Chapter 181 Growth

Thoughts returned slowly, Mu Jingchen no longer fell into memories, but returned to reality.

Somewhere there was a dull pain again, he reached down and rubbed it, bad girl, he will definitely get back the revenge of this knee.

With a final hook of his lips, he entered the room.

"Sister, are you okay? What did Mu Jingchen do to you?"

"Don't worry, nothing is done."

"Really, he just bought you two cups of tea?"

"Hmm," Fu Die said casually.

Hearing his sister's relaxed tone, Fu Shiyun's brows were slightly furrowed, but they were relaxed again immediately.

He knows who Mu Jingchen is. If he wants to know the identity of his sister, he will not mess around. The problem is, he didn't know it at first.

What Fu Shiyun considered was that he might not recognize his sister after they hadn't seen each other for so many years.

But if my sister said it was okay, then it should be okay, she is not a person who suffers from her own disadvantages and still swallows her anger.

Even if the relationship between the two families is there, even if Mu's family and Fu's family are kind, if she really suffers, she will never let the matter turn over so easily.

Thinking of this, Fu Shiyun was slightly relieved.

In fact, he felt it was an oolong more than complaining about Mu Jingchen.

Mu Jingchen wanted to get Charles's heart, so Shi Yun could understand. Thinking about it in another way, if he was Mu Jingchen, he might not be able to do this.

However, no one expected that Mrs. Xuanyuan's apprentice was the eldest sister of the Fu family. If he had known earlier, Mu Jingchen would have given up the idea of ​​kidnapping and would find other ways.

He is not the kind of person who will use any means to achieve his goals. No matter how stupid he is, he will not lose his mind and destroy the relationship between the two families.

Inside the car, Fu Die looked at her watch, "It's so late, you still not sleeping?"

There is also a time difference between Ningguo and Huaguo, but the difference is only an hour.

Before the siblings hung up the phone, Fu Shiyun pouted, worried about you, "I'm going to sleep now, sister, you should go to bed early too."

"Well, by the way, Xiaoxi and Xiaoqing, after all, they have been abroad for so long, and I'm afraid that there will be some discomfort when they go back, so please take care of them... Especially Xiaoqing, that boy, Don't let him be stupid again, if he dares to bluff and deceive other little girls, be careful that I break his leg."

Fu Shiyun couldn't help laughing, "Sister, I recorded it, and I'll send it to him later."

Fu Die nodded, this is possible, "Then hang up, go to sleep quickly."

"Okay, bye sister."


Someone called in during the call, and as soon as he hung up, Fu Die called back.

The master's voice was very anxious and worried about her. She told Mu Jingchen that she had let her go and did nothing to her, so Mrs. Xuanyuan was relieved.

The only way to save her easily is to let Mu Jingchen know her identity.

That's why Mrs. Xuanyuan sent someone to secretly release the news to Fu Shiyun that his sister was in danger, so everything that followed and the final result was logical.

More than ten years ago, she was a little girl, lonely and helpless, and she met her and became her apprentice.

A small seedling suddenly leans against a big tree one day, and everyone feels that this small seedling has shelter from the wind and rain, and may be able to do whatever it wants, but the reality is that there are so many demons and ghosts waiting for it. Want to suck her blood, suck her marrow?
When there is no backer, these "ghosts" think that she is already a meal on their plate, there is no rush, and they can enjoy it slowly. Even if she bounces around on the plate, struggles, and jumps on the table, they can still bear the noble burden. The head, condescending to admire her ugliness, can catch her back at any time.

And suddenly one day, a "person" walked over, who looked different from them, but could sit on an equal footing with them, took the plate away, and declared that to protect her, these "ghosts" could still be at ease ?
Immediately, it was like going crazy, grabbing the plate and smashing it, stabbing and tearing the "little thing" inside...

So Fu Die can't, can't show her edge, and can't let them know that she has Madam Xuanyuan's protection.

If she really wanted to survive, she had to grow up secretly with the help of Mrs. Xuanyuan until she held the power and grew into a towering tree. seat.

But now, it’s all right, and it can be made public. The true identity of Madam Xuanyuan’s apprentice is the eldest sister of the Fu family. The “ghosts” only know that it is the food they lost, and they have been searching hard without success. Time to sit next to them.

Horrified, it was too late.

Contemporary college students are night owls. I don’t know what happened to people in earlier generations, maybe they were also night owls.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and Fu Qing was wrapped in a quilt, still playing with her mobile phone.

Oh, he was complaining to Ling Lie. An hour ago, the goddess deleted him. The campus belle of Shenghan University is a very gentle and virtuous woman.

But he sent hundreds of messages, Ling Lie didn't reply, and he didn't answer the voice calls. He didn't know where he died. Fu Qing was very angry.

Just when he was about to explode, the grandson finally replied.

[Want to hang out with you] (Fu): Why did he go?Who allowed you not to reply to Lao Tzu's news immediately?
[Want to tilt my head to kiss you]: ...

[Want to tilt my head to kiss you]: I just fell asleep

[Want to hang out with you]: Are you lying to ghosts?
In the next room, the bulging outline of the quilt could be vaguely seen in the darkness, and the emitted light illuminated a face. Ling Lie looked at the message that popped up at the top of the screen, and replied perfunctorily to "Qing Donkey":
Stop talking, I'm going to sleep again
His note to him: Qing Donkey
Exit the chat interface with "Qing Maolu", and click on the chat box that was recently placed on the top, with a note at the top:

They talked for over an hour.

On the other end, Fu Qing stared at the message flashing on the screen:
Stop talking, I'm going to sleep again
Direct one: grass! ! !
The grandson was so perfunctory to him, if it wasn't for the news from his brother at this time, he would have jumped out of bed and crossed him hard on the opposite side.

A piece of audio, Fu Qing opened it, and his face split.

He called his brother and cried miserably about his grievances, but he didn't, he was so good during this time... hiccup~
Very ~
Just now he teased the goddess~
Sigh, forget it, the eldest sister is so strict with him, the goddess can just delete him if she deletes him.

Pulling up the quilt and burying her head, Qing Donkey's face was buried in the pillow, blah blah~
In fact, he just looks like a flower on the surface. He is strong on the outside but capable on the inside. He has never tasted what it feels like to have a girl's small mouth.

Huh huh~
sleep sleep...

So sleepy, fell asleep...

The snow melted, and the white snow in the field sank, gradually shrunk, and became brighter.

The sun shone on the snow, shining like silver needles.On the road in the school, one piece may be shining, and the other is silver-black. This is the original appearance of the road surface that is not covered by snow.

It’s Monday, and we have a big class again. In classroom 2004, during the break after the first class, everyone was muttering:

"Brother Le, when will Mu Shen come back?"

"How do I know?"

"Hey, your relationship with him is not the best, you don't even know? It's been half a month, right? I don't know where we went..."

Gao Le took off the pen clipped to his ear, and casually scratched on the textbook. It seemed that the teacher said this was the key point in the class just now.

Brother told him that something happened at home, but he couldn't get involved in the specifics.

Ning Ran, who was in the first row, pricked up his ears to listen to the rear, and twisted the hem of his clothes, it was not difficult to see the disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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