Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 183 Relying on him more, he is sick

Chapter 183 Relying on him more, he is sick
Limo stayed in the bathroom for a long time.

At first she was flustered, and she poured several handfuls of water on her face in front of the mirror, and then looked at herself in the mirror, her heart pounding hard to calm down.

Suddenly, feeling a warm current flow out of her body, Li Mo felt bad, could it be that...

Then I saw it, and it really was that...

It's over, she didn't bring that thing, woo woo woo...

What should I do, call him for help?Let him take that thing?
Fuck it, it's so embarrassing, it's so social.

Limo covers her face...

There was no other way, she simply tidied it up with paper, then lifted her trousers, bowed her waist, and tiptoed out.

He tiptoed to the end of the bed, leaned out to have a look, retracted again, and tiptoed to the side of the bed, leaned out to have a look, his eyes were tightly closed, it was okay, she touched her heart.

Her bag was in the drawer, and there was that thing in the bag.

Limo opened the drawer of the bedside table, opened the bag, and rummaged through it before finding it.

The wrapping paper is relatively hard, and it will make a sound when it is touched. When Limo held it, it made two "cracking, clucking" sounds. Come over to her.

Limo maintained the grasping posture, not daring to move for a moment.

She couldn't help holding her breath, and it was strange that she took her own things, and now she acted as if she was stealing someone.

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, she was like a little mouse, "clucking" again.

Finally took the thing out of the bag, and she quickly fled to the bathroom.

The whole process: 囧
After finishing it, it's still: 囧
Sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at him, still: 囧
However, looking at it, the embarrassment on her face disappeared, and she couldn't help showing apology when she looked at the blue eye. She thought, it's time for her to change her temper. Hurt, no kidding.

The sleeping face of a person who is asleep is generally very soft, and the usual coldness is gone. With his eyes closed, he is peaceful and peaceful, and Li Mo loses his eyes.

Maybe he was really tired, he fell into a deep sleep.

In order to take care of her during this period of time, he has no time to take care of other things. Maybe he is really tired.

"Mu Yeqin..." She couldn't help muttering, stretched out her hand, fingertips, and gently touched his eyebrows...

It was only when she was alone, when no one was paying attention to her, that she dared to let go of her emotions, the emotions that had no reason and she couldn't figure out where they came from.

She felt that since this accident, she had become extremely dependent on him.

And from the bottom of her heart, she wanted to be close to him even more. She couldn't control this feeling.

The swing frame under the slanting sunlight swayed slowly, and the small voice on it was crisp and vivid: "Sister Qianmo, do you think the little uncle will throw the little aunt down next time?"

"I do not know."

"Shall we go back and see?"


The woman's voice is low and soft, with a hint of coquettishness.

In front of it stood a glass wall, spanning from one side of the garden to the other.

The glass was dark, Qianmo stared straight at it, trying to see through it to see inside, but he couldn't see anything, he didn't know what was inside.

The inside is spacious and bright, the outside cannot see the inside, but the inside can see the outside world at a glance.

It was behind the piece of glass she was staring at, standing tall and tall, with a white coat covering his knees.

The golden brilliance of the sun sprinkled the garden, and the whole background was a large area of ​​roses, and there were roses at her feet, even the fake roses wrapped around the swing frame were extremely realistic, complementing the roses in the garden.

She was sitting there with a wreath on her head, her hair fluttering in the wind, like a princess in a rose manor, holding her little prince in her arms, smiling, talking to her little prince.

Her smiling eyes lifted up, as if through glass, and looked in. He stared intently, unable to move his eyes for a moment.

He didn't notice, didn't realize that he was attracted.

"Sister Qianmo, that's brother Juechen's laboratory." Yuanyuan pointed to the glass wall in front of her.

"Really?" To Qianmo's surprise, she jumped off the swing and ran over.

He didn't expect the princess to come running over suddenly, her face magnified in front of his eyes, her originally divergent eyes focused for a moment, and shot into his pupils from a close distance.

His pupils shrank and his heart skipped a beat.

The princess was so stupid that she didn't know that she was facing the eyes of the people inside through a piece of glass.

She was very confused, she was looking into it seriously, but she couldn't see anything but black and black.

Is there really anyone in there?Is he really in there?I don't know if he can see it.

Her eyeballs rolled round and round, what kind of bad thoughts did she want to have?

How could there be any bad intentions, just opened his mouth against the glass.

Then he stuck out his tongue and licked his teeth.

This glass works as well as a mirror, Qian Mo looked left and right, well, the vegetable leaves are not stuck on the teeth today.

Juechen was stunned for a few seconds, and the next moment, he smiled.

He lowered his head, grinned, and raised his head again, his usual cold eyes were stained with a smile.

He plucked his ears, and sure enough, a person can't be judged by appearance, the appearance is enmmmm... He looked her up and down, the beautiful and quiet princess is actually a big and rough heart.

"Doctor Jue..." She yelled with a normal volume, but she couldn't hear it inside.

He couldn't hear it, but he could read her lip shape, she was shouting: Doctor Jue.


When the sound came out, Juechen was stunned, and then he plucked his ears again, forget it, he is sick, and he has been very sick these days.

When the dressing was changed at noon, she really came to him with a bunch of photos.

There are supermodels, boxers, pianists, bosses... Enchanting, rough, romantic, ruthless... There are all kinds of types.

She pointed one by one, kept her small mouth open, and introduced him in a non-stop way. I don’t know if she was annoying or not. Anyway, he was tired of listening, but he didn’t interrupt her, and let her talk until the dressing was over. .

When he was about to go out, he suddenly called to her: "Come back."

She blinked and walked over with a face of "what are you doing".

"Take these photos of you away." He looked at the stack of photos on the examination bed, helpless and annoyed.

"Do you not like it?"

He met her gaze, "Of course I don't like it, I don't like men."

"Doesn't that also like women?" She blinked innocently again.


He only answered two words without further words, and then under his gaze, she picked up the stack of photos and left.

The office was quiet again, perhaps it had been quiet for too long, he suddenly felt that she had been chattering just now, and it was... strangely lively.

He thought to himself: sick...

He is sick.

The door of the laboratory was pushed open, Juechen glanced back, Mrs. Xuanyuan walked in,

"Doctor Jue, what are you doing standing there?"

Juechen turned his face back, "Oh, nothing."

Madam Xuanyuan took off the gloves, threw the package into the trash can, raised her head, and only then saw the person outside the glass wall, raised her eyebrows, is this nothing?
(End of this chapter)

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