring at the bee that stayed on the stamen for a moment before flying away.

There was a little guy between them, Yuanyuan propped his hands on the table, sitting upright, like he was in class, looking at the little aunt and then the young lady, it was so boring.

Wei Bing's eyelids are half down, a little tired and lazy, she has been very lazy recently.

Recently, his personality has been changing frequently, sometimes thinking of Bai Limo, and sometimes only Bing, only Xiao Yu never appeared.

In the past, it wasn't that there were cases where the personality kept changing in a short period of time, but it was the first time that it happened so frequently.

In the past few days, while Mrs. Xuanyuan was working hard on her body, she also paid close attention to her mental state. Needless to say, she is now in the laboratory with Juechen.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Madam Xuanyuan turned her sore neck and looked at the people beside her.

Juechen cleaned the test tube and inserted it upside down in the test tube rack, "Oh, you go first, I'll go later."

"it is good."

After a few days of getting along, the two have gradually become acquainted.

The two tycoons in the medical field, they have heard each other's names, but they never met each other. They never thought that there would be a day like today, in the same laboratory, they would join hands to attack the same goal.

Weibing poked at the plaster cast on Qianmo's arm, "Can it be removed today?"

Qian Mo nodded, "I'll ask the eldest princess to take it down later... Where's Mu Yeqin, why isn't he with you?"

Wei Bing smiled, "This time he disturbed the peace in Europe, he must go out and give an explanation, right?"

"Oh oh oh, listen to the tone of showing off," as if to say, my man turned the world upside down for me, so he must go out and comfort people's hearts, right?

Wei Bing heard her teasing, glared at her, and blushed.

"Come and eat fruit..."

Mu Qingshen came over with a plate of fruits. The fruits were very fresh, freshly washed, and the water droplets were crystal clear under the sun. The fruits were plump and delicious.

It has been a week since she woke up, and Wei Bing could eat. She picked up a grape and fed it to her mouth. She likes this little thing, especially the big, purple, and round ones.

Compared with grapes, Qianmo likes cherries more. She sucks and sucks non-stop, as if someone used to wash cherries for her to eat, but she can't remember the specific scene, and she always feels that there is such a thing.

Like a little hamster, Yuanyuan took a peach and gnawed it in a short while.

Mu Qingshen sat on the stone bench, Yuanyuan wanted to eat an apple again, Mu Qingshen peeled it for him, Wei Bing looked at his younger brother and said, "You should go back to school."

Mu Qing stared at Apple without squinting, "I'll go back when you're better."

Wei Bing pinched his face, "Don't worry, there are so many people accompanying me."

He knew, but he was still worried.

Wei Bing raised his eyebrows, "Why, I haven't seen you for so long, don't you miss your little girlfriend?"

The apple peel in Mu Qingshen's hand broke.

He peels apples very beautifully, and the peeled skin is always in circles, and it is still rare to be broken.

"What, what, little girlfriend? Shen'er is in love?" Qian Mo's face brightened, she liked gossip the most.

"Oh, it's my little aunt." Xiao Yuanyuan held her chin at the same time as sister Qianmo, like a little adult, "The little white rabbit princess of the Fu family, sister Qianmo, is secretly telling you, come on, little uncle." This time I even kissed my aunt to death."

Xiao Yuanyuan blinked, blinked, blinked again, Mu Qingshen: "..."

Ouch, this little brat, if he wasn't so cute, he really wanted to stuff an apple into his mouth.


"Hey, you kissed her to death?" Qianmo leaned over, blinked, blinked, and blinked again, Mu Qing tutted deeply, and pushed her head away, "Don't listen to this kid talking nonsense, he just played a game and pressed the wrong key ..."

He handed the apple to the little one and pulled his ear.

Holding the apple in her little hand, Yuanyuan reached out to her little aunt, "Little aunt, eat it."

Wei Bing moved his hand from his chin, hugged the little guy, and put it on his lap, "Auntie wants to eat and cut it yourself, so eat it quickly."

The three of them turned their faces away and stared at her for a moment.

Only then did Bing realize what he had said, and was stunned.

Just at this moment, there were two low laughs from behind, she turned her head in a daze, the man raised his eyebrows, contented and contented.

He came step by step, little girl, are you exposed?
Still don't admit it?
She admits that she has already installed him in her heart, but she always pretends not to care. Every time she meets him, she beats him fiercely, calls him Mu Yeqin fiercely, kicks him out of bed fiercely, and hangs out with him for a while. Street is also reluctant to be fierce...

The air behind her was getting closer, but Bing's heart was beating faster, and if she wanted to leave, who would give her a push...

Qian Mo said "I'm going to remove the gauze" and ran away, Mu Qingshen said "I suddenly remembered that I still have homework to write" and ran away, turned back halfway, and took the little guy away.

As soon as there is smoke, a gust of wind is fanned.

Wei Bing: "..."

The huge back garden was silent for a moment, but the sound of Bing's heartbeat was infinitely amplified.

In fact, there are other people I don't know, but they are far away, so it seems that the surroundings are empty, and they are the only ones left.

He squatted in front of her, his eyes were shining, affectionate and intoxicating, he intentionally, and deliberately put on this appearance to tease her, Wei Bing dared not look at him.

Hell, she kills everyone without blinking an eye, how come in front of this grandson, just, just...become her not her?

What happened?Hey, don't you dance? ...

My heart said, I can't control it.

"Ah, why is my lady's ears so red? She's allergic to love? Let Xiaosheng have a look," he touched her ears in surprise.

"Mu Yeqin!"

Bastard, why are you teasing her so unscrupulously!

She became angry again, and raised her hand to hit him, but was held by his outstretched hand, pressed tightly on her leg, and her fingertips rubbed against her palm little by little, making her itchy and her heart itchy.

She was flustered, her eyelashes were timid, her eyes were smoldering, and entwined with soft spring water, it was a bit hard to tell who she was.

Still Wei Bing didn't change, but the coldness between her brows melted away, and in an instant, she looked a little different.

The second son looked at his girl, pursed his lips, and said viciously, "My lady is so fierce... Oh, I want to flirt with my husband again, okay..."

"Stop talking..." She stretched out her hand leisurely and pressed his lips.

The wind is gentle, and the plum petals on the branches float down leisurely, kissing the lips and fingers, peeling off the cocoons, taking away a wisp of intoxication in the air, and taking root on the ground, so, invisibly, countless beautiful flowers bloom.

In this frame of painting, only the intertwined eyes are alive, something is flickering on and off, and her face is blushing.

Second son, have you noticed that your girl, only when facing you, she is charming and charming, will she show a side that outsiders can never see, they seem to be the same person, have you noticed?

She couldn't help but want to escape from her lips, so he put his hand on her back, and pressed his lips against hers again.

(End of this chapter)

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